The RP Community Wishlist

Actual instanced player housing outside of Draenor

If someone loots a a legacy piece in a legacy raid outside of their proficiency, it goes into their available transmog list

NElf archer armor

Hide leggings in transmog


The Ability to actually finally make the Qiraj Bugs free from the outside of Ahn’qiraj raid, Warlords of Draenor Tents as Toys, Make the Goblin, Worgen, Pandaren, and Allied Race Banners as Toys like the Argent Tournament, More Customization Options that is fresh and detailed with more Color Hairs, Beards, Jewelry, Scars, Hairstyles, and etc for Void Elves, Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, Trolls, Night Elves, Draenei, and etc races that deserve the variety the most, Make the Bard, Gunslinger, Necromancer, Engineer/Tinker as new classes, New Races like Cat People, Ethereals, Ogres, Sethrak, Arakkoa, Better variety looking Race Heritage Armor Sets for Worgen, and etc Allied Races of Color Variety, More Armor Sets that isn’t Human nor Orc unless they are unqiue and fresh but seriously more Dwarven Based, Elven High Elf/Blood Elf Based, and etc race base armor sets would be nice to have like the Night Elf Archer outfit, Better Player Housing like what Wildstar, ESO, and FF14 is doing, Fun and unique RP Class Quests, Give Allied Races a fresh starting zones like what Turtle WoW Did for High Elves and Goblins, and finally make Raid Sets unique in terms of Class Identity better than what BFA and Shadowlands had done.

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I want to add one more thing in mine. The ability to hide and unhide Garrison NPC’s. All of them.


And the pets!


Oh yes! those too, thank you Sefi!

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New idle stances. Some characters are old and decrepit warlocks that hobble like Gul’dan.

A bit of choice and variety for how people want their character to present themselves!

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Gnomeregan Capital City. Honestly, just some more lore-building for various nations/groups. Alterac, Stromgarde, Gnomeregan, etc etc


A lot of good discussion in here! Also, happy new year!

I’m especially glad that the environment and player housing have been on peoples minds. For the latter, I think it could also be interesting to implement something so that housing/player instances can be neutral. We’re able to find workarounds so that we can hold neutral summits, but to have a location that we’re in control of would be an incredible boon.


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking time to look through our feedback! :slight_smile:


One last one, maybe the return of some RPG spots. Cata took out a few of the really interesting ones. Like the Inn near Theramore, or Southshore.


Housing (but that’s been mentioned a billion times) and more customization (ditto), but I’d also like little things like lore books to come back, and maybe more interaction with the world somehow outside of just quest items. Just little silly things–GW2 and ESO do this sometimes-- just anything to make the world feel “alive” and not so static I guess.

I’d like to see a glyph to the Warrior’s ‘Heroic Throw’ that cosmetically changed it to the Warrior drawing a pistol to shoot. Both as a little nod to Vanilla WoW when Warriors, like Rogues, could use firearms, also as a neat RP effect when we have events and someone puts down a turnip punching bag that our Warriors could fire upon ever minute cooldown or so.