The Return of Thrall?

I wish I could find the post from a year ago where I called this being the final raid of BfA. The only parts I missed were the fight making past the walls of Stormwind and the Shadowlands follow up. Jesus I hope this is another fake leak.

Honestly though, weā€™ve been clubbing in the heads of children since day 1 and have never had a problem with it.

I mean, when you think about how many patches weā€™ve spent wiping out trollsā€¦ isnā€™t that the most likely place to find them at this point?


In dumb comic book-tier fantasy and scifi time travel and alternate universes are a really common destination when the writers run out of ideas. Theyā€™re not good, but theyā€™re a tolerable degree of dumbness. If you make the afterlife just another adventuring ground that anyone can trivially enter and leave you kinda break the stakes for your entire setting.

But who knows. Maybe in a year weā€™ll all be yukking it up with Ghost Varian and Ghost Grom and fighting through raids that are just a boss rush of ghost versions of final bosses from expansions past.

It better not be like that leak says, and yetā€¦ a fair amount of that seems plausible to me. But we already did the whole bait-and-switch thing in the War of Thorns. It would be lame to see that same trick work twice. Also if they are going to torch yet another Alliance city, and the biggest one at that, it would make my Horde self a bit irritated. People would scream that Sylvanas is a sue and that there is Horde biasā€¦ and it would be hard to deny at that point.

As for the actual topic of this threadā€¦ I donā€™t really care much about Thrall anymore. I do like that he has at least some self-awareness now about his mistakes. If that sticks then maybe he would be alright. I donā€™t have really strong opinions about any major Horde character except Blightcaller. He needs to go away.

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Donā€™t judge me, but this one part got me excited. I just like machines.

I swoon at things like the Battle of Hoth or the Iron Star in the WoD cinematic.

I miss the days before Warlords of Draenor when I wouldā€™ve thought a ā€œleakā€ like this was just too stupid to be imaginable.

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I still think it is ridiculous tbh. I doubt this will be what happens.

But then, I once thought the idea that Warlords of Draenor would finish after 8.2, the only meaningful content patch, to be absolutely ridiculous.

So Iā€™ve been wrong before. Iā€™ve been disappointed before. And Iā€™m genuinely nervous that Iā€™ll be wrong again. If they try to make Sylvanas a hero for everything sheā€™s done, at the very least my characters will NEVER buy it. At worst Iā€™d bloody quit. xD

I think a lot of the leak may be bunk. Unfortunately that theyā€™d try and paint Sylvanas as some form of heroic is something I absolutely believe.

Thereā€™s even precedence. AU Grom literally attempted genocide and heā€™s standing next to Yrel screaming ā€œDraenor is Free!ā€ Plus he is the single most beloved Orc in all existence as of the Magā€™har scenario.

Trying to frame Genocide as ā€œnot all that badā€ is absolutely in Blizzards playbook.


Yeah, that had me headscratching a little. I donā€™t mind that he yelled that, but he should have been arrested afterwards, or at least demoted. Durotan should have been Warchief, not Grom. Not after all heā€™d done.

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Who is the alleged ā€˜weā€™ here, and how OOC are we being?

Edit: Like, I realize I should probably leave it alone, since itā€™s a recurring and thread-derailing argument. But comments like this really bug me; just because something has happened for a long time doesnā€™t mean that objecting to its increase is somehow invalid, or that the people objecting never minded at all before.


Eledriss has a point here.

ā€œBut youā€™ve been doing it since X date, why are you complaining nowā€ feels like a way to shame people who more often than not actually havenā€™t partaken in ā€˜itā€™ and donā€™t deserve being lumped in with that group.


Players in general. We wipe out villages of indigenous npcs left and right. Itā€™d be silly to assume that there were children in Teldrassil and only fighting males in every murloc, furbolg, troll, kobold, naga, orc, ogre, etc village that we pillage and burn on our way from 1-120. The entire history of humans, dwarves, elves, etc is slaughtering natives and taking their lands. I only play Dwarves on Alliance side so I could definitely be missing many examples, but I know for a fact that one of the first quests that Dwarves do is slaughtering Frostmane troll whelps. ā€œWhelpā€ mean pup and the npcs model is half the size of the standard Frostmane trolls in the area. Itā€™s literally a quest to kill indigenous troll children.

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Yes, but also


Yeah, exactly. Trying to draw a parallel between fighting enemy monsters who hang out in small packs and explicitly go out of their way to raid and destroy civilization and incinerating a city full of civilians is false equivalence at best and Whataboutist apologia at worst.


Mass murder hobos who draw the line at genocide hobos. Killing is killing is killing.

Killing exactly eight (8) murlocs because they ate someoneā€™s cat is equivalent to burning children to death after starting a war that was explicitly about destroying their culture. :pensive:


So I guess Iā€™m a mass murderer because I swat bugs when theyā€™re in my house, going by your logic. Okay.

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Just a reminder that Teldrassil isnā€™t real, the reasoning behind it being destroyed is beyond morality because it made no sense, and all of BfA is a Steve Danuser fanfic, so debating genocide and making accusations about how severely people hold it seems silly.


Frankly, Ocmulgee, I dunno if you actually want a discussion, since you seem adamant on just being a Captain Contrarian.