The real reason GDKP is attacked

I don’t think you understand that with GDKPs the gold goes to raiders and thus they no longer need to buy gold.

Thus gold sellers lose their main customers.

But we’ve spoken multiple times before and you have either no desire to think or just are purposefully in denial so I’m just replying to a bot at this point


The argument that GDKP’s are simply a better way to pug raids which is why people gravitate towards them isn’t really helping the argument that GDKP’s are bad.


No, Gold sellers gain their largest whale customers by far because they are willing to pay for vastly higher amounts of gold with GDKP’s than without.

GDKP’s give gold buyers the largest incentive to purchase gold in the game by far, far more than anything on the AH.

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Everything wrong with SR runs.

  1. Sketchy loot rules that screw over pugs.
  2. HR while in a SR of many items makes getting a SR going nearly impossible, and of those that do this they are usually trashy Raid leaders who have no idea.
  3. Players tend to quit if their loot does not drop making the raid take forever because now you need more players to re-fill.
  4. Players typically do not know the 1 or 2 raid mechanics of the bosses who join SR’s.
  5. Players typically do not use / bring consumables to SR’s, and those that do often use them poorly.
  6. Players typically do not show up with world buffs or use chronoboon wisely in SR’s.

As a result I would rather just play with a REAL guild, because pugging is painful in SR’s, I cant think of a time when these have ever been good.


They’re ‘the better way’ because swipers can just buy gear with illegal gold. And non-swipers get the gold from swipers.

It’s a legal way to get illegal gold.

The problem with your argument is that GDKPs are 0-sum ledgers. The gold has to come from somewhere. If you make a substantial net profit over time others are net buyers. GDKPs don’t remove the necessity for someone to farm things in the world.

It’s not that they’re vastly superior, it’s that gold buyers who are willing to pay 10k gold for an item makes the reward greater than anything else because it’s cheating.

You can’t out do cheating by playing fair.

No because GDKP hosts can undercut the gold sellers, so they also lose the whales. Also the whale needs to get into a group which is usually harder than actually getting gold.

By being anti-gdkp you are 100% supporting the majority of gold sellers.

GDKPs create gold. Gold is farmed explicitly for GDKPs. Without that system, that gold isn’t created and sold. It’s not just transferring gold.

Except they are, the reason people do them is because they simply tend to have better success rates and less drama than other pug runs.

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What you’re saying makes no sense, without gold buyers the payouts from GDKP’s aren’t worth the effort.

Only with gold buyers are GDKP’s better, without them they’re not.

That’s why every GDKP requires dedicated “buyers” before they start.

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This is another place you are 100% wrong, without buyers the payouts would likely be bigger relative to the cost of consumes.

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Inflation on a server is 100% the cause of Gold buyers who use the gold for what they like.

We have just above compared the very stable prices on Whitemane who’s a 4 years old server VS the new “FRESH” server Night Slayer who’s new and yet has nearly identical AH prices…

Amazingly the inflation is this massive in such a short time meanwhile GDKP is FULLY banned on Night Slayer; I see no correlation between GDKP and inflation or AH prices.

You can claim your lies till you’re blue in the face but the facts speak clearly that you’re wrong.

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The cope is unbelievable. It’s like they set aside all logic and common sense to try and justify GDKPs.

I had swipers yesterday claiming that gold sellers want GDKPs banned. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Seriously…where do they come up with his nonsense.

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Still roughly a year ago after GDKPs have been banned in SoD, there is people that still dont understand banning GDKP did nothing to curb RMT and botting…


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Gold sellers don’t care because there’s plenty of RMT regardless of GDKP’s.

Gold sellers are the main group behind the gdkp ban - they have the most to benefit.

GDKPs allow 95% of raiders that currently buy gold to become self-funded.

The inflation is far more when the entire playerbase is given that RMT bought gold laundered via GDKP’s, than if it’s only swipers buying singular items on the AH compared to purchasing every item in the game and buying more and more gold to do so.

What are you talking about, it makes no sense at all.

Yeah it makes no sense to blame GDKP’s when most of the RMT gold ends up on the AH.

This is why people laugh at you. The cope is insane. Keep seething. Just be honest: you want to get your gold cut from swipers. Everyone knows it.

You know that gold that the raiders are getting to be ‘self-funded’? That comes from gold buyers.

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