Unfortunately Legion invasions are still useful for anyone still farming Legion paragon caches. I still think it wouldn’t be too difficult to tie it into a phase with Zidormi.
I believe this is also the case for some mounts and other special drops, for both the Legion invasions, Horde and Alliance Assaults, and N’zoth attacks. So I’d be hesitant to say “Take it all out” but I would want to make it an opt-in system rather than an opt-out, which seems like a minor change but would do wonders to creating a feeling of immersion.
You could either tie it into a phase with Zidormi, or maybe you could put some NPC’s in relevant hubs for the expansion. A “Veteran of the Burning war” in Legion Dalaran, a “Veteran of the 4th war” in Dazar’alor and Boralus, and a “Veteran of Azeroth(Or something)” in the Chamber of the Heart. You walk to them, they give a dialogue that’s like “Oh hero, if only you’d been there for yadda yadda” or “Do you remember when we fought yadda yadda” if you’d already done the relevant content, then you say “I’d like to remember” and boom, it opts you into the relevant assault system
I still love the idea of a library in the different capitals for each expansion and in Stormwind/Orgrimmar with NPCs through which you can: view cinematics whose requirements you have unlocked, revisit story scenarios, activate the different invasions/assaults/etc…
Come to think, that may be a better, more condensed idea than needing to weave all this stuff together. There already is a library in the keep, isn’t there? By the Garden?
There is, yes! It is quite tiny but I could see it getting a Mage Tower treatment. They can go back (where the water and mountains are behind the keep), upwards, or even create an entirely new one altogether. There is a LOT of empty space in/around Stormwind that I could see a lot of stuff fitting into (which would also help make in-game Stormwind be more lore accurate but I won’t ramble about that now.)
Actually, the more I think about your idea the more I like it! Give it a kind of mage tower treatment, make it larger, more relaxed and pristine. Even create spaces to RP in!
NPC’s may be the better suited object to tag dialogue and teleportations to different scenarios and phases, so if that’s the more realistic option so be it- but I like the idea of it being different BOOKS instead.
And think about it- one of the most confusing things to a new player is how out of whack the story can be, and Chromie time only put a bandaid on this at best. Even if it’s trying to give you an impression of what it was like to level in that expansion, it misses out on a lot of story context. Starting in Legion might confuse you as to where that Gul’dan came from. Starting in WoD might make you wonder how we got here.
So why not tie it all together with these ingame books? They explain the backstory, go through the story beats, tie it all up in a bow, and at certain points gives a clickable option to turn on the invasions/assaults, or actually experience the scenario, or watch the cutscene!
Agreed! I also think it would be a neat way to see updates to older cinematics, or the addition of cinematics for important lore moments that do not already have them.
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
That might be a bit more to ask, but could be a cool stretch goal! Do you mean like ingame cinematics, or the big trailer cinematics/old soldier style ones?
It seemed like they were majorly ramping up in the Cinematic style for BFA, wonder why that stopped in Shadowlands.
Both! I would say it depends on the importance of the moment to the overarching story of the game/expac.
The more I think about it the more I feel like BfA and SL were swapped, and SL was originally meant to come out directly after Legion.
I think for every Legion type expansion, we should have 4 expansions that are just chilling on Azeroth, more focused on internal faction conflict and personal growth in named characters than anything cosmic.
Just a thought in thinking of how awkward SL would be right after Legion, going to Argus then going to SUPER HELL.
Not to say I don’t ever want the game to get to the Cosmic level! Just that it really needs to get there sparingly, and the final boss of an expac can just be a depraved warlord or a bigass ogre.
Like a REALLY big ogre.
Actually shocked it let me say bigass
I’d be happier if they did an Azeroth-focused expansion with more than 2 or 3 major content patches. 10.8 when?
Part of me is, and I know this is kind of irrational, convinced that 10.0 is going to be a massive revamp of some kind because it’s the tenth expac. And if that’s the case, it might be good for it to have as many patches as vanilla did, just constantly introducing new fun stuff. Like 5-6 raids, new bgs, new dungeons, stuff like that. Not even necessarily new zones, but maybe just taking the dev time to put the shell of a castle or fort of some kind in the open world, then opening up the dungeon inside in a later patch.
That is my greatest hope, even if I know it is not likely to happen.
10.0 with a revamp of Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, with 10.0-10.1.5 focusing on new content on those two continents. This includes new character customization, updating vanilla armor transmogs, etc…
10.2 sees a revamp of Northrend, and 10.2-10.3.5 focuses on new content there. Same lines as above. Then 10.4-10.5.5 does the same with Pandaria, etc…
After that we maybe see some previously mentioned but not in-game islands (Tel’abim, Dragon Isles).
If it’s not, Idk what I’ll do. Not looking good, but hey! Best to spend that time being hopeful than being down. It’s why I kinda await the announcement of the next expansion with equal parts anticipation and dread. You know, if we were in a usual expansion cycle, we’d already have gotten the new expac cinematic!
I am the same way. Some might call me foolish, but I rather spend my time speaking about how I would make an Azeroth Revamped expansion for 10.0 than stare at everything that’s wrong.
And hey, maybe somehow one of these ideas can reach a Blizzard dev and actually be implemented in some form. Less likely here than if either of us were on the community council, but wasn’t that council going to be 100+ people? There’s only like 32 people introducing themselves so far. 40 posts and all of them lately have been devs.
We must join forces and make an extremely large thread about it. It may be on the WrA forums rather than the council one, but at least we would have an outlet and still be able to discuss Lion King at the end of the day.
I like using this thread as a discussion point so far, and it’s pleasantly surprising to see how many of the conversations and inputs are productive to a degree! I think that speaks to the amazing passion of a lot of rpers here.
Most of the people who remain on WrA wish to see the realm succeed and go back to being full of life once more, which means that the game must become more hospitable to RP. I think that helps in making discussions generally be productive on such a topic.