The Revival Catalyst is Coming Next Week

I’m not making up anything. People in the top of thread were literally asking for the catalyst on week 1 or 2.

People complained about having bad luck. Blizzard gives them the “vault”. Then people get mad because RNG doesn’t give them what they want.

People complained about not getting tier pieces. Blizzard gives them the catalyst. Now people complain because they want it sooner.

It’s ridiculous. Some people are just never satisfied and it gets old hearing them b1tch and moan about it all the time.

So…I guess I don’t actually follow the point of the catalyst?
If it doesn’t increase the ilvl of the piece…whats the point?
If you can’t actually pick the stats you want…whats the point?

I don’t raid/dungeon…so maybe I am just missing something, and don’t understand why a person would even do it…?

I would like to understand tho, so someone explain it to this old woman, like she was 5…

I have a 4 set, of the storm gear…is there any reason for me, as an open world player to worry about the catalyst?

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Google DK DF Tier set to check what they look like and what they do (top result for me was Icy Veins i tried linking but it wont let me for some reason).

The set bonuses for Tier pieces is completely different from the ones on the primal gear.

As an open world player you probably dont NEED the bonuses (this not me saying you dont deserve them), but they make changes/empowerments to your class and spec that can change playstyle/rotation (like picking up an extra talent point or 2).

Idk what the set bonuses for DK are but for example on druid as Resto the 2piece gives increased crit on many healing spells, and the 4peice for Balance makes your first “spender” in Eclipse free and do more dmg.

The main point of the catalyst afaik is to make up for the bad RNG of not getting the pieces from raiding or the Vault. An open world/pvp player that doesnt do a lot (or any) of raiding or M+ would normally not have access to this gear (M+ can only get tier from vault. May be same for PvP but i dont PvP so :person_shrugging:). The catalyst lets them take a non tier piece (like a helm) and turn it into tier so you can try to get the set. (Also useful if you like TMog).

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OK…so for me, it’s basically…If I WANT it…as open world probably doesn’t even need it. I mean, I do ok now…
I worry with the catalyst thing, cuz in SL, when I did that, the pieces came out with wonky stats, not even for my spec…I have everything set to blood loot, but the stats came out more for frost, and no way to change it. So basically, the catalyst was a huge waste of resources…in which I wound up regrinding the sand gear again.

I will go look and see what it does, but if it’s only a tiny change, I won’t waste my time with it. I really wish they would give us all the freedom to pick what stats we want, not whatever they throw at us.
edit to add: looks like for blood, it’s just a cple passives…nothing major. not sure I will mess with it

This is my first expansion and coming from other MMO’s and gear grinds, I think it’s kinda ridiculous the community thinks this is something they deserve with 0 work and 0 downsides.

I didn’t even know this was a thing until now. You get Pinnacle gear without completing Pinnacle content? That’s kinda insane in itself

The sub stats of all tier gear is set in stone so I.E. if you dont like mastery and your helm tier has mastery there is no way to change that at all. Your better off getting say the chest piece that gas haste/crit instead and using something else on your head. (the Icy Veins guide peobably lists the stats in case your wondering).

“Pinnacle” gear is currently iLvl 421 i think. The Tier sets start at around 385 iLvl so not exactly pinnacle imo. Giving people that do not do Raiding the option to get tier sets is more to help with a balancing curve kind of thing imo. For example, historically if you wanted ANY tier pieces you HAD to raid but that same Tier set would also work in open world or in dungeons. So say 2 balance druids side by side. One has 4 set one does not. Every 15sec or the one with the set gets a free spender that does bonus damage so they effectively can do more damage (not as impactful in open world but can help in high end,timed dungeons which is now also end game content equivalent to said raids).

It is also to help those that had for example cleared the raid and got a chest piece that is not tier but keeps losing the token that gives the tier chest piece. They can plop that into the machine and now they have their tier piece.

Why is crafted gear, which is arguably harder to obtain than drops and vault, not eligible. What’s the point of crafted gear at all then?

It’s far too expensive to pick up just to hold a slot for a few minutes until you get Tier.

Seems pretty crap to be able to craft gear for yourself, but it’s worthless because Tier.

Tier and set bonuses are the worst idea ever in this game and really should have stayed dead and forgotten.

“earn”= hit the rng lotto.

Dont comment if you dont even have the the smallest idea of what is going on thanks. Go gate keep in whatever MMO you were playing.

Never mind, you are simply lying lol

The delay isn’t for the WF guilds…

They are the least impacted by far.

How does the lack of catalyst hurt them exactly when they get 4p week one without it?

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Yes, how will they ever complete their world quests without their 4 piece set bonus? :roll_eyes:

I personally think you should just be able to petition to get your 4 set in the mail for free because it would allow casual players to enjoy the game without having to work for anything! /s

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Have you not been reading this thread? That’s exactly what some people expect…

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Really, where has that been said one time?

No idea what youre trying to say, spell check before send please. Also link your main to your Bnet coward.

No you right, killing the bosses and doing the content with the chance of winning isnt earning… Try again skinwalker.

Literally? It hasn’t. It has just been implied by several people whining about the current system. I know you want to pretend that’s not what people want, but it’s painfully obvious a handful of people in this thread think they are entitled to tier pieces (i.e. RAID LOOT) for little to no work, for a reason unbeknownst to me.

It’s hilarious to me that people are whining about being given a way to access their 4-piece set without ever stepping foot into a raid because they want it easier and/or faster. Some people will just whine about anything. It’s unreal.

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Can anyone confirm this question.
I may of skimmed over it.
If someone say is on holiday and doesn’t get the first “weekly” quest done are they then behind a charge? Or will these “weekly” quests stack up and if you show up the week after you will be able to get two charges. Because as I read it now that isn’t the case?

No blue posts about catching up, assuming tho it would run the same way as spark quests. But you can only hold a maximum of 6 charges at a time.