The reason WoW PvP sucks and how to fix it


Better analogy would be like world first raiders dying to the same boss over and over, and when they finally get a win they don’t get anything. They have to win at a higher rate than what they lost before they can even start getting anything. PvP is very punishing in every way and in most cases for PvP you get literally nothing for it.

Alos @Kennie if you think so many people are playing PvP go ahead and figure out how many of ‘total games played’ are different people and not the same people queueing matches. Doubt you can, melee brain. If a lot of people were participating queues wouldn’t be so long.

Haha, that’s total games played… so lets break that down…

162,000 games played across every player and every round…

162,000 divided by 6 (6 rounds per SS matchup) is 27,000

Now how many SS matches do you normally play in a session? Because of que times… I play about 7… so lets use that since I don’t have access to Blizzard stats.

27,000 divided by 7 is 3857.

That means there roughly a total of 3857 characters during that time (24 hours worldwide, on every server, everywhere)

That’s not very active to me in a game of about 2 million by most sites guesses (since the numbers are so low Blizzard stopped announcing the numbers).

How many people do you imagine play COD or Overwatch in the same time period? lol



Yeah, I think that I came to around 5ish million with NA and EU going off the exact number of people who had Elite earned this season.

Haha yeah that’s better.

That would be awesome for PVE’ers to feel the pain. They wipe to a raid boss over and over, and when they finally down the boss they get no reward.

They would have to defeat the boss more than they wipe to him before they even got any loot from it. :smiley:

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Seven per session is a lot; I’m a healer so I could play way more than that if I wanted to (and I did in SL), but usually after like three lobbies I just get sick of it now. I can’t imagine doing seven with DPS queue times


With the exception of ret, I think this is exactly what happened. Ret was obviously an abysmal blemish that ruined the season that otherwise would’ve been amazing imo.

I actually think this season length was fine between 3s, rbgs, solo shuffle and grinding elite sets.


And THIS is exactly why I haven’t renewed my sub. Ion minions literally ruined their chance at SL redemption. GG

I will say it does appear overall balance is no better off than it was in the past when they didn’t do any PvP changes for long stretches. Not saying they should go back to that, but it’s like they pull one lever and it ends up affecting a bunch of unintended stuff. Then throw in the inevitable PvE changes and there’s kinda no hope :dracthyr_tea:

Ion, are you reading this? 100% fact.

Right on, 100% again.

Last reply for tonight… this is EXACTLY why the people who pay for this game are PISSED at you, Ion. Quit already 'cause we’re way over your ideology and tunnel vision for what WE want. Honestly we don’t give 2 poos about what YOU want for the future of WoW.

Bet less than 10% of your designers have a degree in actual design. FFS.

lol ION isn’t reading this, nor is Blizzard (unless you use a naughty word or something, lol)… Blizzard has made it clear that they do not care about PVP, its an afterthought or no thought.

Create the most punishing rating system in gaming… check

Create the most imbalances including two class reworks in one season… check

Limit the rewards behind a rating system that literally no other game uses… check

Pretend to listen to the community when they say something is wrong… check

Make it so smurfing and griefing is built right into the rating system… check

Time to play another game… check

Edit: As if I needed another reason to hate WoW atm… I got DC’ed (The random “You have been disconnected” WoW Error), and I was punished -300 rating from SS… Umm what? lol

Also, I only say all that from a place of love… this game’s PVP is in need of some badly needed love

I have decided to sub again to see if the massive sweeping changes to PvP will be any good. My main spec Assassination seems mid tier and I’m fine with that.

My main time sink in WoW has always been 2v2 arena and random/rated BGs, never was big into 3v3s. In season 1 of dragonflight it seems all brackets outside of Solo shuffle were dead.

Some changes have been made to revive the dead brackets, so here is hoping.

But I gotta say, if my favorite bracket is still dead in season 2 (Rated 2v2 arena) than without a doubt I’ll let me sub run out again and move on from this game.

We already know that “letting a meta settle” is an ineffective balancing strategy because that’s what happened in Shadowlands (and many other expansions). I don’t think putting a hold on frequent balance adjustments to let the meta settle would be a good idea. Ideally as things become more balanced overall fewer changes would need to be made.

I think Dragonflight has been an overall win for PvP, but WoW PvP still has so many fundamental issues left for Blizzard to overcome that I can’t be bothered to list them all.

What I’d really like to see is some discussion from Blizzard around solving the gameplay issues that turn people away from the healer role, and a commitment to improving the ladder/rating/rewards meta systems so that we don’t see things like 2s and 3s stagnate.

I think this statement is wrong. I think overall, Dragonflight has been a win for PvE and PvE players make up most of the population of WoW. This makes the Dragonflight expansion a win as a whole.

However, no matter how you cut it, PvP numbers are down, and the only active bracket was solo shuffle in season 1.

At the end of the day, if only 10 groups are up in LFG in any single bracket and you keep facing the same teams over and over again… That is not healthy or good for any PvP game.

the issue is people die to fast in the meta, pacing needs brought down or the game will continue to suffer. its unfun for everyone but the fotm dps that is currently ontop and killing people in a few globals.

Dear diary…

was better when rogues were bis am i right? xD

WoW pvp is bad because its explicity dependent on proper balancing that’s always had a relatively high requirement from a testing point of view.

Blizzard hasn’t been doing a great job at it since I can remember, fotm will always exist since at no point will everything be balanced.

You’ll find balance when WoW inevitably gets the HotS treatment and goes into maintenance mode so they finally get time to balance everything without a new patch to break it.