The RP Community Megathread

If my darkspear troll wants to collect severed heads of his enemies let him do that. I mean, their are quests in the game that require you to kill a person and take their head, I don’t see the difference

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And if we then wish to display said heads on a festive Sunday brunch buffet for our friends. Well. We should be able to do that too!

i wanna stick a body on a pike

really push that T rating

It’s sort of a weird topic , yeah. And I’m just going to say right here I dont really want my idea to turn into some sort of argument about the right of displaying people skulls.

My idea is taxidermy with animals for the sake of the rustic feel of a hunters lodge, beast master, or big game hunter.

Anything dealing with people remains I think should be an entirely separate thing. I have a lot of love for taxidermy and I love to collect things of that nature, and anything dealing with human remains makes me very uncomfortable especially the nature of where some of that stuff comes from. So I have a reason for wanting to keep anything like that separate.

If you want to decorate your home in the skulls of your enemy, I can think of plenty of decor ideas that could provide that through the means of PVP or even achievements. Like uncovering a decor piece from Shadowfang Keep. A wall of human and wolf skulls to can be put up against a wall multiple times to look like a big wall of skulls. Or a pike you can arrange any arrangement of skulls like a “trophy of war”.

I’m not against the idea, I just don’t really want that specifically tied to my idea of a taxidermy profession.

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I had an idea for implementing in-game special racial class trainers, which could be used as story+gameplay quests to implement either or all of:

  1. Additional race+class combinations (particularly for classes like druid or shaman with specific race-determined cosmetics)
  2. Race-themed cosmetic ability reskins (Sunwalker for paladins, Shadow Hunter for hunters and/or shaman, Elunite/Naaru/An’she/etc priest spell recolors, Dark Ranger for hunters, etc)
  3. The ability to change racial-based cosmetics (totems for shaman, racial druid forms for druids, etc)

I would add NPCs representing these race+class combinations and scatter them throughout the world - I’d prefer for them to be patrolling a path through remote wilderness and/or many hard-to-reach locations. Players would have to track down the NPC whose style they want to learn and complete a Green Fire-like quest chain to learn the new class/cosmetics.

For a class cosmetic example, a tauren paladin could find a Sunwalker patrolling the plains of Mulgore, go on a quest chain which teaches them about An’she and involves fighting fiery and shadowy enemies, and once finished, they’d get access to a fiery reskin of their light-based abilities (and anything else the devs want to throw into the cosmetic package).

For a new (or restricionless) class+race combination example, an orc player could find the NPC, complete the same questline, and at the end they’d get the option to irreversibly change that particular character’s class to paladin (and either unlock the Sunwalker skin, or only have access to the Sunwalker skin until they complete a Light-based chain to unlock the default paladin looks).

This implementation would be a way to add new class+race combinations while tying it into additional gameplay and while creating a lore reason for new or strange. Like the “Forsaken teaching orcs/trolls to be mages” explanation which I think was brought up for the new combos in Cata, but this time the player could themselves go learn from a Forsaken.

I think it would be a good way to loosen/remove race+class restrictions while still keeping the restrictions’ flavor for each race. Such as Draenei not starting off as warlocks, not having warlock NPCs, but the player can choose for their own Draenei to walk that dark path if they want to.

Plus, tying it into gameplay would give us players more lore-related quests and customization options, and would give the devs more opportunities to add busywork to keep the player running around and subscribed for the shinies/completionism.


I will put here the ideas I got for the single housing. You can find them with this link: Ideas for housing

My previous post is very long so maybe it’s not a good idea to post it a second time. :sweat_smile:

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I will say I am not envious of Blizzard attempting to sift through the hundreds of thousands of comments of feedback in different circles to see what to do for the next expansion. Likely why they implemented the community council- to attempt to distill it into something more manageable.

Thinking on things from a project management side, I’d condense the main priorities for next expansion to be world revamp, player and guild housing, system changes. No new zones, just redoing old ones(At least for first patch.) Maybe one new zone to pop a raid somewhere.

I remember reading how hesitant blizzard is to ever revamp the world again due to the amount of work it took to do so in Cataclysm, and how that work must have only doubled since, though. Unless they deliberately don’t revamp expansion zones, like they did in Cata.


is it more work to update an existing zone? or to create one from scratch?

It’s actually quite possible that it’s more work to update an existing zone!

