The real reason you hate GDKPS

The more gold you buy the more gear you can get.

The literal definition of pay to win


Except, like I said, games are developed. Everything within them was made with an intention. In the original version of the game in the 2000s, most items from raids were intentionally made to be BoP to prevent them from being freely exchanged among players for gold. Loot master allowed 1 person to distribute items individually but once an item was dispersed, that was it. They also had to be relatively quick because the boss would despawn with the loot if it was not dispersed in a reasonable timeframe.

In 2019, with the intention to save money and time on CS inquiries, Blizzard relaxed loot rules for Classic so that items can be freely exchanged throughout members of the raid, regardless of it’s bind status. Players discovered that this made auctioning off each item much more feasible and began taking advantage of this change to make gold.

Just because players discovered a way to do something, doesn’t mean it was intended by developers nor something they should continue allowing if it is detrimental to the game overall.

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SoD will have the exact same fate as the other versions if it goes down the same path.

It takes change to make things different.


Correct. A completely broken economy and even more RMT because gold values for the almost-exclusive form of raid-gearing (GDKPs) will skyrocket


Or a different take here… They put out a flawed system that even the developers knew they should probably change going a second time around? almost like how any other piece of technology is developed? Hey we could make this car better by putting air bags in it in case people crashed.

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Except the developers stated that the loot rules were relaxed for the purpose of reducing the number of CS tickets made because of loot distribution errors.

Incase you want a reference: Loot Trading in Classic *updated*

No to boost buying. And as much as you might wish it weren’t true, it’s egregiously wrong to participate in a raid consumable transaction where most are priced under a gold… except that one guy with a discord linking to RMT sites is “mysteriously” finding buyers at 1,200g each.

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People stealing items out of cars in the bad area of town, then laundering them through a seedy pawn shop that knows they’re stolen goods doesn’t affect me directly either.

In either case, the indirect effects harm the community at large.


It completely breaks the economy and the fabric of grouping at cap. Guild runs disappear and it becomes an exclusive gdkp gearing system in which you need hundreds of thousands or millions of gold.

We have already seen this play out. This isn’t fear-mongering. This is what is going to happen.


Absolutely agree with you, but just like how cars were developed with air bags as an ADDITIONAL safety feature, people think well ill just leave my seat belt off because I have air bags. The point is you arent a developer and you dont know their exact intentions, because if you ask them I bet they will say we developed the game to let the people play how they want to play.


Why do you think raid BoEs existed?

got him XD

GDKP’s were around in 2004 when classic first came out, you just give the gold to the ML and the ML gives you the item. if something happened, you could open a ticket and have the item sent to the right person.

Never bought gold.
love GDKP because I know its good for the longevity of the game

You werent there in 2004-06 when people just didnt do MC or BWL if they were AQ40 or Naxx geared because there was no incentive

2019 classic changed all that and people kept doing MC and BWL because they had an incentive, gold. The people who actually needed loot were now able to run the raid instead of it just not happening at all.

RMT is the villain you are looking for, not GDKP

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They are inextricably linked until you stop the gold-buying market.

GDKPS are awesome in a world in which gold-buying is penalized and bots don’t sell gold. That isn’t our world.


Except in this case Blizzard would be the car owner and it actually benefits them because people are paying them money to steal from the car? Idk make it make sense for me I guess.


During TBC poaching was rampant because nobody wanted to help new players gear up and guilds had to stoop to taking geared players from other raid guilds when they had attrition. GDKP keeps that content alive so people can actually gear up.

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IDC about GDKP personally, but pretending it doesn’t promote RMT and inflation is the real cope.


the popularity of the game promotes RMT as well. lets kill it then to prevent RMT as no one buys currency in a dead game! YEA! LOGIC!

This wave?

Have you played since classic released? Lol.