The Return of Thrall?

See here! Such radical and common sense ideas have no place in the World of Warcraft.

Besides everyone knows the real reasons that we were forcefed the “First Female Warchief”. We just aren’t allowed to say what analogies really come to players mind when we talk about her paying for war-crimes, which she herself caused.

It really is Garrosh 2.0, but with plot armor and a writer who’d rather double down than prevent Ms. Meta Game from being imprisoned. And lets be honest. If Sylvanas was a roleplayer we’d consider her one at this junction.

i cant believe i have been made to read that with my own two eyeballs

Overall, a very convincing. The Tyrande-Nathanos part seems like the least likely thing and nudges me towards “fake” but

my own two eyeballs
this really is the darkest timeline


I can almost hear Sylvanas saying those exact words

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oh no i can almost hear it too
please stop hurting me in this way


So if everyone can leave the shadowlands via device. Does that mean we finally conquered death? At last, we can save mankriks wife.

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“Welcome to the Shadowlands Champion.” Sylvanas smirks as Nathanos stands silently at her side, “now you are finally ready for the true Battle for Azeroth”

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“Here is your Death Table, from which you’ll select Doom Champions to do Shadow Missions.”

“Ugh, this is just another mission table.”

“no its different”


“Also you may choose a body guard but your only choice is Nathanos and he’s going to annoyingly belittle you the entire time”

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Bring emm back, give Sylvannas the boot, everyones happy.

I will quit for real.

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I’d laugh, very, very hard if this turns out to be true.

It’s stupid enough to be true.

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Night Elves: So like… do our kids come back to life when we’re done with this? Or are they still gonna be adorable little BBQs?

Sylvanas: I don’t know, just go fight.

Night Elves: But I-

Sylvanas: SMOKEBOMB runs away

Sylvanas: No but I get to keep your people that I raised, and they are completely loyal to me.

Night Elves: But…

Elune: It’s true she’s better than you guys

Blizzard: We are such good writers


Seriously though. They’re gonna tell us it was okay to burn children alive because WE’RE THE GOOD GUYS! :angel:

There’s bad storytelling, and there’s stuff that makes you ask the writer “Have you considered therapy?”

Let’s save some of this justified outrage for the actual announcement. I know this is all too believable, but leaks like this are often bunk.

My outrage tends to get moldy if I keep it too long. I’ll make a new batch when the time comes.


This might sound naive but a plot where everyone dies so you can have ghost adventures and also you invent technology than can bring anyone back and forth from the afterlife is too dumb even for blizzard

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I mean.

The same thing was said when it leaked that we’d go on a time traveling adventure to past Draenor.


god, how the hell did we manage to go to the realm of the dead and still end up with a troll subplot

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