The reason why people feel BFA so boring and miss The Classic

We can go into a great detail on this subject but I will just give the broad overview.

Currently all classes with same iLvL = same HP. Does this make sense? A mage and a fury warrior, if their iLvL is the same then they have the same HP. How does this make sense?
Mage is a ranged class so he has the advantage to attack from the distance while the warrior is not. Warrior is pure melee, who stands at the very front of the fights taking all the damage but he got the same HP as the mage. Does plate help against magic damage? I don’t think so.

With the Vanilla talent trees, players had choices. They could choose to be pure Frost mage if they wanted to or Pure Arcane or PvP elemental mage all depending on their favorite choices.
Now that choice is gone. Just think about the Class changes made from Cata to WOD and more pruning in Legion. If you are new or didn’t play that long, then maybe you wouldn’t know.


Players had the illusion of choice. If you wanted to do any non trivial content, you used a cookie cutter spec. If you wanted to use a bad spec. I mean “creative” spec, you just werent invited to anything worthwhile.

I played back then. To join a top end guild I had to assure them that I was using an acceptable spec.

Classes still have a bunch of abilities. Some have less, some have more. Some classes in the early days were extremely simple. Some in those early days were so bad you couldn’t even play them. They didn’t just simply specs, they simplified entire roles/classes.

You are a shaman? Ok, you are resto.

You want to tank? Ok. You are a warrior.

You are a druid? You mean innervatebot? Well resto once again.


I think people miss the nostalgia of it being new along with the community it had rather than the broken gameplay it was.

We’ll find out if the sense of community was a function of the software (vanilla code) or of society in general.

My bet is on society. Since 2004-05, social media and media in general has made rude behavior more visible and even ‘acceptable’ (see Tucker Carlson as the most recent example).


Nonissue and mandatory to have as many forms of content and difficulty levels as we do (although I admit they created too much of an initial gap post-Uldir, but it doesn’t really affect anything).

The actual issue is too much high quality Welfare loot (Mythic and PvP weekly chests included in this) making your personal progression feel less meaningful.

No it didn’t. We only had Uldir for like 4 months. Emerald Nightmare in Legion -> Trial of Valor was entirely too fast despite being a mini-raid, Blizzard has even said this.

It’s literally impossible to create major content like raids at a rate that would satisfy people who clear it week 1 or even who clear LFR the first week the last wing is available. You’re asking for ~1 month raids. That only works if the cut the raids into quarters to stretch it out, which wouldn’t solve the issue you think you have here.


Yea, throwing out 2 heals, then drinking would have been so fun.

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of cookie cutter specs to be effective.

As another player above me stated. If you can heal… you healed. If you were a warrior you tank (in raids) Enjoying dumping gold everytime you want to go out into the world and farm. Did that… not my cup of tea. I enjoy not having to farm soul shards or give out healthstones one by one.

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The MMORPG entertainment factor doesn’t come from developers. It comes from player interaction both wanted and unwanted.

EQ solved this riddle 20 years ago. You make a world feel alive by having thousands or millions of players independently interacting with one another in the world through shared goals. The game reinforces the need to socialize by making challenging content and strategically placed goals for classes to compete for.

Then you have the RPG elements. Character progression. Appearances. Achievements. It’s not RPGMMO though. It’s MMORPG.

Sadly the EQ formula took a back seat to the wildly popular Warcraft lore. It made sense to happen that way but we got the inferior MMO model for it.


This was really only true for raiding. For Vanilla PVP, and for challenging 5 mans when they briefly existed in BC, you could use inventive builds mixing and matching between the specs.


Agreed. back then MC didn’t become outdated when BWL was released, you still had to raid MC to gear up for BWL and with no ilvl bis gear could be found anywhere.

Classic crafting was great. Leveling takes long enough that you can actually take time leveling your professions.

Can’t wait for Classic.


Let’s take mage class for the discussion.

Do you guys remember the mage class before the pruning and simplification?

