The reason why I'm thinking of quitting WoW

I’ve played this game for a long time now but this xpac and last xpac something has happened to the WoW community. It doesn’t matter if i’m doing pve or i’m doing pvp, it just seems players are more toxic than ever. Yes some of you will say the community has always been toxic and to that i say sure. But now it just feels like every player i encounter is angry / upset about something.

I did a +12 Shrine the other night. We were all in discord of course and the tank after the first wipe started **** talking all of us for being garbage. Most of us were very quiet. One guy told him to calm down and to finish the dungeon. Well that pissed him off even more and he ended up leaving the key and we didnt even reach the first boss yet.

So yeah convince me why I shouldnt quit WOW and i’ll think about it. ty everyone.


If you’re gonna pug, then get your feelings hurt when you encounter someone you don’t like, maybe quitting for a single player game is for the best.

Also if you’re wiping before you hit the first boss I guess I’d say, be honest with yourself about what the groups problems were, and fix them going forward.


You should of asked all the people who where quite and didn’t yell if they wanted to group up with you next time to avoid further toxicity.

If you want to quit it is up to you but there are definitely other ways to play the game than just through m+.

I wish you the best.


Sorta like how you are in a constant state of angry / upset about rIO? :stuck_out_tongue:


One jerk of a tank shouldn’t make you quit.

You can circumvent this issue by tanking yourself or by not pugging m+. The dungeon scene can be highly toxic and is a lot more fun with friends.


Toxic people exist everywhere and in every game. You’re doing a +12 Shrine which means that you’re obviously doing higher end content and that’ll get more people frustrated. Have you ever played League? People who are in Plat are egregiously toxic because the higher you go the more toxic people get because people want to win.

There are many other reasons to quit WoW, but you’ll find yourself at a loss if you quit this game for another because of toxicity.

I don’t do much in ways of group activity these days, but I do recall pugs being hit or miss in the past.

Sometimes all went well and no one was a tool, other times people would complain and rail against the others the whole time.

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-> Calls the community toxic

-> Demands the community convince him not to quit

Not trying to be a jerk, but this is pretty funny OP :joy:


I’ve got a bit of a theory/hypothesis on this one.

Initially, it felt like more gamers were the “outcasts” of society. The ones that never really fit in. However, even though like you said there has always been toxic players, I think those that have found that their personalities were rejected through conventional means have found themselves moved towards the internet.

The biggest downfall to this is they can largely get away with their behavior. They can bad-mouth those around them with little worry of repercussion. Even if and when their behavior does catch up with them, it takes no time at all to change their display name, roll a new character, or simply create a new account to bypass the punishment they’ve been dished.

I’m not sure what the answer is to your woes, but you are not alone. Personally, I think it’s about time for a community reform to some degree.

IDC if you quit. Probably best if you did since you’re being a baby and starting drama topics on the GD. So a guy didn’t want to waste his time with people who can’t run a dungeon effectively, what’s new?

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ah shrine the pug killer strikes again

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The entirety of GD is low effort drama topics. You complaining about this topic being here is like complaining about adding more sewage to a sewer.

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I dont get it. The community is more toxic than ever. I pug mythic+ keys every other day so I experience it first hand. Every other run is basically “why did you pull that you ****? now youve caused us to wipe.” etc etc etc Dont believe me? Try it for yourself.

My point is that you complained about “the community” being toxic, and then came to “the community” to convince you not to leave due to their toxicity.

That’s like asking somebody who’s bullying you to make you feel better about yourself. lol


Cool story so quit no one will care

I still have hope…i think. It’s just last night pugging mythic+ was really rough. So many angry kids nowadays. Unreal.

Mm. A death in shrine before the first boss kinda sounds like someone facepulled an extra trash pack tbh, tank was probably nettled over that.

Still a jerk though. I’ve run into those types in Mythic+. Tanks know they can get into basically any group though, so people need to learn to hold their tongue until the end of the dungeon, at which point, sure, unload. The nature of Mythic+ not allowing you to replace a lost member means it’s kind of a crappy situation, but personally I’d rather just get it done than downgrade because I wanted to argue. I know it wasn’t you btw, just commenting on that situation.

In any case, more on topic, find a good guild. You might have to hop around a bit to find a good fit, but pugging content will always occasionally be a nightmare. Run with people you know and they have a reason to at least pretend to be nice.

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So maybe you should try not pugging keys.

Join a guild. Join a m+ discord. Try to form a group that runs together.

Ten bucks says your m+ experience improves dramatically if you put some effort in to actually looking for community.


It’s because he’s toxic, and from my experience people who repeatedly have bad experiences with stuff tend to suck or be the reason the experience is bad. I’m a super casual player these days. I finally quit progression raiding in Legion, and now I just PUG everything. I rarely have bad experiences in anything I PUG whether it’s a key or raid.

This is the problem with gear inflation though, I mean look at Dozer’s other posts. He has posts complaining about Raider .IO and how he can’t get invites. He is in a boat load of freebie easy to obtain gear from War Fronts. He has low progression and achievements. Because he has a higher iLvL due to Blizzard handing gear out to anyone for anything he thinks he’s better than he is. I bet you anything he’s a an absolute cancer in PUGs.


Well… the type of toxicity you’ve described has always existed in WoW.

That being said, toxicity in the internet has just increased significantly all around these past couple years. Don’t like an actor/actress because of their personal views? Start a hate campaign to leave thousands of negative reviews before their movie even comes out.

Don’t like Blizzards direction in Diablo? Downvote every youtube video they come out with.

Don’t like that Bethesda is working on a fallout game before an elder scrolls game? Leave a negative comment demanding the next ES game. Don’t like that they’re working on an Elder scrolls game now instead of a fallout game? Leave a negative comment demanding the next FO game.

The overall maturity of the internet has declined dramatically… probably due to the polarization of our political climate.