"The Scarlet Crusade is no more..."

The Onslaught and Brotherhoood are pretty much interchangeable with the Crusade now? Im glad you now agrree. You argued very much the opposite in the other thread aas a way of trying to dismiss the possibility of them participating in a hypothetical Light Crusade expansion.

And even in the book, the author believes the Crusade is still around. It’s only in later notes that they’re made aware of the Ebon Blade attack and even then, the claim that they’re wiped out is second/third hand intelligence that comes with two caveats in the form as “as far as we know”, followed immediately by pointing out how the group has a tendency to survive extermination in the same way rats and roaches do.

The Crusade, and their extremist ideology, is still there- just waiting until Blizzard decides to bring them back into the spotlight again. Like during a hyppothetical Light Crusade expansion.

And speaking of the other thread…

I’ve been going back and forth over lore and addressing bad arguments for years before you started posting. I’ll be doing it when/if you stop posting. In my free time, I enjoy providing helpful facts and addressing ignorance regarding my favorite creative works/hobbies.

I’m not afraid. That’s why I don’t bemoan the idea that society doesn’t venerate Christanity or various establishment authorities, the way you do. It’s why I don’t fear Blizzard is going to somehow uniquely villainize the Light, like you do. It’s why I don’t create constant threads on the topic where I try to undermine the idea of a hypothetical Light Crusade expansion, like you do.

And I pointed out the instances where you tried to downplay and/or justify Xe’ra’s actions in the other thread. You responded to them. Don’t try and deny it.

Again, I explained my defintion and pointed out examples in the thread. You respended to them. Don’t try to deny it.

Blizzard lore was changing wildldy since the inception of the Warcraft franchise. the transition from Warcraft 1 to 2 to 3 to WoW and every expasnion has come with huge changes. And no, Blizzard didn’t make those biggest decisions based on what fans were loudest about wanting, so I don’t know where you’re going with that one.

They clearly do faavor some characters, particularly Anduin and have been pushing Calia as of late, so the idea they’re going to universally villainize the Light and all its assocated characters is unfounded.

The fact that she didn’t do anything else but try to forcibly transmogrify him is the proof that she didn’t have anything else planned. That was her only plan and the only thing she ever bothered doing.

You tried to argue simultanrously that Turalyon was right o obey her, but also that he defied her. But he didn’t defy her. He went right along with what she did. And you tried to argue it by asking what I’d do if my loved ones were tried in a manner I disagree with.

And even if you can agree that the situation isn’t 100%, you are trying to draw pararells between how he was right to obey her and how we shoudl, in real life, also obey the dictates of the state even when we disagree.

Of course if you change your original question and now have the authorities making fair decisions that I agreed, well then there wouldn’t be anything to defy.

But Xe’ra didn’t make a just decision regarding Alleria. And Turalyon never defied that decision.

I can’t tell you why Xe’ra dislikes the Void as she never explains. it All we know is that she thinks it’s bad and dislikes it so much that she unjustly punishes Alleria simply for associating with it, even though Xe’ra herseld (and all naaru) experience a Void phase and she refuses to admit it. That’s where Xe’ra’s hypocricay and self-righteousness comes into it.

I know what I’m talking about because I read about and look things up before I mention them. I recommend you do the same, as it will keep you from being wrong about so many things. It only works if you go in to use the information to inform your understanding though- not if you just want to reaffirm your preexisting beliefs.

That’s how I know that G’huun was indeed a “blood loa”, because the term loa can apply to Old Gods, and Eternal Ones, and Wild Gods, and Ghosts, and more under voodoo in WoW.

As we can see, many loa (including Muezellla and almost Bwonsamdi) , their followers, and their powers have been negatively portrayed in the game. So your fear that Bllizzard would uniquely target characters or powers related to the Light religions for villain batting is wrong.

You’re wrong . You need to actually read more about the history of the protrayal of non-Christian religions compared to Christianity in the the current Anglosphere zeitgeist. Because you are very ignorant of the disparities in portrayal and how they get used narratively.

I already explained how in the last thread. And you responded to it. Don’t deny it.

Because you left out the fact that the Templars also sought to secure territory, just so you could instead attribute that element of the Scarlets to another organization that existed mellenia later. Either you didn’t know about the fact, or you intentionally left it out. So which is it?