The real reason SoD pvp sucks

The real reason SoD pvp sucks is that Blizzard decided to massively buff hybrid classes, who were powerful in their own right in original era pvp, but giving them the best new runes. Think starsurge for balance, lava lash for enhance, divine storm for ret paladins. The traditional pure classes on the flipside - mages, locks, rogues for example, did not get such powerful new runes. (Warriors, while technically a hybrid, also missed out due to their previous fotm status.) Because hybrids were already balanced for pvp after 2 years of patches by Blizzard, they gave them abilities to increase their PvE damage while not taking in account the PvP ramifications of these changes. So unsurprisingly the hybrid classes that were already good at PvP in vanilla are now completely busted.

I’m not entirely sure what the solution is, except to perhaps reduce rune damage across the board, but I’m sure people will complain about that in PvE next phase, as no one likes to see a loss of power. But if nothing is done then I fear by Naxx PvP will become a meta of who can press their one shot button the fastest.


LOL calling lava lash OP.

Agree with main point though, many runes are overtuned. Nerf them and give us resilience and more stam and problem solved.

Warrior main typing detected.

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PvP sucks because shamans are way overpowered. So alliance just re-roll horde.


the real REAL reason that PVP suxxx in SoD is because my boar has a 3-second taunt.

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its kinda op but only cause double rockbiter is

And before SOD everyone rolled alliance because of paladins. Perfectly balanced!

It sucks because it has WoTLK pacing with lvl 40 HP pools on an era client.

No one likes one shot metas. They kill pvp in MMOs, every time they emerge.




That literally never happened. Not in classic or SOM.

Dont go looking at the Hardcore servers. Definitely do not go looking at the faction population breakdown on the Hardcore servers.

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Yes it did. In SOM and HC everyone rolled alliance for salvation. In classic era hpal > all shamans for premades.

Enh definitely needs a damage nerf but it’s nice to see horde has the advantage for once.

lol 5 % of the player base, and it’s dead lololol good one

You’re not running Starsurge as a healer soooo too be honest druid needed good stuff we’re not even a real class on any spec in era, I have never seen a druid anything in any raid I’ve done in season of mastery and pro never will

i do. feels so good to oneshot or be one shotted.

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bowso more like downso.

stop with the alliance fanatism for once. everyone went alliance on hc because light of elune.

everyone was playing alliance on p1 because paladins were busted af.

SoM was busted with every server beign heavy alliance favored.


go cry me a river

No one cares about hardcore that was 5% of sweats. That is not a metric when it doesn’t even make up the population of one server. I understand math is not your friend and statistics is an afterthought. Embarrassing really.

Hard disagree, slow paced pvp is boring.

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buddy, i think you are not the sharpest tool in the shed. You clearly dont know anything about metrics or basic math. but go on thinking you know your stuff when in reality, you dont. have a nice day

also, you are ignoring the fact p1 was omega alliance favored.

SoM aswell

hc was not even close to 5%. it was so popular when it went live and the following months.

keep crying about horde beign the top dog, you are pathetic lmao

Imagine comparing hardcore to classic, som or sod…. Kid go back to school - literarily so unoriginal you have to regurgitate the exact same thing I stated. Literal parrot

As should be. Nobody, devs or players, care about PvP balance, they just want a power fantasy of one-shotting unsuspecting targets.

I’m not entirely sure what the solution is

Solution for whom? The people who cant be arsed to queue for AB since they got exalted from BM? The handful of randos who world pvp? What we need is more and better PvE content, pvPers will make do with whatever and dont matter, never have, never will.