A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

I’m not misrepresenting your claims, as it’s not a strawman to point out things you actually do.

Just, like I figured you would, you made yet another thread wherein you proceed to argue that Xe’ra was justified and try to drag on Illidan. That, plus the week you’ve spent going back and forth with others in this thread really does show that such conduct is really more of a you thing.

You should know that my definition is the correct one because every time you’ve tried to go back and forth correcting me on the proper definition/use of a word, you’ve been wrong every time.

Because you’re so prone to being passive aggressive, I’ll give you a very direct direction to as to avoid confusion. Type “I don’t desire to continue this discussion with you. I’m not responding to you anymore.” and then actually doing that. If indeed, that is your wish.

Blizzard’s increasingly tendency to have the Alliance be a bunch of passive peaceniks sitting around doing nothing until the Horde decides to spark conflict by turning into the very image of the industrialized dark empire they were originally meant to subvert is what’s been messing the story over. It’s moving away from exploring the cultural and political landscape of the world hasn’t helped either.

Lack of continuity and huge retcons, zigzagging characters have always been a thing in Blizzard and are the lesser of its writing troubles. The lore has always been a mess. That’s not what’s been screwing it over lately.

Indeed, it doesn’t show us what all Xe’ra could be planning before she springs it on us. You’re wrong in that it doesn’t show prior intent, as it clearly shows her jumping straight to nonconsensual transmogrification. Asking question, then doing what you wanted to do without letting the other party even answer shows prior intent and disregard for consent.

You repeatedly argued the fact Onslaught operated in Northrend and not in Lordaeron as evidence of them refuting the Crusade, when in reality, it’s a continuation of it. The use of Death Knights is the only demonstrable difference, but as shown, the Crusade did use Shadow Magic and even when most of its members became Undead themselves, they continued their fighting. We don’t see them communicate with anyone, but considering they had an established harbor and had to resupply and get in recruits it’s not like they were cut off. I’m glad you’re finally acknowledging that there still exist Crusaders to be contacted back in Lordaeron.

You already admitted to viewing Blizzard’s treatment off the Light as both an extension of their views on religion in general- and your religion in particular, as well as an extension of society’s disrespect for institutions of authority. You tried to make the argument supporting Turalyon’s obedience to Xe’ra by asking what I would do if the state imprisons our loved ones.

You continued to both simultaneously argue that Xe’ra was in the right, Turalyon was right to support her, and how you wouldn’t defy authority that locked up your family. All because you view such things as “tough but fair” and consider the very existence of people with authority over us, even when it’s wrong, to be necessary.

My refusal to abide unjust acts by the state is not the result of my cousin’s situation. It predates it by some time. I’ve already defied unjust authority on the behalf of strangers, so doing it for family is not a huge ask.

And you keep making the same arguments in favor of unquestioning obedience to the state in your other discussions in this thread.

I’m not going to stop tell the truth just because you want to lie.

Alleria consorted with the Locus Walker to help find a way to fight the Legion, who she’d already heard ahead of time was able to use the Void. Xe’ra, who hates the void, told her that she’d never work with it because Xe’ra has such and dislike of the Void she didn’t even let it be known that nauru enter a Void state as part of their cycle because that would tie her to it in some way. When Alleria discovered the Locus Walker potentially made a new ally in the fight against the Legion and later used the Void to save lives, Xe’ra was so angry that she used the Void that she imprisoned her for an indeterminate time/life, which is an unjust punishment because Xe’ra failed to show what harm Alleria did or crime she broke.

Ignorance is not bad. Nobody knows everything. Your issue is a general lack of desire to educate yourself on things when you’re able. Rather than actual research to learn basic facts about the things you’re talking about, you demand evidence they exist, and then want to argue them because they don’t match your preestablished conceptions- which are generally wrong.

Also, in Vanilla, we were tasked with stopping the revival of Hakkar by his Voodoo wielding allies, lest they drench the world in a new era of bloodshed. Then during Rise of the Zandalari in Cataclysm, we had to do it again. And then in Battle for Azeroth, we had to try and stop the Blood Trolls allied with Zul from reviving another ‘blood loa’ in the form of G’huun. And it was the loa Mueh’zala allied with the Jailer that helped put BfA and Shadowlands into action.

So, in addition to the fact that Blizzard has indeed portrayed some Shamans as antagonistic, we’ve also encountered antagonistic elementals who are just doing what elementals do to the extreme -which isn’t necessarily in the best for Azerothians and result in lots of death. So we have to fight against them without all elementals being cast as evil. So giving the Light the same treatment is not an attack on religion or casting the entirety of the Light and all nauru as evil either.

You’re straight up ignoring the fact that their black and white stories have been even worse and black and white stories in general are even more cliche while presenting poorly thought out versions as an alternative. You’re arguing against it in a very passive aggressive manner.

That you keep drawing comparisons between the Scarlets and those groups by leaving out the more obvious parallels to the Christian Crusades and making yet another in a long line of inaccurate/false statements makes it altogether clear you don’t really know much about them even as you keep trying to draw such comparisons.