The real reason SoD pvp sucks

I cant tell if this is trolling or if hes actually being serious

lol wut?

thats what ive been saying, hyrbrid classes are so busted right now its ridic.


legit i feel pity for people like you. Things are not going well in your life so you vent your frustation on a video game forum. pathetic.

Cool story.


purple class supremacy

It doesn’t have to be slow. It just can’t be light speed (what we have now). Era pacing is the way to do MMO pvp. What we currently have is closer to Wrath except almost no class has a defensive to combat it. So it feels like garbage for almost everyone

Again, this kills pvp every time. Always

this is a bad take. plenty of “pure” classes got really good runes and are doing just fine in pvp and pve.

i have said this before and will say it again …

the only thing busted about shaman right now is way of earth and dual rockbiter.

fact is way of earth is like giving only 1 class a full set of resilence gear (30%hp 10%dr 6%less chance to be crit) along with them doing very good damage.

the simple way to fix it is to make way of earth require a shield. BAM fixed without impacting pve (sorry dual wield shaman tanks).

i run wf /rb in pvp with shamanistic rage and i die just as easily if not more so to everything everyone else does even with all my tools.

there is no need for any nerfs at all other than making way of earth require a shield.

it is busted with dual wield rockbiter way of earth i freely admit it.

it is fine without it.

Did you play a lot of era pvp? People die almost instantly, in many cases. No different than what’s happening now.

Ive gotten 1.5k Lava Lash crits in PvP this phase.

Nah, only post Naxx. Which is when people stop playing Era because the gear in Naxx breaks the game.

Before Naxx, there is ample time to respond to anything in Era

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Go play Call of Duty then or another game for one shots. WoW should never be a 1 shot game. It makes all gear and etc pointless and irrelevant.

I did, and people didn’t die as fast we do now in SoD.

Tons of players care about PvP. What are you talking about?

why you necroing an 8 month old thread.

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Cause I want to. Get over it.

correction, Druids and Shamans were OP hybrids, paladins just sucked entirely. Now they are finally in a good spot and the horde just cant do anything but cope.

Wait… but pure enhance and lava lash both suck? :thinking:

Press X to doubt

yes. unironically pure enh is one of the worst pvp specs in the game currently.

like not even kidding .

edit to add:

most of the reason of why pvp sucks is the fact that clear outliers get to shine for way longer than they should (yes im talking about shaman too along with all the others this applies to) .

when people clearly call out classes and stuff for being notoriously op and nothing gets done it just breeds resentment and further pushes people to call for nerfs way past the date that they were op in the first place to make some specs of that class useless and yet people still call for nerfs cause thats what they do.

whereas if this stuff was handled quickly , people wouldnt just slide into old habits and call for nerfs over and over.