The real reason *they* deserve ZERO praise for changes

so bliz made garbage even being told it was garbage…then gives a joke story trying to legitmize the garbage.
Same song every expansion from what I can tell.


Meanwhile Blizzard laughs at people like you, since they can do anything and you’ll be ok with it.


THere is a saying my dad used to tell me when I would mess up and say sorry

" Don’t be sorry do better"

We aren’t asking for Blizz to be sorry , we are asking them to do better.

Better would be them listening to the feedback during the beta and fixing the problems prior to launch preferably. If not by launch then by the first x.x.5 patch and not nearly a year after the expansion launches.

I am glad they are finally adding the changes a lot of us asked for before launch but I’m not going to sing their praises for repeating a pattern they have been showing since the Legion beta.


:rofl: :rofl: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :+1: :+1:

I mean, you pay for something you hate and come up with this line? :rofl: You do get the primary troll in here has been unhappy for 3 years, posting the exact same stuff, and you think Blizzard respects them more?

You guys need to stop drinking the hater-aid and realize it’s entertainment, when it’s no longer entertaining you cancel. You carrying on paying to complain does nothing. The more who actually unsub will make those changes happen. At this point some of you are your own metric to them.

I don’t think Blizzard respects anyone here.


But be real here, would you keep paying for years while not being heard?

I don’t get it, I cancelled in BfA, I cancel at the end of Legion, it happens. But at what point should one stop and internalize that they keep feeding them money to be unhappy?

You’re assuming that these issues are the kinds of things that keep me up at night.

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Not you, others, some have been complaining non stop for 3-6 years.

Some you have agreed with here. Do you think you’d ever hit that point? Simple math, let’s go with the 3 year guy, sub at monthly for 3 years is 540, not including expansions. That’s like 6 AAA games.

I just don’t get it, voice your opinion sure, but going on for years just doesn’t make a lick of sense to me.

It’s easy to hate on the slumping design, its even harder to find a game where I can play as a 3 foot fox creature who swings an axe around.

Admitting that the team as a whole made a mistake isn’t groveling. We don’t want them to lick boots and beg in genuflection, what we don’t want is to spend another xpack cycle dealing with systems that are designed to aggravate you for no real reason, but them implying that covenants were implemented “well” doesn’t work as an assurance that it won’t happen again.


I doubt they designed them to aggravate.

I’m happy we even get expansions considering the game’s age. I’m sure some will say that they wish the next expansion was as good as SL after it’s out.

11,820 posts holy … I honestly feel bad for you. I truly and honestly feel bad someone literally spends their whole life on the World of Warcraft Forums, and not only that, you spend all your time defending the company.

Oh boy XD If I knew that when we were going back and forth before I wouldn’t of even responded. I didn’t know I was fueling an addiction.

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11820 posts? There are people on here with 5x that many posts and they’ll tell you that they “only post once in a while”.

Just look at it this way, imagine the the 9.1.5 blue post is for 9.0 launch instead of all the timegated contents we actually got then you realized SL launch could be so so much better and we could have all the fun stuff to play the way we wanted.

Lol when you have nothing else, attack someone for… using the forums? Nice one! You’re so cool!

I can’t imagine anything as pathetic as liking my own posts on alts but you do you.

He is the one going out and saying there is a ripcord and then having to admit there isn’t one when the backlash started developing.

Ion is the one that usually stirs up the most issues because what and how he says things tend to come off as a “screw you, I know better” tone.

He is the lead dev. He is the one that is championing the systems at the end of the day. He is the figure head and she should take 100% of the responsibility or else his position means nothing and he is just a puppet.

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You don’t even know how common this is. I’ve dug into this in various parts of the forums here. The CS forum is the worst, PVP is next and GD is third.

I don’t know about ZERO praise. That seems harsh.

However, I’m not bending over backwards to thank them for fixing something we all knew (and told them).

To me - we’ll see how the 10.0 beta goes.

9.1.5 doesn’t really prove anything, we’ve done this song and dance a few times (legion, bfa). If anything, this just makes me think more and more that there will not be a 9.3.

So yeah, 10.0 will be the proof as to whether or not this is truly a mind shift or just business as usual.

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This is most definitely business as usual. Gotta get those numbers up before the next quarterly meeting! After that, they will work on what to do next to get the numbers up for the next quarterly meeting. It is a cycle of trying to get numbers, not customers who enjoy the product.

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