The return of Twinking?

I kinda figured he was trolling, but it’s entertainment I guess.

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Ok, Mr. Clegane.

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NP Mr. Greyjoy …

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Completely agree, good twinks are non-existenty twinks, the fact twinking exists is by far the major reason alot of people will be turned off by pvp at lower levels.

There is no twinking at max level because you are using as intended.
Twinks by defenition is created to exploit. In this case the interaction of enchants for high level equipment on lower level gear. Beign full blue wasn’t the major issue for twinking.


You have not lived until you have been properly twinked. :sunglasses:

No there wasn’t entire guilds that was set up for twinks nope.
All I hear is sourness… so you must have been one of the people who were under my boot. lulz

would rather enjoy the game and the PvP aspect of it instead of wasting time being a bully.

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Wow that went so far over your head you didn’t even hear a woosh noise did you? :laughing:

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A twink is a young blonde gay man (a Twinkie if you will a yellow cream filled treat) the gay equivilent of the blonde bimbo for other folks. in case you missed all the other jokes that have been made in regards to ‘‘bringing back twinking’’

Oh goody, the dodge twins are talking… I’m sure the conversation is very, very deep.

So when you pvp, you don’t want to win?

There’s utterly (get it?) no point in even communicating with Doom…nothing he says is rational…his conclusions are all broken and wrong, and he isn’t even participating in twinking nor even PVP from his own mouth in those bg’s. He’s just a orum troll tryign to make himsel eel important by trolling topics he cares nothing about.

Im speaking for long time experience as well. First, its not that difficult to build a twink these days, there are so many BIS lists about its basically a shopping list.

The two most inconvenient things are the fishing hat and arena tricket. The most organized group of twinks will have both and the best enchants, many of which are expensive and or time consuming to obtain or even take raids to get.

I read the xpoff website for fun, mostly because I find the mentality interesting. They are frothing at the mouth for Classic. You will see them out in the world too but the xp gains are risky for them.

Still, my overall advice is to avoid certain BG’s entirely, especially the 10-39. I believe they are going to end up only playing themselves as normal ( for lack of better words) players will just avoid them. They love trying to duel you in Goldshire, laughing at them is optional :wink: I do.

Those people, unfortunately, can’t be bothered to “git gud” and grow a thick hide.

Classic is back and so will twinking :slight_smile: .

No BGs being in for a few phases will give players plenty of time to reach level cap and farm out a twink or two.

I plan on leveling a few twinks to leave in hillsbrad foothills/stv to mess with levelers until BGs launch.

Twinking embodies the vanilla philosophy. It’s a grand thing and the people who think it’s a problem don’t like rpgs

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BiS twinks take a lot of time and gold, but

most people in the brackets are not BiS and you can compete pretty quickly with help from a booster (or dual account self boosting)
It takes like a day or 2 to make a competitive 19. Thats part of the fun. Making a bunch of different classes and on different servers and not spending your life on just one toon in order to compete like max pvp requires.

How long until BGs come out?

tbh I wont come back to vanilla until they are out since I really only play WoW to pvp. Bad decision imo.

He also occasionally checks old posts he has participated in in the past.

That jerk even finds amusement when people are so insecure that they have to throw shade without actually linking to the person in question.


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According to WoWhead:

  • Phase 2: Honor System and PvP Rank Rewards.
  • Phase 3: Alterac Valley and Warsong Gulch.
  • Phase 4: Arathi Basin.

The timing of these phases hasn’t been determined yet, and Ion has specifically said that it depends on how quickly the players consume the content. He also said he expects the first two phases to be pretty short (I think his exact words were “a couple months”).