The Return of Thrall?

Representations matter. Even in silly games. Even in silly games as stupid as this one currently is.

The history of the last few years in the real world is a list of proofs that terrible ideas flourish and begin to inflict real harm when they are encouraged, or even indulged.

So yeah, I’m gonna keep pointing out that no genocide is not okay, and I’m going to keep being incredulous that I have to. I don’t care if we’re talking about video games or world history or what, there are some ideas that have to be shot down no matter what obscure venue they pop up in, because all they need is a fingerhold.

Yeah there are children in concentration camps at our border, but everyone here is a hero for making sure people know the Horde is evil.

The real stuff. The stuff worth spending all our time on, over and over. As I said, carry on.

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I’m flummoxed why you decided to wade into this acting like you’re being attacked.

Like, seriously. What do you gain from pretending I’m talking about the Horde being evil here? What satisfaction is there for you in doing this? I know you’re too intelligent to have missed the point this broadly.

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If that’s what you’re getting from this, I’m afraid you’ve misread my emotions.

It’s a text forum, all people can read is what you type.

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It’s entirely possible to be horrified and stand against the fascist horror happening at our boarder while also being sick and tired of people responding to Teldrassil being an act of fictional evil with “but we’re all murder hobos”.


We’ve spent more time making sure people know they’re wrong about a video game than time helping those kids, and that’s an indisputable fact.

I’m already having a bad day and that revelation makes me sick to my stomach.

This is the sole reason that I continue to kick the nest from time to time. WrA forums are the only place where you pretty consistently see someone RPing a scarlet or enjoying the BfA story or RPing a Garrosh supporter always devolve into an insult regarding what “these people” must be like irl if they can still enjoy the game or whatever lore aspect is being discussed at the time. Enjoying BfA doesn’t make you a genocidal maniac. RPing a scarlet doesn’t make you a white supremacist. You’d think a community which supports creativity and RP would understand this more than the rest.

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Ocmulgee, let me explain to you why real life genocide is bad, because you don’t understand that. I know that about you from your stance on WoW.

So y’all just aren’t going to acknowledge what’s actually been said, huh. I guess it must be a lot easier to argue against being called some kind of genocidal maniac than to address a broader statement about how such sentiments interact with the real world.

You know, when you have to dumb down someone’s point to a ludicrous extent to make it seem wrong, you should probably stop talking.

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To be fair I reckon those cases are fairly focused on a few individuals, but I agree. We make moral issues over a silly game with an already disorganised story. It’s especially frustrating when people just RP concepts that interest them, like Scarlets, male orc warriors and the like, and then get told that makes them buttholes irl. I stand by the fact that that’s rare though. And Azhaar has repeatedly stated that that’s not what she’s trying to do, to be fair.

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Yeah, I’ll stop talking. I lost someone today, to a world f***ed beyond recognition, but that’s no excuse for being wrong about WoW.

Don’t dislocate a shoulder patting yourselves on the back, peace out.

Good lord.

I’m sorry for any loss you’ve experienced. And in fact, in my book, that does earn some leeway when it comes to being a jerk on the forums. We’ve all done that, I think.

No Enekie’s right. Good lord, what’s wrong with me. What’s a kid getting thrown a cage against A POLARIZING FORUM OPINION. Oh the humanity. Jesus christ.

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Someone feel free to correct me cause I may have missed something. However, I don’t think I saw anyone accuse Ocmulgee of supporting genocide IRL because of his chosen faction or his opinions in this thread.

If I’m reading this correctly he was accused of using a common false equivalence to either be pointlessly contrarian or as a derailment of the discussion. I don’t think anyone mentioned anyone’s IRL politics until you came in and accused us of doing so.


Thanks Taalva. You’re keeping your eye on the ball.

I’m glad everyone’s priorities aren’t horrendously skewed and detached from reality. That would be scary.

Korr, I don’t say this to be condescending and I apologize if it comes across that way, but this might be a moment to step away. If you’re seriously upset about something the forums are likely to be even worse for your mental health.

Don’t pretend to give a ****, nobody does. I’m leaving though.

…well, I didn’t expect this thread to go the way it did.

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