The Revival Catalyst is Coming Next Week

I am not going back to grind that - just one less thing to do.

I would have done it had they indicated they would use this gear when they brought out the storms but since it already had set bonuses I figured they wouldn’t.

My main might actually have enough for a couple of pieces by accident anyway since I had ended up killing some of the bosses and got the sigils and before they nerfed it the overflow was easy to get by accident as well. Guess good thing I didn’t waste it on a weapon like I originally thought I might.

Why don’t you achieve a decent progress or gear in this game before you start berating others for being inferior, okay “super star”?

The fact you can step into hc raids, then proceed to get your behind carried with green-blue logs, luck out on some rolls on tier, doesn’t make you a superior player, okay “super star”?

Nice +12 keys you have there, “super star”, do you deserve this free gear you got in raid to give you an advantage in tackling the super hard content of +12 M+ keys? I don’t think so…


If youre going to throw shade atleast have your main linked lol. Bark bark.

“Due to our immeasurably complex systems that are used by our dedicated team of monkeys in su-- player engagement analysts, we have (based on internal metrics) decided that this is how the community wants it to be. Do you guys not have phon-- raid teams?”

… … suuuurrreee it is

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Adding another message to express that it should’ve come out sooner.

still would be better if there were simply no tier set bonuses…

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I don’t want raid gear, i want pvp gear, but blizz took our pvp sets we’ve had since vanilla, removed them from pvp gear, and made them pve gear only, and then didn’t disable them in pvp

Literally no reason why pvp doesn’t have its own pvp tier on vendor conquest for pvp like it historically always did

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Casual players will have the epic storms gear to convert.

I’m expecting Mid-May to be honest.

Mid April is only a 4 month season/tier which would be fairly short.

Yeah it’s lame that PvP gear doesn’t have PvP specific set bonuses like it used to.


this took too long i should be able to no life and outgear everyone in one day and then complain that there isn’t enough content on day 1 >:((((

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This shoulda been patched in three weeks ago. Stop designing the game around race to world first no one gives af about your stupid unfair race, all it does is make the game not fun for 90% of your players. it ruins the economy. Your stupid work order system and professions destroyed our servers economy. Only like 10 people have the recipe for lariat and other drop based profession bullcrap. Stop revolving the game around real money boosting websites. They literally destroy the games economy. Lariat was 2 million gold for weeks.who has that gold. I’ll tell you who does… The boosting websites who hide in the mythic raid and high level mythic plus guilds.same for PVP. Blizzard you know exactly who is boosting do something about it. And if you won’t I will I’m already in contact with my states attorney general about your lack of policing in your own game and intentionally turn a blind eye as millions of dollars are funneled out of the game tax free. Someone at blizzard is getting kick backs and we are going to find out who. The only reason to keep creation catalyst from players this long was to force boosting for gear.

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It totally blows my that so many of you feel entitled to tier sets as soon as the tier is released.

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I’ll tell you why because if they released it blizzard would not have sold tokens for boosting and real money boosting wouldn’t exist. And they can’t have that the boosting companies spend millions in tokens transferring and selling gold and boosts. That’s why and it’s the only reason why. Has nothing to do with world first they do split runs. They all had 4 set on multiple characters in the first two weeks

Lmaoooo it’s beyond me how someone can defend blizzard not letting people get their sets. It’s literally just bc of boosting is why we have to wait. We are playing a game this shouldn’t feel like a second job and that’s how the game feels. PvP is the only fun thing left in the game only bc of solo que. And even that is redic with 40 min ques. They add back master loot but no token to roll on gear. Just dumb. The real problem is that when u have ladder systems and then u have a group who is being proped up by blizzard… Aka so called pro players it ruins the fairness and competitiveness of everyone else in the game. Bc then we have to compete against people in every facet who are not playing the game intended to get to the sets. Split runs multiple alt raids spamming high keystones. 100s of millions of gold in disposable income. Then they ruin the economy trying to make gold by artificially causing inflation or targeting specific items only attainable by them. Then selling the crap for millions on the ah. Then Turing around and selling boosts for gold or real money. A heroic cary was 1000 $ week 1. They are going to have so many people pay for boosts for the gladiator mount. Which u can’t attain in solo que, imagine that you can only get the pvp drake in 2s or 3s so your gonna need a boost. O and mythic plus only 2% of players did a 20 in the last 4 expansions so here you go let’s put ksm at 20s and put max I level at 20 and then they will have to buy boosts for sure. Whole damn game is revolved around boosting. The game is pay to win it’s sickening.

I’m not defending Blizzard. I’m just baffled that some players expect a complete tier set on week 1 of raid release.

I would love for blizzard to come on here and explain 1 good reason why they had to wait this long and why we only get 1 charge a week… Please blizzard enlighten us… It’s time for you to move race to world first off the main servers and on to a tournament server. They are ruining the games economy and boosting is getting to absurd level because either your being negligent or your company is aiding and imbedding these boosting services. but blizzard won’t address this bc it makes them millions. We will see if the IRS likes millions of untaxed revenue going to these boosting sites. You are literally God of the game y’all see everything you know exactly who’s boosting. Who the heck would’ve been able to boost heroic for 1000 dollars week 1… The god damn race to world first guilds that’s who lmaoooo , this ain’t rocket science. They banned all the boosting websites bots so they had to give them new ways of revenue.

I don’t think anyone expects anything but to be able to have fun. And when u see people full teir week 2 running 15-20 but ur screwed bc of rng and ur guild is arbitrarily held back while so called pro gammers are full bis and we are wiping in low keys it gets frustrating. They need to remove world first race onto a tournament server way less people would complain about having to wait. week 2, I was in a plus 5 with a warlock who was 415 I level with 2 418 embellishment peices and 4 set from a top 20 raiding guild. Just randomly ran this dungeon with us. It made all of us feel like poop. That he was so far ahead and knowing we would have to wait at least a month to even be close. They need to end making the game for these pro turds.

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No one expects to get it on week one or handed to them for free. Sounds like you just made that up out of thin air or talk out your butt… If people put in the time there should be clear access and a route to getting tier. You are literally a passive aggressive troll who makes things up.

Since you run your mouth … and you also can’t ad… November 28th to Jan 24th is almost 2 months… literally days shy of 2 months. Season came out on the 12th. We are talking about 2 months of loot progression before they released this.

I have done the content and put in more time than you. I am 6/8 heroic and 8/8 normal. I run about 10 to 15 - keys a week, at +15 or higher. I play around 30 hours a week, since I have the time.

But nooooo, people can not get tier that put in the time. It’s doesn’t matter if you even put in more time than others … you still loose and do less dps because of RNG. I had seen a person in 4 peice after week 1. (2 pieces from normal, one piece from heroic and one from his vault). Then you have people like myself you can not win a roll to save their life. Then there is people rolling need on everything for the Tmogs. And can’t really blame them, since loot as become every man for themselves.

Both of you are Blizzard Shills / Trolls and are about to get picked apart. Just leave and quit trolling this thread.

Tell me how other players effect you and how having clear access to tier after week 2 would have been a bad thing? Everyone is waiting? You trolls love to talk out your butt … then everyone in the thread starts to own you (just read above)