Basically, after watching this from TheLazyPeon, I am wondering, what do you all think the WoW Killer might be? Do you think it will be Blizzard that kills there own game or do you think another game might take off and give people the same vibe as what WoW did?
I know the term “WoW Killer” is subjective, and there is multiple opinions on what might spill the end for World of Warcraft, but I would like to hear everyone’s opinion.
WoW can’t be killed. Even in the event of real world catastrophic apocalypse, the only things guaranteed to survive are cockroaches, Keith Richards, and World of Warcraft.
The real WoW killer has always been Blizzard itself. It grew lazy in it’s design and expansion became less and less interesting. Add to that it’s current problems and you have them causing more damage to their own game then any of the competitors ever did.
WoW won’t be killed. It can only die. And I don’t think it’s actually all that close. Sure, it is in a bad way right now with an underwhelming expansion and massive controversy at the company. But they could turn it around with a single killer expansion. Or hell, even with a single killer patch. It’s not as though people who have left don’t ever come back. FF14 may be the current hotness for a lot of prominent WoW names, but it’s not like that’s a new game. It has also had more than its fair share of struggles over the years. And unless Asmongold is streaming, WoW still gets more attention on twitch.
Looking back on the previous 3 - 4ish years, I’d say so.
A game won’t ever capture that feeling of WoW because a lot of what makes WoW, WoW is also highly outdated due to the age of the game. A game can’t spring up in 2021 - 22 and have mechanics and such that haven’t been used since 2004. The game would die instantly, players don’t have the patience for such things anymore.
You might say, then why did Classic work? Nostalgia and even Blizzard underestimated that. “You think you do, but you don’t.”
The only thing that will kill this game is ultimately age. The game is old even right now. People will just get tired of playing it and overtime the numbers will keep reducing. Once it get’s to the point it’s not monetarily feasible to keep it up and operating, they will close it down. Angry forum posters, company instability, or other games will not bring it’s downfall.
I’ve seen all the “WoW Killers” and truth be told, most of them have died trying.
what people don’t think about is all the other games and why they don’t last. Much like the next “WoW Killer”, New World. Story. Some of us have been playing warcraft games from Warcraft 1. I started in 96 with Warcraft 1. Why is that important? more then two decades worth of storyline. Think about that. As bad as the storyline is, Warcraft has been around in one way or another for nearly as long as the Simpsons! And because of the storyline, it has more staying power. What does New World have for storyline?
Now FF is close. It has a long story line, but its more disjointed and not as well connected over time.
Elder Scrolls is close as well. The only issue they have (I play ESO and with all the ES RPG games) is that ESO is disconnected in many ways from the ES series and that hinders it in my opinion.
WoW will soldier on. It will have swings up and down. Hopefully the staff will look at the community discontent and offer a solid expansion next time.
I don’t dispute that. The storyline right now is weak and looks like something a college freshman turned in after pulling an all nighter because they forgot about the assignment. Content is lacking, storyline is tiresome, replayability is blah.