It doesnt necessarily have to be a case of “special once it’s gone”. Mainly, it’s motivation. It’s not a case of “eh, I’ll just come back and stomp it when it’s easier” because… You can’t.
Played the heck out of legion because of the MT.
There is no recreating the challenge since Legion and artifacts are over. If they tore up the idea that challenge appearances would just come back then… time to sit around and wait instead of actually pushing to do it.
How many items or appearances in the game can be farmed for all time compared to those that can’t?
Though like many others I’d rather just see a new mage tower with new even shinier things. Then if enough feedback is provided before and during, you could maybe convince them to keep it in.
Trying to bring things back is harder…
Old mage tower = big % whine (no new content, wasted dev hours)
New mage tower = big % happy (all new content, no one misses out)
They removed the wrathgate. Don’t forget about the entire old world either… Blizz has been abandoning and removing content for many years. Didn’t they remove the whole ally/horde lead up to bfa? They also remove challenge mode MoP sets.
Exclusivity in games is a cancer, the whole “I was there” sentiment doesn’t work. Like cool you got it when it was current, sucks for everyone else who is stuck with the garbage looking mogs because they’ll never make a MT again. Why don’t they bring it back and even add to it, all you need is scaling so the fights are same difficulty as before. So the speshul people can feel speshul.
News flash not everyone could nolife legion or played only 1 char. I only got a few chances to try MT between work and insane grind back then, I could only play after well into the xpac with catchup. MT should be a perma challenge mode content, its awesome having solo content like that, I just wish I had more time to do it.
Exactly! It’s so weird they still havn’t allowed to people to go back and get those appearances because I would love a reason to go there and try it out for the first time (I never did mage tower in legion).
This is also the same for the legendary questline in pandaria for the cape - why the hell would you remove that in the first place? When I went to go and get it recently (cause bored) it just apparently doesn’t exist anymore. Like why?
What made MT great is there was no endless trash to farm, you just immediately fought a difficult boss. Easily the best design choice they’ve made, torghast is GARBAGE in comparison and will never be on that level.
Oh yeah, don’t get me wrong, I have issues with Torghast’s design - a lot of them. It’s practically the first draft of a ‘what if roguelike in WoW?’ - but having some sort of appealing reward structure would have, at the very least, eased the blow.
IT would be simpler to count the ones I don’t have. It was the only reason why I leveled so many toons,even the ones I did not like to play/speck wise. And I do not care Who/How/When someone get’s them. The real is this fake stuff means nothing but if it brings someone joy,good for them,I does not affect me at all (why would it this sht is not real) …
Just plan ahead and get the appearances you want in Classic Legion in another 10 years! You can then live out the dream of having Disco Kitty or whatever other mog you’re longing for!
Yeah, there some exceptions like the flails. I don’t like the flails, the physics on them is wonky and clip like crazy.
There’s countless maces and alternatives barring a few things is my point.