Wow, that’s rather condescending for an MVP. Allied races are not a reward. They’re a metaphorical carrot on a stick. A reward is a piece of gear from a raid, or one of those PvP mounts. It’s something you put work and effort into. A rep grind based off of WQs alone is not work or effort. It is simply time gating, and it’s a rather poor system.
Allied races are the very definition of a reward. You put in time and effort to unlock something you desire.
You are right, those are indeed rewards from different types of content. So are Allied Races, regardless of the fact that you personally do not see it that way. You personally do not like the content that’s attached to them, and that’s fine you don’t have to like it. It, however, is a reward for putting in time, daily, over a period of time.
Don’t be so dramatic; just play the game, and BFA rep will come.
I’m a filthy casual with no interest in rep grinds, but BFA didn’t feel like some big grind; I got the rep when I got the rep.
Kids these days… no patience! Back in my day, we played EQ and had to hang around gnolls and spam /say macros to learn to speak gnoll. Get off my lawn!
It might take much longer for me. Just can’t get into the War fronts. I’m not sure if they are required to unlock these new allied races but alas.
I can finish the war campaign it’s self but I have noticed the WQ’s too. I was offline for about a day and came back to only find one 100 rep for Zandalari and that’s all I did and logged back out. Meh…
Don’t wait for the emmisary. That might sound like the ‘fast’ way to get your rep up, but the truth of the matter is that it’s one of the slowest, given how the emmisaries cycle. For example:
The Emmisary gives you 1500 rep. Emmisaries cycle randomly, but it seems like you’re waiting 2-3 days at a minimum to get the same emmisaries. Each world quest gives you 75 rep. There are roughly 7-8 world quests up per day. That means per day you get around 600 rep.
So by the time the emissary comes around again, you’ve earned between 1200-1800 rep, not counting any rep gained by doing world quests that award rep tokens or war table missions that award rep tokens.
There’s that word again.
I think the problem people have is that it’s tedious, boring and takes what feels like an age, not that it’s challenging, or too hard, or anything.
Yeah, I got my rep all done too, but I’d never say I had fun doing it.
I only want rep that helps me unlock the allied races. For now anyway. So I need Honorbound and Zandalari. And “just doing any WQ”, isn’t going to give me the rep I need for those. Unless there is something I don’t know yet? If I did a WQ in Vol’dun- Will it give me rep with Honorbound/Zandalari? I’m pretty sure it won’t.
big if but if you include all 7 a week assaults it takes less than 3 weeks. i think on this avatar it took me right at 3 weeks playing 10 hours a week ruffly.
dont pay attention to it. is the key. though if you waited until now im sure that’s a bit harder
If you had just done daily emissaries you would have had exalted with everything 6 months or so ago.
It’s only painful because you are thinking about it. People said the same thing about every version of rep ever, including when it was EXCLUSIVELY grinding in wod. Now THAT was painful, because even though it was possible to do in one sitting it was just soul crushing.
Point is, take the advice of those here. I totally understand the idea that you guys want these things asap and that you are frustrated you can’t get them beyond what the game determines… but if you just did the emmisary at all in the past few months you’d already be done!
Take your time and don’t stress out over a video game like that. It’s a very passive thing when you break it down in the long run, so no pain should be inflicted.
You can buy services now and save them to use later I believe.
And rep is gained just by playing the game - did these allied races come as a surprise to you than you did little or nothing for the last 6 months ?
The rep grind is bad enough as is, now you want to cap it?
People have the freedom to play on weekends. Emissaries can be saved and all done on the weekend. The weekly events all run over the weekend.
No. This would mean more people would just log in on weekends and not do anything during the week which would affect all kinds of things like dungeon queue times, etc.
Allied races are a reward. The metaphorical carrot on a stick includes a reward. What the heck do you think the carrot is in that ?
You have to earn a piece of gear or those PvP mounts - to some people doing those would be a ‘carrot on a stick’ type of content as well.
So worgen were a reward? Goblins? Draenei? Blood Elves? Pandaren? What about monks? Were they also a reward?
Except earning said PvP mount is actually fun. In theory, if you want said PvP mount you enjoy PvPing. If you want new raid gear, it’s because you want to raid, and must raid to get them. If Blizz wants us to put in effort to get a “reward” (It’s not, it’s a race), alright. Make it an enjoyable effort then. Not this waiting game.
My wife hates PvP but wants the mounts, should she have to do something she hates to get the mounts or should she be just given them?
So which one of those were Allied Races? Ill give you a moment.
That’s like complaining that you had to have a level 55 character on that server to create a DK instead of just getting them when Wrath launched or complaining about DH’s requiring 70 on that server. Yeah, those requirements are far less stringent, but the point being that they exist because Hero Classes =/= Normal Classes.
Allied Races =/= Traditional Races and are basically the “Hero Class” of races, thus why they also start at 20 as oppose to level 1 along with other perks. Also, it has already been stated as NOT being a replacement to traditional races just in case anyone wants to try and say they are.
Allied Races are an unlockable optional reward for those who want them.
Again, Normal Class =/= Hero Class. Did you have to Unlock DK’s and DH’s? Yes. Monks? No.
Come on man, you can do better I believe in you.
EXTREMELY subjective. Do you think someone who hates PvP enjoys the process of unlocking it?
Making a big assumption there man. That’s like saying if you wanted the Mage Tower skins you loved the Mage Tower. I LOATHED every freaking moment of the Healer Mage Tower but still did it.
No, again, making massive subjective assumptions. I know several people who do not want to raid at all but their BiS trinkets come from the raids. They would much prefer to do nothing but M+ but do raiding solely for a chance at their BiS pieces.
Also, I love how you say this here–
but can’t seem to wrap your mind around the concept of “If you want the Allied Races, you must go through due process for the Allied Races”
Its such a contradictory mind set, dude.
Again, Allied Race. Entirely different, Chief.
As stated, that’s entirely subjective and opinionated. Personally, I LOVE Questing out in the open world and doing World Quests, doing the story quest lines, ect. and I am pretty sure there are others who agree. Clearly, you do not and I am sure there are also others who don’t like them either. Once more, that’s fine that you don’t like the content as not everyone like everything.
If I wanted to be overly difficult, like you are being, I could make the argument: “Raiding is arbitrarily time gated because lockouts reset each week and I only have so many bonus rolls. Clearly Blizzard is arbitrarily time gating raiding, I should be able to do the bosses I want over and over until I get what I want.”
“Also, its dumb that I have to go through each boss sequentially, I should be able to skip whatever bosses I want! Also, its really really REALLY dumb that I have to play with others. Everyone else I play with is really bad and make the experience no fun. Blizzard should really add a solo mode so raiding is fun.”
Dude, come on. Not every bit of content is for every person, and that’s fine. The fact that you don’t personally like it is fine, you are entitled to your opinion but your arguments are filled with a ton of poor formulated analogies and assumptions based purely off of your side of the situation.
Exactly! Sure, not liking the content is one thing and its okay to not like the content but if you want the reward you have to put in the time and effort, which is exactly what it is even if you don’t enjoy it.
Even more rude behavior from an MVP. Rather shocking. I’m just trying to have a conversation and you’re coming off incredibly hostile.
All I’m saying is give us something more engaging and fun. Doing the same world quests over and over and over again is not fun. Make it a long quest chain, make it a raid reward, a PvP reward, something that isn’t this mindless borefest.
Yes! Let’s reference a TWELVE YEAR OLD rep gaining method. Remember Cata (which was more recent) when you could get a tabard and run dungeons for rep? That was much better than anything before it or after it.