The reasons why i believe that the wow token would be beneficial for SoD

Hello everyone, i would first like to thank everyone for coming to this thread and taking the time to read my post.

So, the WoW token has been very successful in both retail and wotlk classic and i believe that is for a number of reasons.

First, raiding is a very enjoyable activity, probably the most fun activity in the game while farming gold is tedious and usually unenjoyable.

Giving players the option to purchase gold directly from Blizzard provides many players with a more enjoyable experience while playing the game as they can log on and spend their free time raiding or engaging with pvp instead of farming gold.

Second, WoW has a problem with players who bot to farm gold who then sell it to the community at large.

RMT or Real Money Trading is against the rules set forth by blizzard and anyone caught should be banned. But it is no secret that ban waves aren’t that effective because not everyone engagin in RMT gets banned.

If blizzard were to add the wow token to Season of Discovery, then that would basically completely eliminate all demand for illicit RMT gold from bots as players could purchase the gold directly from blizzard.

Many players have conjectured that the most recent restriction on GDKP raids is blizzard’s attempt to curb illicit gold purchasing and RMT within the game.

Well, if players could just buy the gold directly from blizzard with the WoW Token (same as they do in Wotlk Classic and Retail), then there would literally be zero demand for illicit gold purchases via RMT.

Third, i would like to note that Season of Discovery is an amalgamation of classic and retail wow. You have the classic vanilla world and questing while taking some pieces from retail to augment it: Divine Storm on paladin, lava lash on enhance shaman, etc.

Since SOD takes pieces of the game from retail to bring it into classic, i think bringing the wow token over to SOD would work perfectly well and be very beneficial to the game.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read my post, i look forward to sharing further discussions with you all via the comments that are written below.

Have a wonderful day everyone :slight_smile:


i agree. wow token should set gold price ceiling which would remove a ton of botting activity. combine that with current detection measures and gold-sink bans and you have practically solved rmt in classic


How about play a different game. Pay 2 win is in all the other blizz titles.


Exactly my thoughts, friend.

SoD is a blizzard title so it should have all the things that other blizzard titles have including the wow token.

Have a lovely day :slight_smile:


Nope, this one is the first Microsoft title, times a changing. No more yachts to fund.


[GDKP gets nuked.]
“Hey y’all, how about we do the WoW token in Classic!”

So is this just… transparent or is my hat a bit more tinfoil today?


Bill gates didn’t become so rich from refusing to monetize the intellectual property of Microsoft.

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Bill gates ain’t running MS. Xbox doesn’t have shareholders.

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You have a lot to learn about the dynamics of a publicly traded company, my friend.


You got a lot to learn about people don’t spend $69B and let it continue in a dysfunctional state. I’m pretty sure Phil Spencer knows most people think wow/ blizzard is a joke. They’re not gonna put p2w trash on gamepass.

Imagine not playing wotlk because of wow token.

“Yes bro arthas please take 100k gold but drop me the mount”


Most people didn’t play wotlk because of it lol. The boost even nukes tbc.

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Whether people are swiping with RMTers or with Blizzard, it still doesn’t mean that it makes the community or the raiding scene better. The only time anyone should have to spend gold on equipment is from the vendors.

Oversaturating the currency in general will still cause problems for people who don’t want to swipe to buy items they need.

The problem with the token is that it is an aspect of why people left Retail in the first place. Over-predatory cash grab systems are abhorrent and many people who play Classic are sick of it being embedded in games these days.

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Actually you have this backwards, my friend.

Season of discovery isn’t the first Microsoft title, it is the last blizzard title.

The Microsoft acquisition was concluded on October 13, 2023.

Phase one of SoD was released on November 30, 2023.

SoD was fully developed before Microsoft acquired blizzard.

Well, retail wow has the wow token.

Wotlk classic has the wow token.

If SoD goes on the game pass, retail and classic wotlk will as well.

There have been no announcements to remove the wow token from retail or wotlk, so it’s quite likely that the wow token comes to SoD as well.

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Well, it ain’t happening, git gud if you want gear. Bads can’t buy bis anymore.

Do you work for Microsoft?

I believe that you have no input on the decision to add the wow token to SoD, correct?

Again, given that the wow token still exists on retail and wotlk after the Microsoft acquisition makes it quite likely that the wow token comes to SoD under Microsoft leadership

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No. And no again.

Not interested in pay2win aspects in SOD. Eliminating botting means nothing if Blizzard turns into the bot.

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They are all f00ls, rmt is normal in era/sod without token, not having token here doesn’t change the reality and Nature of players.

Rmt is a rule in almost every mmo.

Token is good because You can pay 1 year of wow in 2 weeks of farming :slight_smile: in wotlk only by doing the dailys from a heroic You Will have all the consumes for raids and You still have tons of more dailies, people not playing because of token were just looking an excuse for not playing again and stay living in a buble in era where “rmt doesn’t happens”

Didn’t even read just no. Token has and always will be bad for the game. We all got to see it for a second time in WotLK classic.