Now frost mage can only use frost skills, fire mage only fire skills and arcane mage can use only arcane spells. Whereas before, it didn’t matter what spec, the mage could use all spells. Skills like fire blast, cone of frost, arcane explosion, all 3 specs could use. What old talent tree did was reinforcing certain spec skills. Yes, there were some skills like pyroblast, arcane power…etc reserved for each spec only but in general, classes had more skills and choices.

Most of all, all classes felt more dynamic and fun to play. I mean people leveled a new character simply because they wanted to play that class and it felt fun. But now with the Global Cooldown and all the class simplifications, they all feel kinda bland and boring…

This is a pleasant surprise. I didn’t expect this level of intelligence coming from a Panda girl.
However, Mythic+ is not as easy as many people would think you know? +4, +5 is O.K. but from +7 it gets quite challenging.

Still, it would’ve been better if BOD came sooner to add more dynamic, but instead not releasing the Darkshore warfont until later and making that as a catch up mechanic for the people joining BFA later, would’ve been better.

It’s true. There will always be some Raid Experts but they are not the majority. Only a handful of the raiders can do that and most wow players don’t raid at all with a raid team.

WQ gear rewards are already garbage, at most they’re good for newly leveled alts. I fail to see how turning the game into a chore will “lure” people back? Things like that tend to have quite the opposite result. The biggest enemy wow has is itself and the wow community. You can’t really fix the latter.

The game tries to please everyone and it has been doing that for a very long time. It’s a reason why it’s such a successful mmo. They have a “winning” concept and in their book they just need to keep doing it over and over again until it just isn’t working any more.

BfA just isn’t a good expansion, it isn’t even close to one. What’s important to understand is that what we find good others might hate. You need to be on the same level with everyone.

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Even the Classic Purists will be begging for a quality-of-life dual-spec to be added, I’d say 2-3 months in.


Yeah this is extremely unlikely. Blizzard just posted their plans for content release and it’s coming in 6 phases of content, including an itemization update midway through, to try and match the 2004-2006 content cycle as closely as possible. They haven’t said what the timeline for content phases will be, but even they release a new bucket-o-content every month, Naxx won’t even be available until five months after launch.

The classic forum is a pretty crazy place and you’ll see people estimating a player base in the millions, which is completely delusional, but classic is going to have a large player base for a couple years.

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About that library card collection , I’d be interested

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Comparing Vanilla to Bfa and why BFA feels boring used as a thesis topic to explain what was done right in Classic … right.

I don’t think using Classic is at all a good point of reference to explain what BFA did wrong.


Yo is “The Classic” like these places my grandmother is always referring to?
“The Wal-marts” (plural, of course, but also singular)
“The 95 (interstate)”
“Remember when we used to go to The Blockbuster?”


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Exactly what I mean, and probably the main point of this thread.

As soon as BOD arrived, it killed the Uldir raiding and no1 cares for Uldir any more except for some people wanting to do it for the achievement. There was really no real reason to jack up the iLvL so much, enough so that it killed the previous raid instance.

“Chore” is an interesting choice of a word.

It is true there will always be some people who don’t like Repetition of any kind no matter how fun and good they are. But I think for wow, it’s mostly WOW keep on changing from expansion to expansion so radically, making any hard work + time put into the previous, obsolete, that is the core reason why people feel like it’s a Chore. It’s a chore to do the dailies and it’s a chore to grind for AP.

This is exactly why they need to stop changing things so radically, but build on the previous, improving upon it. This sense of continuity will definitely justify any grinding in WOW and instead of feeling like it’s a chore, people will start feeling like they are achieving something, moving forward towards something, and this sense of moving forward will make them feel happy again.

I 'member … :relaxed:

I played vanilla and I sure don’t care about Classic. WoW vanilla raids were mostly trash except for the 20 mans. It was all about being in a large enough guild or fuggetable it.

World PvP died in classic the moment BGs were released.

Crafting was still bad. It was BC that created the xpac wide crafting items. The only thing any good in vanilla was enchanting.

The first xpac was out in 2 years…