The Revival Catalyst is Coming Next Week

Clearly your not triggered lol. Thats why you keep bringing up raid progress and people crying when no one is doing that. More boomer takes please this is funny :slight_smile:

“:sob: I want my catalyst gear faster and I want to be able to fully upgrade my gear faster farming +2s, wahhh. And I didn’t win the roll for a piece of loot that dropped in raid. :sob:”

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You are so triggered you’re just spamming nonsense now lol. Typical for the bad gatekeepers.

If you say triggered a couple more times maybe you’ll convince yourself that you’ve affected me.

It’s always Horde players from Illidan and Tichondrius that are the most braindead trolls.

Don’t worry, I’m sure one day you’ll be able to get your 4 piece without having to do anything except cry. You just need to wait a bit longer.

Imagine thinking you’re entitled to raid gear without raiding. Pitiful. :sob:

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it’s not raid gear anymore boomer. Like you are foaming at the mouth mad you cant gatekeep tier that you cant even be bothered to understand anything about it lol. Maybe you can get a +11 halls in this week buddy lol

Weak attempt.

They dont care about player enjoyment.

Hey blue
 prove me wrong, i dare you.

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This honestly should’ve been released about four weeks earlier. Why did you make everyone wait so long, half the people can get tier and the other half can’t.

PS; Group loot is aids. Worst thing ever.

Can you clarify how unlocking the tier transmog works across the variations and upgrades?

Do you have to upgrade a piece to the appropriate ilvl before catalyzing it? Or can you upgrade a piece after catalyzing it and gain the heroic/mythic xmog?

Way too late, but nice to have now

There is a PREVIEW before submitting right?

if it is like the Shadowlands way of it then you get a max m0 or +2 piece and it will be lfr, upgrading it after tiering it to the normal mode ilvl will give you the normal mog and so on. At least that is how SL’s did it.

you said literally 1 month, you were off by 100% just pointing that out

Correct, but people have already stated that they’ve upgraded M+ tier pieces and didn’t get the transmog. Hence the request for clarification from the source.

I assume it uses the Shadowlands interface - which gave you a preview of the item you would create, yes. You need to mouseover it though, if you press accept, it just creates it.

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So many unappreciative people in the comment.

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Q: Will tier made with revival catalyst have PvP ilv or will the vault be the only source of that?

IE: I take conquest gloves, throw them in the catalyst, they turn into tier with ilv424 in PVP?

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Have to agree with releasing this MUCH earlier in the first few weeks.

I got luckily with 2 pieces from vault but this should be available upon release

Inb4 “I converted bracers, but I didn’t get the bonus”.

WAY too late. The raid tier is over for most people.

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The raid tier is over?

1.5 months into a likely 5-6 month tier?

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