The REAL problem with modern WoW?

Got it.

You can solo to max in Classic. Thats no big deal.

You can solo to max in retail. THE WORLD IS ENDING.

Its not apples and oranges. If anything its Granny Smith Apples and Fuji Apples. We are both talking about apples. Just one side is trying very hard to explain why their apples are different.

And I disagree that its highly inefficient to do so in classic. I find running through quests as an incredibly efficient way to get xp. Much more efficient then sitting in town for an hour trying to put together a group for a dungeon.


Sure. But for many of those quests it’s still more efficient to group for quests as well.

Also, sitting in town begging for groups is for retailers trying classic out. Get a guild that understands that social > solo.

Sometimes. I was leveling a hunter. I started declining most, if not all group invites. It just slowed me down.

Which makes sense since your playing a hunter and you have a mindset to rush.

But at least you have a choice

Modern wow isn’t a MMORPG, it’s a glorified collection game.

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I definitely have the choice for leveling with people in retail.

Only if you don’t know what a MMORPG is. :roll_eyes:


But not the need

And thats my point.

There is not a need to group with classic either. its a choice in both classic and retail.


Come on Akston you’re being obtuse. You chose arguably the best solo class and a mindset for your argument.

Technically you could probably level solo as a protection paladin in classic as well. It would be hell on earth but I suspect you could do it.

You could certainly do it with some pals who will help you.

There’s not a class in retail that can’t easily level110-120. It’s degrees of ease

World PvP was never fun, even in Vanilla. After 6 years of being on a PvP server I switched to a PvE server, and couldn’t have been happier The last 9 years on a PvE server and being able to CHOOSE when I PvP (mostly BGs) has been the best thing for me.

The next time I’m in an argument about how a scaling world makes sense, I’m going to use this.

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I guess I don’t see it as obtuse.

“You are absolutely required to group in classic to level!”

“no you arent”

“You are being obtuse!”

I feel like that is how this conversation is going. Is it easier to level in retail solo? Maybe. I find leveling through dungeons in retail can be much faster at times.

I am saying both options exist. You are not required to group in Classic, regardless of how often people tell me that I am.

I guess I just feel words have meanings, and when a person uses words, I apply those accepted meanings to the words. If people don’t mean “Grouping is required in Classic”, maybe they shouldn’t say it.

In a text based conversation, where nuance and other social cues which typically invite an implied meaning are missing…I tend to stick with the words actually being spoken.

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Problem 1 is I don’t assume everyone on the other side of the keyboard has aspergers.

Problem 2: I didnt speak in such absolutes anyways

Canonically our characters have slain famous villains and become the “Champion of Azeroth”. I consider that an impact. Does that delete a boss from the game? No, but that’s not really how you’d measure impact in an MMO

You didn’t fight that old world god alone. You did it with 39 other of the strongest adventures your faction could muster with a literal army at your back.

But that doesn’t mean out in the jungle, a wild boar or savage cat couldn’t take a lone adventurer 1v1.

You could also make the argument that when the giant sword in the sky nearly cut azeroth in half, that every wild boar or cat that survived was empowered by the azerite fall out and/ or the struggle for survival that it created.

I’m sorry if you said anything of value after this because I decided to stop reading. The Alter is totally there, but the game is still a MMORPG no matter what elements you don’t like.

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In 10th grade, maybe.

And it’s certainly shorter than 30 minutes.

Psht so minimal, and everyone’s called that because they can’t actually say everyone’s character name in game. How do you not know this?

Good for the few sellers who would rather charge extortionate prices in order to cheat the few whales who are desperate enough to pay such prices.

Totally bad for the economy that a handful of players are permitted to destroy it for personal gain.

Are you trolling or …? Early quests say “adventurer”, or “class”. Then it progresses to “hero”, now it’s “champion of azeroth”. Obviously I know it doubles as a limitation because they can’t voice act our names. There is no debate, canonically our characters are incredibly heroic figures and famous in the game.