The Revival Catalyst is Coming Next Week

You realize you are paying them right? “unappreciative” that they release something that should have been done weeks ago while people continue to pay them.

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Ive had the same problem swapping to any of my other toons on here its really odd

2 weeks too late imo

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I’d like to know the answer to this too!

Makes the fact that I spent a spark on Ingenuity on a tier slot really painful since I can’t recycle it.

That’s a bummer. Luckily I saved my offset tier piece to be crafted for today.

Seriously, I’ve done M+ every week on 2 characters and only have 1 piece between the two of them.

Whats the fastest way to do the catalyst quest.

How many raid bosses do you have to kill, how much M+ do you have to do?

does anyone know the ilvls required for each appearance? Is it just exactly the same as raid gear ilvl?

Clearly a skill issue.

Catalyst and valor cap removal should have both happened a month ago.

do not see a quest for the catalyst

Yea this is super confusing. No sign of any quest. When you are at the converter and mouse over the currency required (catalyst charges), it says “complete group activities to earn charges across all characters”

So we only get one catalyst upgrade per week per account(not per character)??

Ion is that you? :laughing:

Apparently this does NOT apply to Helms you used the Storm-Charged Manipulator on. I lost my socket AND my gem. Ticket said I was SoL too on getting another Manipulator.

I thought Dragonflight was supposed to have no borrowed power? Did some genius decide that tier sets would be the one exception? And did they decide this because they wanted to show the usual massive favoritism towards raiders? Yes and yes? Now, look at all the trouble this ONE bit of borrowed power is causing you, devs.

PLEASE learn from this experience. No more borrowed power!

Um Tier sets are not borrowed power. The Revival Catalyst was announced before the expansion even came out and Tier Sets have been in the game since day 1. If you joined in BFA / Shadowlands, that’s the ONLY time we didn’t have tier sets. The catalyst opened Tier Sets up to the Casual players or the ones who just do Mythic + without having them to feel FORCED to do raids.

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Wtf are you talking about lol.

You don’t have to raid to get tier. You get it in your vault from doing PvP or M+.
Tier sets have been in the game since day 1 of Classic and weren’t a problem then.
They very slightly enhance your kit as it is now. Nothing like the major power bonuses that were completely new spells that broke your class.

You don’t seem to grasp the concept that when we had master looter you got 3 tokens a week to roll gear. Vault is great one week dogpoop the next it’s not reliable at all infact Id say it’s a carrot on a stick that’s a total wast of time if you can’t use the damn catalyst week 1 or 2. You should get three choices from vault 1 of each content you do. Seasons by nature put you in a artificial sense of urgency bc the bar is all 20s now. That’s 50 hours of gameplay a week to get to that if not more. You people are smoking crack if you think waiting to bring out catalyst is a good idea or that giving sockets from vault is good. All socketing should be in professions. All secondary tertiary stats should be professions. If your gonna have master loot you need to allow 3 vault choices or bring back tokens. This ain’t tocket science. The only reason it’s like this is so blizzard can sell WOW tokens for boosting and for the 3rd party real life boosting blizzard must be involved with bc they design the whole game around boosting metas