The removal of same faction bgs in WotLK

Would be pretty based and just like the OG game, which all of you seem to want so badly, eh? Or do you only want some changes when it caters to your ahh… retail 0.5 style of game easiness.





Everyone is crying about not having dungeon finder, and saying it was ‘part of the original game’ therefore changing this is bad… which is cool - I get it. But when it comes to only having AvH battlegrounds (you know… like the original game that everyone apparently wants), the community seems to screech like the sky is falling.

So… seems like the community is basically just crying and wanting Blizz to give them their every demand? even when it doesn’t make sense.

HvH bgs = not in the original game version but apparently fine.
Removal of dungeon finder = bad bc not like the original game version but apparently bad.


What in Sam Hill are you even talking about?

It is not fine and I want them gone.

I literally quit playing horde over it.


I don’t like HvH BGs either but the alternative is a 2 hour Q. Alliance just doesn’t PVP like it used to.

I doubt Blizzard will roll back their pandering move. Seems like this is just another issue where the community was too spineless, and let them shoehorn in another awful Retail change rather than letting people feel the pressure for flocking to the biggest servers and the dominant faction.


Rofl troll

Yeah nah not happening. Same faction bgs are staying.

I am not sure if that would be a good idea. With random bg hopefully we can see more of isle of conquest the best bg in the entire of wow history. If we have alot of pvp human rerollers might be worth keeping them even though the initial implementation led to win trading,

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We’re not going to back to 2h AV queues. I’m sure many will reroll human for EMFH but even that is not going to balance out this queue. If the queue was actually balanced, I’d be all for cutting off same faction BG, but I doubt it’ll ever happen. I say the same thing about LFD but realm populations will never be connected/balanced, meaning we need LFD. LFD is the same last resort “fix” that SFBGs were. But this time Blizzard refuses to put it in even though wrath ALREADY had it in.

Sounds like he’s asking for hour long BG queues for Horde again instead of the one minute queues we have now.

Wait, wait.
But everyone is in a panic that EMFH must be nerfed because everyone is going to reroll for it and factions will be completely tipped over and the horde is doomed and…

Yeah I don’t believe them either.
Closer to even faction participants would be nice though, so it queues HvH less often.

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as long as i can go on my chopper in Strand and at the start jump by the edge and say “OMG they finally added a wall to stop you from jumping off” then im fine with whatever side im on. I love watching people jump off the boat to get kicked out :slight_smile:

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Don’t wanna wait for a same faction BG Q? spam for a group, make a pre-oh wait

It is in the game.
Will remain in the game.

and this kids is why you should stay away from mεth.

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2 hour BG queus = waaa blizz gibs us same faction BGs.

Removal of dungeon finder = waaaa blizz gibs us dungeon finder.

Bgs became quicker, but dungeons became harder (to find groups).

You reap what you sow. Fair is fair. No need to implement dungeon finder then?

A sneaky RDF thread lmao

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Pretty weak attempt.