The Return of Thrall?

I like the idea of Thrall making a return too. They just better not assassinate his character or so help me Naaru…

They’d have to rez it first.

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Looking at what we’ve already seen;

Saurfang is not going to follow Sylvanus, which has established that she “is” the villain in this canon story.

Anduin seeks an end to the war, and has left the door open for Saurfang to help him attain it.

Baine Bloodhoof was “not” pleased when Sylvanus left Saurfang to his fate at the battle for Lordearon, but knew he was powerless to do anything about it.

Like others have said, I do not expect Saurfang to live past his next confrontation with Sylvanus, but there are more leaders of the Horde who would side with Saurfang against Sylvanus, especially if Thrall were alongside him. Anduin would be more keen to support these three fixing the Horde mistake. (Of course, Greymane, Tyrande and Malfurion may have issues with accepting the new leader and peace that it may bring… Likewise, defeating Sylvanus will also require defeating Nathanos, leaving a power void in the leadership of the Forsaken. Whomever steps in to fill “that” void will no doubt be as untrustworthy as Sylvanus has been for the past 14 years)

I would like to see Baine, Saurfang and Thrall leading a new leadership figure to the Horde, perhaps a new Troll to replace Vol’ Jin? It’s time for fresh blood in Grommash Hold.

Of course, for the continuation of the game, there will always need to be conflict. In addition to Genn, Malfurian and Tyrande not willing to accept the new peace, there is also Jaina, who may or may not be a dreadlord, and on the Hordeside, Gallywix didn’t decide to join up until after losing a fight with Thrall, a loss which he likely hasn’t forgotton. Lor’themar has also been more chummier with Sylvanus than anybody else. They may join with the new Forsaken leader in continuing conflict behind the new Horde leader’s back.

What if BFA and legion are all tying into The Old Gods in the other dimension & Thrall becoming warchief towards the end ends the horde vs alliance to deal with the old gods since thrall and wyrnn have fought side by side before, thatd be the s#it id see coming from activision now adays (yes activision, WoW hasnt been Blizzard since WotLK)

My dude


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Allfather’s tag is wrong. It should say 10 Orc Necromancer


The new forums saying “9 MONTHS LATER” is enormously passive-aggressive and I love it.


I still like the idea of Thrall coming back though.


Thrall is Metzen’s tweenage mary sue fantasy and ruined the Horde. We needed a Grommash and got Green Jesus instead. I rue the day they brought him back pray that he never makes it to a position of leadership again.

He was put into the story to appeal to human values and sensitivities when the Orcs haven’t ever been human, even before Gul’dan. His story lead to the tepid “war” of Let’s Forget That We’re At War To Save Ourselves From The Next Raid Boss that became WoW.

Yeah we don’t need Thrall, Metzens Mary Sue.

We need Gromm, Ion’s Mary Sue.


Garrosh > Thrall > Sylvanas.

It’s still a dropped ball that Alliance didn’t get Yrel with them post-Warlords and Horde didn’t yoink AU Grom.


Grom or Garrosh? I’ll be honest, I’ve barely played WoD and don’t know all the ins and outs of the AU Grom. I only know the guy from the RTS games.

Yeah the one that was a pathetic drug addict and sold out his people for a fix. Twice.

Grom 2020.

AU Grom was a guy who attacked people for no reason, got beat up, got captured, got saved by Draenei, then took credit. He multiversally sucks.


He’s a good Fall Guy. Gotta set someone up so the hero can rescue them.

Thrall was the point where the orcs became interesting. Before his story, they were generic monsters. The themes introduced in WC3 with Thrall, the tauren and the Darkspear were a big part of the reason that game was so beloved; they gave the Horde depth and purpose that it never narratively had before.

I’m constantly amazed at how the new devs are obviously Horde fanboys but just as obviously fail to comprehend why the Horde is cool. They keep trying to make it a flat, bland villain faction again and getting frustrated when that doesn’t work.


Grom 2020- Vote For The Fall Guy

You know what? The thread may be 9 months old but its still a relevant discussion so lets do this.

Thrall coming back as Warchief would be head explodingly stupid. Not because I have any particular problems with the character (kinda like him actually), but because the idea that the Horde would leave the position of Warchief intact after all this is the kind of pants on head insanity that you could only expect out of Blizzard’s patented %@%##y writing.

The fact of the matter is everyone not named Thrall who has held that title has been a cartoonish psychopath, any coherent story would have seen it abolished after the Siege of Orgrimmar.

(No Vol’jin doesnt count, he did literally nothing for an expansion then died.)

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Thrall is just here to help Jaina smooth out the tensions between horde and alliance and put Baine into the position of Warchief.

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We already jumped that shark with the Horde not being disbanded after MoP. At this point, I’m prepared to accept the least stupid of the options, since it’s Blizzard and I know there aren’t going to be any non-stupid ones.

This would be even worse than Thrall