The reason WoW PvP sucks and how to fix it

We’ve got a pretty long way to go before we get to that point.

Exactly, so if your current class/spec sucks, either unsub or reroll to have fun in pvp.

Also if that happened, the game would probably die since it seems like a substantial part of content for people is doing fotm rerolls.

Dont cheat tho

I agree, cheating is bad, so is boosting of any type. They cause Blizzard to have to implement imperfect systems that can create false positives.

In hinesight I should thank Blizzard they hit me with a false positive they failed to correct, plenty of time for activities when you’re not forced to do pre-requisite content to get to the actual content you want to play. Content that’s gotten (from what I’ve seen) quite miserable with gross imbalance, lack of participation, and people getting RSS r1 titles with tank specs :smile:

But playing a tank spec in arenas is ‘cheating’ or ‘exploitation’ to some in the community, apparently.

People choosing shuffle over LFG isn’t a bad thing. Anecdotal evidence about reduced 3s participation isn’t good a enough reason to say the expansion has been bad for PvP. There are many things about Dragonflight that have been great for PvP (including shuffle).

The game is in a better spot than Shadowlands, and likely BFA. I say that confidently.

It’s like playing in a neighborhood pickup game and a team from the NBA shows up. Absolutely no balancing of team specs has ruined the battlegrounds.

Wow pvp is probably the best game I’ve ever played even in this state, which is still better than other games

Why are we necroing year-old posts?

I think (especially with a first or low post count character) - they googled it and got sent here, then respond not realizing it’s a year old necro.

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Exactly. Healers are the strongest they’ve ever been, and yet we still have a healer shortage lmao. Healing is just not fun for a large majority of players.

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I know this is an old post and I could get banned again but arena is dying because people are tired of the same song and dance. They want excitement! Something new to feast their eyes on.

I post more on Reddit than I do here but community hype is at an all time low. You’re lucky if anyone is even talking about wow arena at all in hot topics. The only way to bring casuals back into arena is to embrace change. Look at MoP remix and now imagine if we could go back in time to obtain some of those coveted rewards like my favorite the cataclysmic twilight drake which I bet people never even see anymore. It’s an unused asset wasting away that collectors would love to have. The rewards should be accessible to casuals with the sole mission of having fun

I feel like the real worst thing about WoW PvP isn’t the balance, but the fact the entire game is airhorns and weakauras popping in your face. Really noticeable when you try classic and you can just play. (Although cata classic has no solo q so it will always be inferior)

too much cc and homogenization imo.

This thread is a year old.