Second thread i ever make here in the US forums, but wanted to share my thoughts on something.
I’ll start by being completely honest before getting to my point: I dislike what Baine’s character turned to be, and what its portrayal is doing to the entire race that he is supposed to represent. Tauren as a whole should be much more than that.
I hate to have his main theme be always about being the thoughtful, the tender one, the mindful, the sad puppy, the “Heart of the Horde”,etc.
Most of the major events involving him, seem to use him as the tear-jerking resource to either demonise a particular collective (often his OWN faction), or appeal to the audience by trying to make him seem like a tender teddy that needs to be protected or saved.
And my first question is…why? Why does it have to be that way?
I must admit, that i was never much interested in Tauren lore, although i loved Cairne in WC3.
But the sort of focus Baine has in the story, is making me quickly grow weary of every tauren influence the plot may get.
Because at this point, my subconscious automatically equates said plot with yet another “Baine approach” where the protagonist or main theme will unequivocally turn into the same things that happen any time Baine is brought up.
An example of this being, this cinematic:
I dislike the fact that the underlying mindset that compels writers have tauren be the “honourable” (Baine’s character definition for the word), seems to now be leaking into other characters simply because they take on a tauren appearance.
Is this as some weird “Baine effect” or do writers really think that tauren are supposed to be this way?
This wasn’t the image i had of Cairne.
Like, damn, i LOVED Ebonhorn in Legion.
So, why is it that some Black Dragon has to be yet another “Baine”, by being the soft-spoken, remorseful, gentle giant?
I get the message here about needing Black Dragons to reflect on their legacy and all, but i think that there are other ways to do so without feeling as yet another Baine-induced guilt trip that tries to make the audience jump into the screen and hug the tauren that’s speaking.
I shouldn’t feel as if Baine was the one giving the speech here.
I would NEVER mistake Sabellians nor Wrathions demeanour as those of a human. So why does it feel like that way for Ebyssian?
You are a dragon. Be a Dragon. Act like one.
Not saying that these concerns in the cinematic aren’t valid, but the story should be framing all this differently.
It may seem as if i’m equating two different angles here and mixing up the Tauren situation with the Black Dragon one, but the thing is, and i’m sure i’m not the only one feeling it: this cinematic resonates A LOT with all those times they had Baine give the sentimental lecture.
It happened in the novels, it happened in cinematics (Jaina meeting Derek), and it happened again at several points of the ingame story (specially when Anduin is around or involved).
Am i wrong here? Is this the approach Tauren should have?
Am i being overly dramatic regarding Ebonhorns speech in the cinematic?
I’ll admit that regarding the whole Black Dragonflight Aspect thing, i’m quite biased in Sabellians favour, but i don’t think that i’m so off the mark with the parallels we have regarding the cinematic and the treatment Baine/Tauren often get.
To put it bluntly, i expect regal dignity and drive whenever a dragon is concerned. Something that signals the fact that we are speaking of a demigod-like being far above mortal views.
And even if i understand the drive to write characters to feel more humane…do we really have to start by “humanising” the dragon that looks like a Tauren? Again?