The REAL problem with modern WoW?

No im serious, they literally only call you that because it’s easier than making an AI that pronounces everyone’s name in the game.

The fact that you’re denial about this only emphasizes how seriously I should take your opinion as a fact. I would use more derogatory terms but I’m really trying to keep a clean jacket.

So I didn’t watch the video, but I tried reading the google docs. And I vehemently disagreed with just first premise the author made that it colored everything afterwards. But with that said, I pretty much disagree with almost every premise and arguments that the author had made.

The fundamental thing about the portions that I read and skimmed through is that the author is making the same mistake that some other MMO’s I played (like FF14 and TOR) made - they’re trying to reinvent the wheel for the sake of reinvention. What the author brings up, like the golden egg that spawns every 10 minutes example, have been tried and rejected.

Why? Because it’s an MMO.

MMO’s are designed so that hundreds or even thousands of people can play in the same area at the same time. It’s not designed for a dozen people. In vanilla, you had world bosses that spawned rather infrequently that only one raid group could tag. Until MoP, they tried to increase the spawn times until it was almost immediate, but they still went ahead with anyone attacking getting a tag.

Why? Because unless you shard down the servers to hell that there’s only 100 people playing on that server, you almost always have too many people waiting around for an objective. This is a video game - WoW’s gameplay most of the time is going around and killing stuff. There is zero gameplay value in waiting around for things to spawn or for you to get a tag or open something up before waiting 10 minutes (or hours in vanilla) for it to spawn again. It’s not only a regressive gameplay, but it’s a player-losing gameplay when you have a MMO with a large playerbase.

The thing is, no matter how much people claim WoW is declining, compared to any other MMO’s out there, even the successful ones, WoW is still the 800-pound gorilla in the room. We NEED personal loot. We NEED the quest items to be there even if someone else looted it a few seconds ago. We NEED the tags to be shared. Otherwise, this game will be nigh-unplayable.

I am thunderstruck by your idiocy. Not only did I acknowledge the intentional choice of the devs to go from “adventurer” to “hero” and the multiple reasonings behind it but the story literally has the player character in lore as a champion slaying villains. I’m afraid your brain is damaged beyond repair.

Spoken like a true self centered idiot. Listen if the game revolved around us, the players, they would’ve made it obvious that it does, but in the perspective of Azeroth, the NPCs really don’t give a crap about us. The world doesn’t change because said players does said things. Your existence in this made up world is acknowledged about the same as mine.

Think, why would a player that simply gathers herbs and rocks all day long simply be rendered as a “champion”?

You have no idea what you are talking about. Shared mob tags, shared nodes = boring game. What is the point of playing an online game if you don’t have to interact with other players? I swear the people left playing retail just must hate MMOs.

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Negative experiences are part of life mate, having those things mirrored in WoW for gives the game more spice.

Yesterday in Classic, I fought a Tauren Warrior over an iron node in Desolace and I had so much fun battling for that node. Retail, this would never happen. People that want unique share mob tags and nodes don’t want to play MMOs.

Fighting over resources with the opposite faction as well as your own can be fun. It forces player interaction.

We’re just talking past each other. I am saying, in the LORE, In the STORY OF THE GAME, the player is a notable hero. I didn’t write it, I’m not saying it’s good, I’m just telling you what the actual game says.

It’s a single-player game with optional multi-player functionality.

Wikipedia, I’ll highlight the important part. That entire interacting part is OPTIONAL in current WoW. Yes, the game is SINGLE-PLAYER unless you OPT IN to the MMORPG PART. WoW didn’t start this way though. By your definition it could be a sports game because you have optional sports tournaments in it.

As in all role-playing games or RPGs, the player assumes the role of a character (often in a fantasy world or science-fiction world) and takes control over many of that character’s actions. MMORPGs are distinguished from single-player or small multi-player online RPGs by the number of players able to interact together, and by the game’s persistent world