The rectons in Chronicle 4 were absolutely ridiculous

so what do we do about this?
Do we dive-bomb letter campaign this or what?

The puge of dalaran retcon is borderline offensive and half of the “order” they did to BFA makes ZERO LOGICAL sense.

was there some sort of stupid agenda when all of this happened?


well you can start by calming down.


You know what?

Bread IS funny

I wonder how many of these retcons are intentional and how many are just the result of poor writing.


See. This is why I don’t read WoW books. It saves me from the retcon whiplash.


What are you talking about? Is this another background book?

i collect the books they make (the ones that are like encyclopedias). I got through half of WCC4 and was stupefied at how RIDICULOUS this crap is.

Like…just stop retconning. It’s cheap, it’s lazy and it runs the real risk of pissing off fans.
The in-game storylines of BFA were fine as they were.

MOP’s storylines made sense in game…now they dont. It’s a trainwreck now.

And yes, the storyline for Purge of Dalaran is perhaps one of the most flagrantly bad re-writes. The whole POINT of what makes wow interesting is not to have one obviously bad faction and one only good one. The shades of grey they’ve both had in the past make them both good.

These retcons sound like they were hacked by children.


You should not care about World of Warcraft lore, lest you give yourself a migraine.

The game and its “lore” have not been consistent since 2004 and I may be being generous in that estimate, for one.

Secondly, Blizzard doesn’t care about WoW’s lore themselves; they have a consistent track record of constantly retconning their lore, and then retconning their retcons, for the sake of creating nonsensical story beats that lead to actual game content.

An easy example is with Cenarius, who was killed by the Horde in Warcraft 3, then resurrected in Cataclysm with the help of Horde adventurers, only to get killed by the hands of members of the Horde (again) in the Emerald Nightmare, only to get resurrected (again) so he can help the same Horde members protect the Emerald Dream.

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except he wasnt’ ckilled in legion…he was made unconcious


Yes, because no one actually “dies” in the Warcraft universe anymore. They’re either “defeated” or shunted off to some other realm until Blizzard decides to pull them out of the closet for some future patch.

This only further proves the point that Blizzard doesn’t want to keep a consistent narrative.

That wasn’t a retcon at all. Sunreavers were always involved. Jaina was still wrong for the purge.

Over what?

i can just pretend it doesnt exist. well i USED TO BE ABLE TO. THANKS BLIZZARD.
begins 10 hr rant about allera

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You are generous. According to Wikipedia, there are two player campaigns in Warcraft I: Orcs & Humans, a player Campaign where the Alliance wins and an Orc campaign where the Orcs win.

Then in Warcraft II they decide that the Orc campaign was the real one although they keep some things from the Alliance campaign.

In any case people were OUT-Raged because they believe Shadowlands was the only major recon even though no one can actually point out what established fact was actually changed.

People care about what they enjoy, which is good. Otherwise, we’d be basically soulless robots, right? And I believe the responsible writers should be aware that their product is bad. Else they think they did a good job, lol!

Furthermore, we have progressed beyond minor inconsistencies and logical errors. The train is derailing at full speed now, dragging everything that was once good with it into the abyss.

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Complain about it on the forums and little else, mostly.


Qamaits casts distraction


I don’t necessarily disagree with what you’re saying, but if Blizzard was cognizant of how inconsistent and shabby their game’s writing was then they would have changed course a long time ago. This is also compounded by the fact that the “creative direction” of the game’s lore and writing has changed hands so many times that there was never any “foundation” that they could utilize.

Blizzard has always viewed WoW as a bottom dollar industry (even before the Activision and Microsoft days), and if there’s one thing they’ve always excelled at, it’s branding. As long as people buy their games, their merchandise, books and so on then they couldn’t care less about how nonsensical WoW’s story has become - and that has been evident for a very, very long time.

1/4 OF that pizza is acceptable…NO MUST CONCENTRATE! looks back at launcher begins charging up a superfroth

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The constant barrage of intrusive retcons have just made impossible to be engaged with the lore of the game.

If you gotta retcon, do it in a way that makes sense and fits the setting.

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I honestly dont know how people in the story forum cope. wow legit has probably the worst writing at this point i’ve ever seen. even worse than the worst internet fanfic ever.