The reason why I'm thinking of quitting WoW

The real question is… do you want to continue playing wow or do you want to let other players determine your enjoyment in the game? Decide if others can really control your happiness that much or if you are really in control.

Make your own groups either with friends or guildies. Don’t depend on pugs for +12s. That is quite often a bad decision as pugs aren’t guaranteed to be even decent.

Let go of your disappointment and keep on playing. Just don’t be so sensitive when others rage.

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When the game isn’t doing very well, players get crankier and more toxic in the game. That’s been true for a long time. I am sorry that happened to you, though.

It is unfortunate, and yes it has gotten SIGNIFICANTLY worse over the past few years; the severity hasn’t increased too much, but the prevalence has become overwhelming There also appears to be a state of paranoia within the community, the feeling that everyone in the community is out to stab everyone else in the back should the opportunity present itself and/or to avoid becoming the target of suspicion.

… yes, it’s getting really bad now.

I can’t offer any real solution or motivation to stick around, at this point I’m barely hanging on myself. Perhaps some vague hope Classic WoW will pull through somehow, because it’s looking like BfA won’t; and the next expansion would have to do something REALLY special to convince me to stick around much longer than the hopes Classic will turn out alright.

That being said, there is a refuge from the toxicity in FFXIV… but you should be warned, bringing ANY of that toxicity with you will result in you being chased out by an angry mob with torches and pitchforks.

They don’t exactly take kindly to “toxic players” over there.

I got to say if the tank starts giving you attitude before the first boss, you will more than likely not make timer or finish. Try to reassure him/her you can still make timer or at least finish (in a polite manner.) If that fails, call him/her a #@#$#@$#@$ who @$$#$$#@$@ and that he/she is a @#$#$@@#$ and just the leave the group. Jokes aside, just understand when pugging you Will run into these groups, just deal with it.

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You can min/max the entire argument for days over less than trivial reasons. The game design facilitates the wrong behavior. It’s as simple as that.

Holy crap dude stop pulling extra mobs then :laughing:

This isnt a WOW only thing. Its a reality everywhere due the fact they we have raised a generation that was never allowed to fail. If they failed or did bad at something and got angry then mommy came in and fixed it so they never had to deal with the emotions that come with failing.

We have given participation awards because people cant handle losing. WOW doesnt care about your feelings. You win the prize or you dont. You may get a consolation prize but its not the quick effortless easy peasy win thats expected nowadays.

You have to either learn to roll with the punches or move on because its not going to get better.

Boomer detected.

C’mon. This has nothing to do with that. Also, citation needed? Are you taking a break from writing inflammatory Breitbart/Huffpo articles or something?

This game always had toxicity with grouping. I remember it before the addition of LFR/LFD. As much as I’d love to blame CRZ/Sharding for it (and some blame does fall there, I think), it’s not exclusively the fault of that. Toxicity always existed and always will. There is definitely less “punishment” for players who act that way now that cross-realm queuing is a thing, but I even remember back in TBC some players were awful and their behavior was tolerated “because they’re good dps lul” or “well they have the nature res gear to tank Hydross,” or .

This ain’t a generational thing. This was going on before the generation you obviously love to hate on could even farm ore for their parents in Un’goro.

“The WoW community totally sucks!! …excuse me WoW community, convince me not to quit.”

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depends what you define as “punishment”.
silencing seems to have made a few people pull their heads in.
…it’s just a matter of people reporting them.

I meant the classic (not capital-c) rhetoric of “Server reputation used to matter” in terms of punishment