The real reason you hate GDKPS


Why do you think raid BoEs existed?

got him XD

GDKP’s were around in 2004 when classic first came out, you just give the gold to the ML and the ML gives you the item. if something happened, you could open a ticket and have the item sent to the right person.

Never bought gold.
love GDKP because I know its good for the longevity of the game

You werent there in 2004-06 when people just didnt do MC or BWL if they were AQ40 or Naxx geared because there was no incentive

2019 classic changed all that and people kept doing MC and BWL because they had an incentive, gold. The people who actually needed loot were now able to run the raid instead of it just not happening at all.

RMT is the villain you are looking for, not GDKP

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They are inextricably linked until you stop the gold-buying market.

GDKPS are awesome in a world in which gold-buying is penalized and bots don’t sell gold. That isn’t our world.


Except in this case Blizzard would be the car owner and it actually benefits them because people are paying them money to steal from the car? Idk make it make sense for me I guess.


During TBC poaching was rampant because nobody wanted to help new players gear up and guilds had to stoop to taking geared players from other raid guilds when they had attrition. GDKP keeps that content alive so people can actually gear up.

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IDC about GDKP personally, but pretending it doesn’t promote RMT and inflation is the real cope.


the popularity of the game promotes RMT as well. lets kill it then to prevent RMT as no one buys currency in a dead game! YEA! LOGIC!

This wave?

Have you played since classic released? Lol.

people who hate GDKP probably fall into the same category as those that blame rich people for all of their problems in life, when in fact rich people do a lot to make the economy happen at all.

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I hate GDKP because:

1- GDKP is invented and used by gold sellers as the easiest way to laundry dirty gold. Undoubtedly it’s number 1 reason for RMT.

2- GDKP monetizes the game. We don’t need that crap in our game. I don’t want your dirty RMT money and I don’t want to give you the money I gained by questing. Stop putting a price tag on everything.

Take your garbage GDKP crap out of classic.


Can we just Perma Ban the OP and anyone defending GDKP? They obviously CHEAT. Buying gold is CHEATING. If you can’t handle a 20yr old game and need to cheat…perhaps you’re playing the wrong game. Make better life choices.


You are delusional.

GDKP only contributes to the botting and gold buying problem…which is CHEATING. Permaban anyone Botting, gold selling or buying and GDKP and make the game fair and fun again.


I’ve tried GDKPs every other classic phase or so since 2020, and while it’s not my thing, I also don’t find they affected my experience much when I ignored them.

It seems that overall the two paths to be ‘competitive’ in PvE (keep up with loot each phase, parse or whatever that means for you) in classic is to join a guild or basically join GDKPs, which are more or less guilds with looser membership. They tend to be just as organized, have core members, etc., at least the ones running current content. Again I’ve tried both being a member in regular (DKP or thatsmybis based) guilds or join GDKP runs on my server (mostly Grobbulus) at different points and the experience during the raid is pretty similar, both can have drama or toxicity honestly, even if some people who prefer the more transparently transactional approach of GDKP think they avoid guild problems that way. Personally I don’t want to be so transactional in a social game, even with strangers, but that’s a matter of taste.

Now with respect to other PuGs, I doubt they would provide a better path to keep up with loot etc. if GDKPs didn’t exist, even if the raids are easy, compared to a regular run that spreads the loot or alternatively a loot currency around and thus smooths out the experience even after a bad run either on a performance or RNG perspective.

That’s if you want to keep up. For alts or in phases when I didn’t care to keep up I could run in random pugs which I find more chill even if they’re not efficient. So it’s about choosing a group vs. your (realistic) expectations of outcomes.

GDKP do give incentive to keep running certain content that would otherwise die out. Interested to hear all these people against it when they end up having 20 other armor types in their 40 man raid at 60 all needing the same pieces. I don’t personally do them but I see the value it can bring to people that are heavily reward driven.

GDKP don’t add gold to the economy so how does it inflate it. It’s a redistribution of already owned gold.

I don’t think that’s necessary though, since guilds would still run old raids through classic for those rare pieces of loot, or ZG for mounts or enchants. That kind of changed in WOTLK but they also introduced all those new currencies and titan rune dungeons that short circuited previous tiers. Again GDKPs are almost just an alternate form of guild organization.

I was there. it gets harder and harder to form groups at all for these raids when only a few people need loot or want to bring alts and theres no incentive for those who dont need anything to go. the run just doesnt happen at all

Well if it was impossible to do a GDKP there would be a more limited number of things to spend gold on (consumes, BoE loot, etc.), reducing the demand for gold selling services, and thus for profit gold farming. It makes sense although you can debate the magnitude of that effect and we don’t have the data to estimate it really.