The Return of Thrall?

Dundun. Dundun. Dundun.



I think a redemption arc for the Horde would be perfect.

But it would have to be an actual redemption arc, not one of the half-hearted non-resolutions Blizz has given them every time up till now. And I do not trust Blizzard to do it right, soā€¦

Man, itā€™s discouraging, but Iā€™m at a point where I donā€™t even know what to want from this game because I have this glum certainty that whatever happens will be badly handled.


BfA will end with Sadfang and Genn bonding over their manpain.

And then theyā€™ll kiss.

Sir Iā€™m afraid to remind you this is Blizzard so at best youā€™ll get two male characters fist bumping and maybe sharing eye contact.


I still prefer Sourfang.

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The reason is because this is a repeat of MoP. You can side with Saurfang because you were originally always intended to side with Saurfang because you sided with Volā€™jin back when we did this thing the first time.

Itā€™s the other option, the one to side with Sylvanas, that was introduced and that was only to give Horde players more choice.

Choices which the Alliance never got, itā€™s worth noting.

In related news, I just rolled a Dark Iron alt through Draenor on my leveling journey, and Iā€™m amazed at just how much I love and miss that place. Ironically I still use my garrison on this main on a daily basis, but I donā€™t step out of the walls all that often. Should probly do that more.

Revisiting Pandaria is something I donā€™t do near enough either - MoP was a much-needed aesthetic and cultural shift from the usual spikes-and-lions bit around Azeroth, and is about as zen of an exploration experience as you can get around here, imo.

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Noted anti-Horde provocateur Enekie once again spreading misinformation smh. :triumph:

The Alliance does too have a choice! They can be the victimized second fiddle to the Hordeā€™s story, or they can unsubscribe.

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I can attest to the superiority of the second choice

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Call me this from now on until ā€œmenace to Horde societyā€ catches on.

Ummm excuse you Enekie but the Alliance got to name a boat, donā€™t you DARE say the devs donā€™t give us RP choices

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Donā€™t Be a Menace to Horde Society While Drinking Your Juice in the Barrens