The Return of Thrall?

It’s just a mental breakdown, I’ll just go drink about it, I’ll be good as new. Sorry for the interruption, please resume.

Edit: Okay for real I’m coming down hardcore right now and I’m sorry for snapping, I’m not right atm. Ocmulgee… don’t try to stir up trouble, it does nothing for nobody. Anybody else… please just… idk. Have a good night.


We’ve all been there, I’m sincerely sorry for your loss and you know many of us are here either in discord or elsewhere if you need to talk.

Feel better man.

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Actually no, I’m gonna say it right here, because people need to hear this ****, and I’m angry as all living hell about it.

I had a kid in my class, she went on a trip southwest, and her family got grabbed. She’s gone, and who the **** knows if anyone will see her again. This was one of MY kids. This was a kid I taught to read and not to hit people. And she’s gone, just like that. And then I come online and I just hear more of the same. Pointless. Crap. And I just snapped. I’m a mess right now and clearly coming online wasn’t the distraction I thought it was going to be.


That is godawful beyond belief.

Go take care of yourself man, do what you need to.


Holy crap man that sucks, I’m so sorry.


Holy sh*t I am so sorry. I can’t imagine how awful that must feel.

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I won’t pretend to even have the faintest Idea of what you must be feeling, all I will do is reiterate that should you need it you’ve got people willing to listen.

Otherwise, do what you need to do to feel better.


I apologize for my comments. I’m usually better about keeping stuff from ruining other peoples’ day, it wasn’t cool. Whatever the reason was on my end, it wasn’t okay, and I’m sorry.


No worries man, you do whatever you need to do. you’re in an unimaginable situation and I’m sure no one is blaming you for snapping.

Hey man, I totally understand. Long as you acknowledge your error and show genuine remorse, you’re all good.

You’ve got your priorities right to be so upset, but it’s worth remembering that the entirety of existence isn’t some “all of nothing” equation. Just as an example, I’ve gone to nine different protests at ICE facilities around the country, totaling somewhere around 300 hours of activity and god knows how much in travel costs, which I like to think is a lot more effort than I’ve ever put into my whining about Warcraft when it’s late at night and I can’t sleep with nothing else to do.

Has it changed anything? Honestly, no. There are a ton of people who care more than I even thought possible, but no one’s really sure what to actually do about it or where to draw the line, so we’re all basically just stumbling in the dark and fumbling around for a light switch that might not even be there.

If you want people to stop complaining about Warcraft because there are more important things, then the next logical question is: what else do we do? And will everyone even agree with that being the right way? Do we just delete all of our characters and start a hashtag? Or go full-on Les Mis barricade? I’m not being glib or sarcastic here to mock you; I genuinely have no idea, and I’m sleeping about five hours each night these days because I keep having panic attacks about how we’re all basically doomed to be the bad guys of history by not winning fast enough.

People do care, but the machine is too massive to stop with willpower alone. And like it or not, that “pointless crap” really isn’t siphoning actionable enthusiasm away from the bigger issue. It’s a coping mechanism to continue existing in a world where fighting harder doesn’t automatically fix things.

Just keep that in mind, and make sure to take care of yourself. If that means venting a bit on some video game forum, then go hog wild because that’s more than worth the trade-off. The real enemy of change is burning yourself out.


That’s horrific. Yeah, take care of yourself, comrade. All is forgiven.


Only if he bursts through the gates literally singing this:

No Mark Morrison cover? No Thrall.

You’re still #1 in my heart, bruh. I’d buy you some whiskeys and beers, but you ain’t here. Next time you find yourself in Baltimore, tho.

Do you, man. Just know you got us here.
Mainly Baitan, tho. Other people here are cool, sure, but not like my levels of cool. If there’s anything we can do, you know we got you.

Regarding the leaks. None of them account for the fact that there’s a reason why we can side with Saurfang and help Thrall and save Baine. I won’t believe any leak that does not mention that story thread.

I’ve always suspected that was thrown in to appease outraged Horde players who didn’t want to be Zombie fascists and was never going to actually connect to anything.

i’m almost
convinced that the leaked story thread is too dumb even for blizzard

but there is this tiny sliver of doubt growing deep within me like a seed of evil and if i have to, with my own ears, hear sylvanas say “you’re ready for the true battle for azeroth” i’m actually going to fill blizzard hq with lego pieces

He’ll eventually come back to the horde, be it as a warchief or an advisor. He’s the only level-headed and reasonable leader in the Horde other than Baine and Lor’thremar. After all this Sylvanas shenanigans, everyone knows the horde needs a redemption arc.

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You’re in the wrong neighborhood, buddy.

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Given how sophomoric Blizzard’s ideas about forgiveness are, a redemption arc is the last thing they need to write.

They’d first need to get to a place where the arc starts with “people who do evil things feeling bad about it and like, apologizing,” instead of “evil people do one (1) good thing ever and then get indignant when everybody doesn’t immediately like or trust them.”

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