The Return of Thrall?

And he's voiced by Chris Metzen. I wish to hear his beautiful voice speak sweet nothings into my ear.
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I want him back but only after some Blizzard-style craziness e.g. he goes off to save Chromie or gets into some Bronze Dragonflight shenanigans in some other way, comes back with gray eyebrows and a gray beard.

Gray beard Thrall is the wise yet fiesty Grandpa Warchief we've always needed.

Also, he may or may not be a Dreadlord.
Sef is chaotic neutral in its rawest form. XD
11/11/2018 03:04 PMPosted by Sarestha
later confirming that he was talking about Thrall.

Let's be real here, everyone knew exactly which hug pillow he was smuggling into Blizzcon that day.
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Frankly, it's kind of Thrall's fault we're even IN this mess to begin with. When he left the Horde to become World Shaman, he left a total psycho in charge of the Horde, and things have just been going downhill for us ever since.

So naturally, if he ever does return to Warchief, I am personally tying him to the throne in Grommash Hold.

He is not allowed to leave us again.

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I don't see Thrall returning to be Warchief. I do however see Thrall returning to help Saurfang though. One can wish.

I embrace his return (Big surprise from me). His character and story is something near and dear to my heart and I would love to see him return. Like stated a bunch of times in here, he was suppose to be in BfA I recall! I think he was suppose to help you with the Volā€™jin story? I feel like I saw a screen cap of him carrying his urn but maybe I just imagined thatā€¦ but sadly it had to be cut due to real life health issues (which could explain his absence in a whole)

So I embrace it, even more so if they give us a real cool reason why he was gone and heā€™s caught up on everything. Imagine how neat it would be if he put on his old armor and used the Gorehowl instead to honor Grom and use it for good unlike Garroshā€™s actions with it. Or if we had a quest that returned the Doomhammer to him?
So many interesting story routes! Itā€™s exciting to see where his story lead :smile:

Iā€™m willing for Thrall to come back. Enough time has passed.

And IN that time the Horde has been mostly so terrible that everything Thrall did looks pretty shiny and awesome simply by comparison.

Which works in-universe, but when you consider that this has all been the result of Blizzard not knowing how they want to write the Horde, you have to figure Thrallā€™s return would be the deathknell signaling something equally stupid about to happen to his characterā€¦


Thrall returns, and then falls victim to the new Warchief curse, and dies ignominiously.

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Only if they keep the guy who said, ā€œThrallā€™s story is the center of the gameā€ away from the writing. Even if itā€™s Metzen. Thatā€™s the mindset that brought about ā€œGreen Jesusā€.

I canā€™t think of any horde character I want to see be warchief less. Gallywix? Baine the spineless? Gammon? Aethas? The slightly impaired corpse of general Nazgrim? One of the goblins who works at the bank in Orgrimmar? All much preferable to Thrall.

Maybe a catchup scene where we see Thrall farming or leading that orc village in Outlands? Sure. But anywhere near the central plot? Oh no, oh hell no.


Idk about players in general, but this server hates Thrall. Iā€™ve always loved him, but had to keep it a secret while he was around. Lest I trigger the screeching.

From what Iā€™ve heard in general, people hate Green Jesus Thrall from Cataclysm. Most people seem to have like Warchief Thrall back in the day. Thatā€™s about where Iā€™m at. If heā€™s gonna be Warchief again Iā€™d be okay with that. If heā€™s gonna make me follow him around on his vision quests and wedding and crap, less so.

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General Nazgrim is not a slightly impaired corpse at the moment. Heā€™s one of the four Horsemen and a total, Darth Vader badass.

Yeah Iā€™d take him for Warchief.


My favorite part of the DK campaign is coming out of the keep in Arathor and seeing him strangling like 10 people with death grip and laughing.


I retract my ill-considered description of General Nazgrim.


I have a Horde character who would love Thrall back in the Warchief seat. Actually, anyone but Sylvanas. He is so done with her right now.

Me personally, Iā€™d love to see Thrall back in the game. Not sure if being Warchief is
a good idea, but Iā€™ve always liked the character, even though I do agree the Green Jesus phase needs to end.

I like Metzen. I wouldnā€™t mind seeing Thrall in special appearances or questlines. I donā€™t want him as warchief. It feels like that chapter is already closed.


I can see it happening though. Theyā€™re all about returning the Horde of the Vanilla-Wrath era, and Thrall leading was a big part of that.

Not saying Iā€™d bet on it, but I can see it as a possibility.

Iā€™m almost at the point of betting on it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Except when I bet on things, I tend to be wrong.

So I wonā€™t bet on it. And Iā€™ll hope that it happens as a result xD