The rep grinding is just painful

Just because you can’t do it does not mean it isn’t true…I have done it about the same amount of time.

There’s guildies in my guild that did it in 4 weeks. I can see it in 4 weeks because that’s all they really do, dailies. 2 weeks, is complete bullsh, when each quest only gives 75, or an extra 75 sometimes. The contract, and extra 10, big deal :roll_eyes:

2 weeks, don’t believe it.

Well believe what you will, not going to sit here and try to convince you otherwise, you seem to have made up your mind.

Yeah, I’m not going to believe rubbish like what the MVP and forum goers are saying with 2 weeks. Feel free to disprove me but no guildie in my guild, the casual ones, did it in 2 weeks.

5 World Quest per day on average - 375
2 emissaries a week - 3000
1 invasion per week - 1500
Total for 1 week: 7,125

Impossible to do that in 2 weeks. It’d be almost 3 weeks. Maybe 2 weeks and 5 days.

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It’s possible, but involves a lot of effort. You have to hunt down every quest, do every WQ, etc.

Most players won’t rep cap in such a way. I recommend just going for the emissaries for casual players. If you want to speed it up try doing the Wanted! quests and make sure you complete the questlines of the zone. For Honorbound and 7th Legion there are also incursions, Warfront WQs, and Islands as well that can help.

As for timegating. To me timegating is only a thing if you are to the point where there is nothing you can do to progress. This is possible with the new reps but a casual player should never reach this point(if casual is defined by the amount of time put into the game).

You can also buy rep items now from Island vendors that offer an infinite source of rep that isn’t timegated at all, but I don’t recommend doing that as it will likely burn you out. In theory with that method it would be possible to get exalted within a day or so(I don’t know the rep per hour you would gain from such a thing playing 24/7)

I found this snippet from someone else on the forums back in Sept. Seems like his goal was to get rep and thats about it. But it still took 2 1/2 weeks just to get to revered.

I started playing again on 8/16.
I hit 120 on 8/20.
After that I pretty much cleared every WQ on the map religiously.
I got pathfinder on 9/5.

It’s just one person’s account but I don’t really think you could do it in 2 weeks.

Were not just saying the story quest line, you need to do world quest, and invasions when they are available the it is very possible.

… Read that one a couple times.

Also mission tables, side quest etc;

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Good point!

I just listed numbers, completing the storyline and every Wanted quests, which there’s not that many believe it or not. It would still take you at 2 weeks and a couple days or around 3 weeks to reach exalted.

Even Absentia, whose saying they’ve found a snip, actual proof would be nice, only played on one character, did not complete it in 2 weeks. 2 weeks is an understatement and playing down the time invested to do it.

that’s basically how i get mine so easy. im off 1 day sometimes 2 days a week and they are always split start of week and mid week. i am able to do most if not all emissarys on two avatars…

other than WQ best change to dailys theyve done

Holy list of contradiction Batman!

Looks the same as it always has been imo, just different bells and whistles. Personally, mop did it best with the account bonus rep for alts if you hit exalted with a faction for the first time.

Did you include rep from invasions and daily turn ins? My alt is 10k from it and I hadn’t done the quests or farmed WQs.

There is no rep grind unless you start an alt with no rep. If you simply play the game on your main you get the rep along the way.


I’m with you… I’ve unlocked EVERYTHING else except Zandalari. I still have about 3k to go to exalted… Finally the WQ is up for them but it still won’t be enough.

These rep grinds are stupid. And I’ve done all of them. On both sides. I totally get why they’re here… it’s just to keep people logged in to play repetitive content because the story bits don’t get you to exalted. I’m not sorry about this one - the devs are lazy - they should have content enough that takes you to exalted (if that’s the gating mechanism for allied races) OR they should gate on the story completion.

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I see a lot more than 5 WQs

When’s the last time you did World Quests, because if you hover over those timers, some would be already 12 - 15 hours in.

Someone who completes the World Quests every day, will only see 4 - 7 World Quests that rewards reputation for Proudmoore Admirarlity. That picture also does a disservice as not all are for Proudmoore Admirarlity.

I know you only see 4 - 7 per day, because when I grinded them, the next day you only have 4 - 7 world quest there and not all give rep for Proudmoore, as I stated above.