Questlines will need to be changed, all objects and models will need to be updated. Those objects include trees, mines, towns, roads- basically anything that’s not a flat surface. Even then, the grass textures would likely need to be updated.

That involves modelers, environment designers, writers, QA, bug fixers in case the game’s code doesn’t like anything put into the new space.

Then they would need to do that- all that work- not just for 4 new zones, but for every already existing zone in every continent at most, or every zone in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms at least.

That’s from a quick, potentially inaccurate count, 40 zones! And if they would want that to include other, relevant continents(Pandaria, Northrend, Broken Isles, Zandalar and Kul Tiras) that could rapidly go up to 60! I’m excluding outland, Argus, Nazjatar, and Draenor as things we would realistically go back to or things that require any story prog.

That’s not even thinking on how updating all those zones would then interact with leveling, existing objects, affiliations and connections into the game causing hundreds of hours more of bug testing and applying fixes, if not integrating them into the existing leveling experience then conceptually giving new uses for them.

If you were to do a massive world revamp, giving the player the ability to level from 1-70 in a new, modern, post shadowlands world, then what would you do with things like Class halls? Leave them be, have them do something else? Open them to everyone or just leave them as secret areas only a specific class can access?

These are questions that will come up with development that will not only take even more time to implement a solution to but it’s very possible that everyone has different ideas of what to do, and figuring out what course to take could involve then even MORE time and manpower.

Game development on an MMO this large and this old can be very complicated!

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Then good news! They’re not going to.


youre absolutely right that the old world can be updated so the lore is more streamlined

itll also give us a chance to see what everyone has been doing over the years. Did SMC heal the scar? or are the Blood Knights using it as training grounds?

Most of the class halls can be disbanded (paladins) or fade back into the shadows (hunters, rogues)

theres a lot of land thats largely irrelevant, Like Outland, which shouldve crumbled to pieces by now. Or Argus, which we shouldnt be able to get to anymore.
Or Nazjatar, which shouldve refilled with water by now
Areas like these I feel should have a portal in the Caverns for their raids and dungeons.
or keep them as is, theyre land masses largely irrelevant to Azeroth so it doesnt matter

we couldve had a streamlined azeroth post-legion with the sword having more effect than it did, an Azeroth with Azerite as a resource, what Azeroth wouldve looked like if Nipplelord won.

I’d be more than willing to ‘wait and see’ what THAT wouldve turned out to be

“Too much work” from a multi-million dollar company is lazy at best

sidenote on Nazjatar: itd be cool if it did refill with water, but you could still get there with water breathing or the buff from Vashjir

Don’t think of it as being “too much work” but just being realistic about the expectations of what a team can do within the time metrics being given to them by higher ups to produce X content at Y pace.

After a certain point, it’s likely to expect that a massive revamp of that caliber will take more time than the average expac to come out. And I’m fine with waiting until it does if that is the direction they choose to take, as I’d be far more dissapointed in just pushing the issue down the line and making new zones while the old world continues to actively be on fire.

Look, realistically, you just have to come to terms with the fact that these things are massive, arduous proccesses that will take time, and people. Throwing more people and money at it won’t actually reduce that time or guarantee that it will be any better.

Every heard the phrase 9 women can’t make a baby in one month?

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…,.so because they cant have the baby in a month, theyre not going to have it at all?

The vision of Blizzard employees as meek, timid creatures overwhelmed by negativity and capable of doing work only under pristine and perfect conditions serves only as a distraction and useful buffer to stifle discourse on how many of them don’t actually view players as anything but money sacks and is actively harmful to discussion.


lazy at best
exploitive of the players at worst

probably why they keep releasing store stuff every time something new comes up

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Not what I’m saying, I’m telling you that saying they’re a multi million dollar company isn’t going to magically erase the process, time and difficulties of how these things are made. It will take time, time that the dev team may or may not interally decide is worth it.


being multi million dollar company puts them in a better position to get the work done.

im not concerned how long or hard it is


Then everything you’re saying might as well be hot air, because it can’t realistically be used as a basis to guide the dev process by. You can’t just say “Do this now, you have money, I don’t care what actually goes into it.”


why not?

they have the time money and people to do it

if they put effort into it, itd be beautiful

But they can’t because people ask too much of them, like a functioning game. We need to stop being so mean and stop asking for our money’s worth.