The Return of Thrall?

If you consider races which we know to be intelligent sentient beings with intricate and ancient cultures to be no more than insects, then sure? Weird flex though.

Not at all what I said, but sure, reach if you want.

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I just beat AC Black Flag, but I canā€™t do cool pirate stuff. Weird, I guess video games arenā€™t real? Or something?


Iā€™m playing Sekiro right now, why canā€™t I flip and jump around like a ninja and insta-deathblow enemies when their posture is down yet?

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Letā€™s discuss the philosophical ramifications of Family Guy, while weā€™re dissecting quality literature.

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Spongebob actually has some startling implications when you really think about it.

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At the end of the day, itā€™s a fantasy game and none of it is real. Itā€™s a story thatā€™s being told. Sometimes dark stuff happens in stories.


The issue is it being a game, and youā€™re able to choose one side, and if you do, it means you condone genocide irl. Itā€™s just a fact, no getting around it.

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I donā€™t remember whoā€™s shift it is but I guess itā€™s time to reset the counter.

It was a good couple weeks.


Yeah, but itā€™s not dark.

Darkness (the way I assume most of us are talking about) has two components that make it work: repulsion and attraction. This is why dark stuff (like, say, a race of outcast undead who struggle for a life of their own while also engaging in dubious methods) is enticing. The attraction always has to be stronger than the repulsion.

When was anyone excited about the War of Thorns? When did anyone say they were pumped to see what happened next? The repulsion was thereā€“Horde players felt exploited by being disposable mooks, Alliance players felt exploited by being victimsā€“but where was the attraction?

A whole year later, itā€™s still not there. No one is happy. No one is excited. Nothing about the main story is all that enticing.

Yes, dark stuff happens in stories, but the storyteller still has complete control of it. We canā€™t just shrug and say ā€œitā€™s darkā€ like it was rain on your wedding day.


Itā€™s a balancing act, really. You have to keep things just dark enough to have that edge, while also keeping it light enough to make sure the audience can still be invested in story.

blizzard just tailslid way off into darkness and then is baffled people are angry.

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I tend to agree in spirit but this whole thing has really brought out a lot of people earnestly asking why genocide is a problem and that needs to be responded to even if itā€™s in relation to a transcendently stupid video game storyline.


Yeah, itā€™s also made people point and screech at anything with the color red on it. Ignoring that isnā€™t going to anyone any favors either.

Those people are always going to do that anyway. They were doing it long before BfA and theyā€™d be doing it no matter what was happening in Warcraft.

People asking sly question insinuating that genocide might be pretty cool sometimes thrive on being indulged. It needs to be made clear to such people that they can just slink right back into their holes because that kind of talk will not be accepted.

Iā€™m sure Ocmulgee genuinely supports genocide, and burns real life night elves in his spare time.

This isnā€™t ridiculous at all, carry on.


Not one person has accused him of that and acting like people are just makes you look silly.

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How did we go directly from criticizing him to saying ā€œpeopleā€ support genocide irl?

This is just getting so old. Someone likes the Horde (itā€™s stupid, I agree but god dang, whatever), and everyone is like OHHHH :open_mouth: this dude is an actual genocider, dang so creepy man.

People got effed by Blizzard and want to find the good in something they love, thatā€™s been ruined. Then I speak up once and I look silly. Whatever.

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Is not.

The issue.

I get that youā€™re frustrated with forum factionalists, and Iā€™m right there with you. Piling on people because of the color backing of their avatar is asinine.

That has zero to do with why we keep having to explain why genocide is not good.

Genocide did not happen. Someone wrote about it with minimal effort for like 5 minutes then farted it into a VIDEO GAME.

But I guess thatā€™s my hangup. I have ADD, and repetitive behavior is annoying to me. As I said, carry on, have fun.


Genocide is not good.

Roleplay is not real.

Wow is not real.

People respond to it ICly in a variety of ways.

How we respond to the war of thorns OOCly literally doesnā€™t matter because.




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