The return of Twinking?

So…am I the only one excited about twinking 19/29 again? One of the main reasons I lost interest in WOW was when they destroyed twinking and prevented it from happening. Back in the old days we had almost 300 people in a tribe, and both sides of our shard had huge groups queueing into 29 bg’s we even had tournaments with the horde to have battles on the world map. The idea that you coudl twink out all classes at 29 and nevdr have to worry about the next expansion making you regear all those chars and couuld just have fun with them. I don’t see any threads on this yet…but I’ve read they may not link the classic servers into 1 server gropu so no cross server bg’s might make that more difficult. I guess that’s like the old days where you just had your server pop to do it…but yeah I’m still very excited about that.


39’s was my favorite bracket for sure, as most classes have a lot of their tools by then, and once we hit 49’s, a lot of my friends just wanted to finish the push to 60.


19 was my favorite bracket tbh. Lowest investment. At 29 you got access to AB so I liked that one too. Any higher and i just went ahead and went to 60.


Not a fan of twinking myslef, but a fan of those times I beat them. I MIGHT make one this time around, but I’m probably going to just keep trying to pick fights with yours until I eventually win.


19 was too low for me, you didnt get enough toys and some classes where just meh.

For sure though as you get higher up, its harder to find people that ‘stay’ and just play at that level.


I liked 19 for only a few classes like rogue or even hunter. 29 is really the sweet spot to me. you maximize engineering and get a lot more class professions…if you’re fighting other well made twinks it really becomes a pure skill v skill/teamwork situation.


I never made a Twink in WoW (to the extent that it would really count) but I did in Everquest II because PvP was just so damn much better at Tier 4 for a long stretch!
I spent almost a year at level 39 exclusively playing that character and had better fights than could be found at max, got to know the small pool of players like myself ridiculously well, and enjoyed the heck out of it.

I say this because I get it, why it’s fun and enjoyable to Twink. A lot of people frown on it when it’s a mixed group of levelers and folks who turn off their XP, but I know from experience it’s not as simple as a ‘it’s fun to steamroll levelers’ (even if we can admit to ourselves that it is.) It’s a whole BiS chase and power climb that really is fun because it’s not the same one you do on your max level character, and it’s a much smaller and surprisingly competitive community.

You get to know the small but consistent group of people who are there doing the same, build rivalries and friendships, and it’s a whole little world-within-the-larger-pool that’s a ton of fun.

Long reply, I suppose - but enjoy it! I may wind up joining you at some point. :slight_smile:

Happy Twinking!


I’ve actually been thinking the possibility of 59 twinking would be pretty great. WSG and AB have a 50-59 bracket and at 59 you can get the full dungeon set 2. You can also get a 100% mount by hitting rank 11. I feel like a shadow priest would be pretty amazing in this bracket.


59 twink definitely could be interesting. You’d have access to all 3 BGs with the added comical effect of 60s in AV trying to kill you and getting their butt handed to them.

The only problems would be gear. Getting all the pieces you want before dinging 60 would be a real pain, unless you had 4 (or 9) friends hwlpi g you out, letting you enter the dungeon only when it’s time to kill a boss.


The thing about twinking this time around is that the brackets will be in-fluxed by twinks. If you think about it BGs won’t be out until phase 3 which is 6-9 months after launch. By that time there will be many established level 60 accounts with a fair amount of gold. the game won’t have as many new players coming into the game unlike back in 2005 when hundreds of thousands of people were constantly creating characters with “normal” gear entering BGs.

I’m really hoping Cross-realmed BGs will make it more enjoyable to twink. ultimately it would be amazing if we consistently had new players coming into the game but only time will tell.

edit: Just to add some weight to my claims I played a lot of Northdale and the 19,29,39 bracket we’re 80-90% twinks only who knew all the Warsong Gulch Jumps. This is not an exaggeration I can assure you. So much meta gaming in 2019


I will definitely have a 19 hunter twink! I still to this day remember the fun I had with it.

Anyone remember those level 1 twink videos with like 99% dodge, good times


Oh you’d definitely need friends to help you gear. Ideally friends who have well geared 60s. Not dinging 60 shouldn’t be too hard if you just clear dungeons to the boss you need and then switch to your twink. The hardest thing to do is of course getting your dungeons set 2 if that’s your goal.

I loved 29s. WSG timer was the one thing that killed the game for me. I could play 29 WSG all day, every day and not get bored.


Would D2 even be that good? I know its pretty meh at 60 and I imagine its not that great at 59 either. A good majority of pre raid BiS doesnt require level 60 so I imagine thats what most of your gear will look like

I’m excited to twink a warlock at 39, if only for the wpvp! Xpoff dotz com has a Classic forum and there are a bunch of private server 19s making plans to move to Classic there, you should check them out of you’re interested in twinking! They’ve got a discord running

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Ill atleast make a 19 and 29 hunter, 19 priest and 29 paladin. then 39 rogue and another undecided 39 maybe fire mage.

Twinking 59 is not going to work unless you avoid AV. You’ll get XP in there from all the mob kills. It will eventually ding you to 60. You could enter just long enough to grab the spear or bow, then never go back… but then you’ll have to content with poor queue times for WSG/AB, because everyone else is in AV.

For most classes, 49 is a good spot because you get a mount and most of your spells/talents. 39 is solid for warrior/paladin because you can stack all of the best mail from the bracket, before plate is available. I once had a 39 warrior twink with full SM set, looked just like herod. 39 is also solid for druid due to cheetah form, a huge advantage when no one else has a mount. In the 20s, shamans/hunters rock, again due to speed buffs. But I went rogue instead so I could stalk duskwood. I had a 29 twink rogue at one point that lived in duskwood, spending his life ganking alliance there. He was a well known local menace for months, regularly mentioned in their chat (which I trolled with an alt). “Hey buddy, don’t AFK in here. You’re not safe!” (shank) “Well I tried to tell him…”

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For casters it looks pretty good. Spellpower is sort of hard to come by before 60. And some of the set benefits look pretty good.

I had a 49 enhancement shaman and 49 Pom pyro mage in retail till the end of BC. It’s a great bracket. I kept the shaman there till wotlk cause he had full bis and I didn’t want to bother gearing him at 60 or even later 70 lol.