The return of hard 5 man content

Uld was terrible in LFR i agree, people trying to pull ALL the trash for Zul dear god… but by BoD alot of those trolls moved on that i saw, It had some fun fights and so dose EP that can be enjoyable if you like mechanics/ unsual design. If nothing else i’d say to give EP a try just to see the design, it has some amazing looking designs in it.

I would support this 100%. Perhaps we could start having mythic dungeons with electable hard modes to do that offer better gear as an in between for mythic and mythic+

Maybe next expansion instead of having one dungeon be the mega dungeon of the expansion I suggest we have three. One for the first season, one for the second season and another one for the 3rd season. Or just reuse the mega dungeon of the expansion and just tune the numbers for each seasons rewards.

It wouldn’t take that much time to develop as you just need to make the bosses hp pool bigger and hit a little harder. I don’t see this being a negative for the community at all. It would give us more challenges in an expansion which I see as a positive.

I disagree with a daily timer. I think they should have a weekly lockout since the loot you potentially may earn being a reason to restrict them for a weekly lock out. I want to have a slow progression of gearing on my main and alts and if that was a daily option I would get bored with the game in a few months.

I think this sounds fair and like an actual game. I support this. I would like an alternative to the rush mentality of mythic+ keep the timer in as it is but offer bonus rewards for those that do them in time.

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Actually yeah, I think I agree, it’s not really rush go-go-go… At least at the level I’ve done (14s to 17s) you kind of just go at a natural pace and if you are clean on the mechanics it usually means you finish in time, you can even have a few deaths (even a full wipe in some dungeons) and still get it in time.

If you have a steady group you are usually just chatting and having a good time with friends while you advance through the dungeon, there are indeed occasions where communication is needed but it usually doesn’t take that much time (mostly “micro” stuff like asking for CC, calling for interrupts or CDs). As for having time to plan and discuss strategy more in depth, that does happen too, quite often actually, it’s just usually done before starting rather than mid-run (or also walking back from a wipe is a good time to discuss how to fix the issue that led to the wipe).


These are supposed part of the mythic+ system, if you want something that plays as slow as molasses in winter there are other MMOs. WoW is deliberately designed to let a determined player gear up quickly so they don’t have to sit out an entire expansion. The Devs have made that decision very very clear in multiple Q&As. It’s one point I very very much agree with. The daily timer is to prevent people from trying the key again and again.

It’s also worth noting that the philosophy in WoW is that there should always be something to do that isn’t just grinding mats.

This. Honestly, this should’ve happened a long time ago. This makes SO much sense, and I don’t know why it wasn’t done this way from the beginning.



Agreed, so long as the rewards match the effort, which is something Mechagon fails horribly at. I did it once and now I’ll never do it again for myself. I’ll only touch it again to help friends who haven’t seen it.

I understand that you don’t like the timer, I don’t care for it either, but Mythic+ is filling this niche. As things currently stand, I’m fine with just getting the 1 (2 would be cool though) “Megadungeon” per expansion. They should probably aim for somewhere between Normal and Heroic raid in terms of both difficulty and rewards though, if they’re going to keep the gearing scheme for 9.0 similar to BfA.

I guess but I’d like to have more Mythic only dungeons that reward normal/heroic ilvl loot that has a weekly lockout. I dislike the infinitely scaling nature of mythic+and the rush against the clock. I think holymonky summed it up best with.

It feels really bad to have to grind the same dungeon over and over. Not saying I have this problem but you can’t help but feel bad for the folks that never get a +10 done and would want to do one. Some have physical disabilities or other that prevent them from reacting fast enough and are viewed as a burden.

I think there should be content for those people to tackle that doesn’t have a time limit and rewards decent gear instead of the world quest system that randomly spits out max ilvl loot.