The real reason GDKP is attacked

Gold selling 100% creates inflation because the botters are not using the gold they sell it.

Gold sellers do not care about the inflation, they actually profit from it because as the demand for gold goes up the just sell more.

Maybe they want to keep the gold farmers in mop until they can add token to tbc era.

Have you ever had a bis main?

Most green toons you see in serious gdkps are just alts, and by the time it is naxx you will see at most 1 - 2 per run but often zero. Everyone tends to be near pre-naxx bis.

Now in fresh y’all anti-gdkp players can enjoy raiding with only subpar players while all the good ones just raid LC only.

Same and I betcha they hate GDKP because they’re either botters, sellers or coiners who could not afford to swipe for GDKP.


What’s crazy is in my opinion GDKP’s benefit the gold buyers the most by far.

It’s weird how GDKP supporters think that GDKP’s are somehow bad for gold buyers.

If you think at the same time that most of the raw gold input causing inflation is due to gold sales AND that gold buyers can’t afford to take part in GDKPs, you have to realize there’s a contradiction there.

I think there isn’t inflation on whitemane because the population is stable or slightly declining and not booming with levellers. There was inflation when SoM merged because of the massive input of players and their banks. Simple.

The dude in full greens is actually the alt of a dude in full bis who just wanted to raid more.

Y’all are cracked.

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Because the items get too expensive that buying the gold becomes ridiculous…

I don’t think that many people wanna spend multiple thousand USD for a single gressil.

But with GDKPs naxx raiders get the necessary gold just playing the game - it becomes a DKP currency as intended that is also flexible enough for consumes and alts.

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Anything with gold is good for gold buyers.

Half your guild buys gold if you’re playing fresh.

Wait til pvp is out.

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So there’s these things called alts, they can get gold from their mains.

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I’m honestly starting to believe not a single anti-GDKP player has a main with average 95+ parse in naxx.

Not a single one.

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What’s the issue with people’s alts running normal runs and not GDKP’s?

I will not subject myself to SR / MS > OS with noobs - better things to do in life.


These guys don’t use logic and reason man. Good luck, they just hate GKDP and then go buy gold and then blame inflation on GDKP when really is them buying gold and paying too much on the AH that drives the problem.


Ok then don’t. What’s the issue?

Gold buyers and sellers convinced noobs that GDKPs are bad and the pug system I enjoyed got banned.


Noone said there was one.

I have never seen GDKP players insist everyone should run them.

GDKP’s got banned for numerous reasons for them being bad for the game, they directly benefit the gold buyers the most, so I don’t get your point on that.

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Or it is evidence that yes, it is working how they want it to.
So that kind of covers the following:

GDKP’s became the de facto required PUG system because with gold buying and RMT they have a much greater reward than anything else in the game by far.

That is a big issue in and of itself.