Whatever helps you sleep at night, champ.
I do wish you the best. I hope you show those casual levelers who’s boss!
Whatever helps you sleep at night, champ.
I do wish you the best. I hope you show those casual levelers who’s boss!
And now for the patented tough guy run away. Later skater… Try again anytime.
Oh, I’m not going anywhere. I’m just not taking the bait.
It’s “bait” to ask you to actually backup your point? LOL.
Actually, it’s not even a point, it’s a dodge.
Whatever happened to the good old days when trolls were remotely convincing and not so obvious?
Anyway, I hear Floyd Mayweather Jr joined a high school boxing tournament. When asked why, he said “doesn’t matter, same as professional. The goal is to win, right?”
When everyone in the jr high tournament has exactly the same ability to be “Floyd Mayweather Jr”, yes.
Is that you debunking? I hope not…
Weeew… yikes
Weeew indeed. Since you have declined to say I’m wrong, let’s go back to where we started. Are fresh toons at max level fair game?
Round and round we go.
Keep reaching, my friend
‘‘thinks of twink joke’’
‘‘decides against it’’
Oh you
I apologize for my sense of humor,carry-on.
Well twinking here would be better than in live, everyone is a twink practically and bad class design bleed into leveling and low level pvp.
Don’t know why people hate on twinks or call people twinks we geared up in dungeons and don’t have enchants. So much hate from the unskilled thinkers, claiming max level = more skill when the same thing can occur people with better gear nearly kill you don’t stand a chance. This isn’t live where everyone can heal so if enough badly geared individuals were to jump on 1 geared player massacre them would kill him, even with a healer because healer oom.
Two main reasons.
1:the jokes i’ve been making
2: they figure that most people who capp out characters only do it to quote:Reck lowbies.
Evidence of #2 is that on live capping at 19/29/39 w/e will put you into a queue with only other capped characters which can take hours if not days. seemingly proving that capped characters only want to reck lowbies.
You’re lips are moving and you’re complaining. That’s whinging.
Yea. Some of what you said isn’t worth responding to. Even some of what I’m responding to isn’t worth the effort TBH. But at least it keeps me entertained.
No, some of what I said directly contradicts you, so you ignore, Much like your “debunking” buddy above.
There’s no such thing as a leveling BG in classic wow, as they award no experience, and award very limited gear unless you’re going to sink a lot of time into them for the rep (the WSG and AB blues required rep until 2.0.1). If you like low level pvp, you should plan to gear for it. If you don’t, you should skip it because there’s nothing there for you other than a PvP trinket (and that’s only if you can’t kill enough people in the open world to rank to 2).
No kidding! If you agreed with me, there wouldn’t be much of a conversation.
I haven’t been following the conversation in this thread for about 400 comments. To whom are you referring?
People liked to hop in a BG once in a while to take a break from the monotony of questing. Helps to learn their rotations and abilities more dynamically.
If it were not for that, it would be x9 only.
He’s referring to me. He was trying to compare low level PVP to endgame. I almost thought was being serious for a moment but all doubt went out the window with the reply about boxing.
Negative twinks are funny.