The rectons in Chronicle 4 were absolutely ridiculous

It proves that you don’t know the narrative well enough to pass judgement on whether its consistent or not.

Got any other examples? Considering the one you provided was both wrong and not a retcon.

There’s a limit to how long a post can be so I can’t properly enumerate WoW’s entire history of retcons and narrative inconsistencies to someone who is going to only push the goalpost further back anyway.


So that’s a no, then.

I feel like unless things are reflected in game, it’s likely just Titan perspective and should be ignored.

Sorry, but you’re in the wrong here.

Am I? All I asked for was a correct example. There’s certainly several of them.

I just find it personally amusing how often the loudest story complainers don’t actually know enough about it to formulate a logical complaint. Guess it’s just what gets the negativity/outrage serotonin flowing?

I think most players don’t even know or care about this.
Like, more than 90% don’t care.

The 10%, perhaps 1% are Horde so Blizzard or whatever person in charge can do whatever they want with the story and no one will do anything about it.

And you see, one person that made a very good point about these retcons being bad is an alliance player:


I disagree. I like the Alliance for being the good guys, and I like hating the horde (mostly the “forsaken”) for their evil antics.

Also, a faction should not be judged by the lone actions of a single rogue subfaction individual, just like I don’t hate the whole horde, just the undead.

It’s more so of the fact that it’s not worth the effort of engaging with someone trying to invoke arguments of falsifiable hypotheses.

The point was that even when characters in WoW are “killed”, there’s a good likelihood that Blizzard will just bring them back. Muradin is a good example of this, since he was killed in Warcraft 3 and then brought back in Wrath with amnesia. Illidan was killed in Black Temple until Blizzard decided, “No no, Maiev actually resuscitated him and then kept him inside of a jar in her basement out of spite.”

Like I said before, the list can continue to go on and on, but you’re just going to fold your arms and say, “Well, THAT one doesn’t count.”

I just find it personally amusing how often the loudest story complainers don’t actually know enough about it to formulate a logical complaint. Guess it’s just what gets the negativity/outrage serotonin flowing?

You seem to be getting more upset about this than anyone else.

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Maybe we’re all making this too big of a deal. Maybe Chronicles was just written by an AI and Blizzard forgot to double check the input parameters.

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But none of those are retcons. Do you not know what a retcon is?

I promise I’m not upset lol

Warcraft is a comic book story and always has been. That means it’s frequently ridiculous, follows the rule of cool more than any other rules, and yes, frequently “dead” characters don’t stay particularly dead.

What I don’t get is why you’re so mad about it lol. Nothing has changed.

In both cases are retcons, and I’m very fine with them. You should be able to easily recognize a retcon.

Retroactive continuity, or retcon for short, is a literary device in which facts in the world of a fictional work that have been established through the narrative itself are adjusted, ignored, supplemented, or contradicted by a subsequently published work that recontextualizes or breaks continuity with the former.

In Wrath we see in the campaign that Muradin didn’t die, and there is a continuation of that scene. That is, they had recontextualized that story and thus it is a retcon. I don’t really mind they brought him back.

The same applies to Illidan, he was dead at the top of the Black Temple, and both Akama and Maiev leave there.

Illidan collapses and dies.

Maiev Shadowsong yells: He’s right. I feel nothing… I am… nothing.

Akama runs back from the stairs to where Illidan fell.

Maiev Shadowsong yells: Farewell, champions.

Maiev teleports. To where, no one knows.

Akama yells: The Light will bless these dismal halls once again… I swear it.

Akama despawns.

And what we see in Legion is different. When the demon hunters that illidan was training are back from the mission they went, they see not only Maiev but an entire group of wardens putting illidan on a crystal prison. But I don’t have to tell you that because you already know it, but I thought it was good to refresh how things were chnaged.

While one may argue that there is no head taken from Illidan (it was a thing in the PTR but removed), it does change the continuity of what was established there, in this case, a retcon done by in game.

About those in the most recent Chronicle, there are already at least 2 other threads with very solid arguments for why they are bad.


Do check the definition out:

Those are definitely retcons, just not the more blatant one.

Imagine if Arthas ressed somehow with the power of the Light, due to his paladin past, and the 35 anima he turned into in SL was just his “evil half soul”, which was implanted into/split from him by Frostmourne.

Or if Deathwing didn’t really die but was there in the Maelstrom biding his time.

Malygos didn’t die either, he turned into a Magic Elemental right before dying leaving his physical body while we weren’t looking and had been defending us from the truly evil 7th cosmic force all along.

Even the Jailer’s end was a soft retcon for his motivation.

Those are only NOT retcons when the plot gives us breadcrumbs/hints of those plot point changes before they happen.


I had just posted that :expressionless:
Don’t want Briselody to think we’re ganging up but yeah.

The difference is that it was not retconned by a book or an article or a dev interview. So, in a good way, it is a “good” retcon because it explores the unexplored to create the new narrative, but they nevertheless recontextualize both situations.

My bad, I was typing in other topics XD

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What you do is, you save your outrage for things that have an important impact on your life, not fictional stories. Pick your battles. Talk about agendas.

But what if I have beef

That’s a pizza? Looks like they slapped a doughnut in the middle… I got lost looking at it like “What in the world is that?”

You mean making the Alliance’s motivation for going to Kul Tiras being because Jaina felt like it and all their stuff happening before anything the Horde did only to talk of the Horde’s side and make us look like criminals and villains when in game the reason Jaina goes home to Kul tiras is because we the Horde sprung The Zandalari princess and she flexed their naval strength on a alliance fleet chasing us so the Alliance badly needs the Kul’tiran fleet if they wanted to stand a chance.

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No calm!

Everybody freak out!!


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