The folks that take the time to just be rude to those that want to use their pet really are not worth replying to or worrying about. Blizzard wants MM to not have the traditional pet, but they won’t remove the pet more than it already is gone because someone was unnecessarily rude. Tell Blizzard how you feel, its all any of us can do.
Only M+ and mythic raiders, need to make a clear distinction to that… I consider high ranking PVP high end content and they mostly, if not all use pet, losing one is losing valuable asset that is not getting a good replacement
This is oversimplification, trying to tie everything as appeal to emotion.
you are ignoring, casuals, solo and pvp players, its not just “emotional attachment” to a pet, tis about the RPG part of wow and how you interact with the class and spec you play, how it feels to actually enjoy questing and other content for whatever reason you want.
Turn back the decision, and dont remove pets at all.
A lot of what you quoted, the person putting people’s opinions into categories and applying content types that they probably do. It might be fairly accurate for a decent amount of people, but there’s certainly going to be Fringe users for pet or not pet preferences. Which sounds a lot like a reason to just keep the pet very basic but optional. It’d be nice if they would just have the pet be optional, so we can talk about all the talents that changed which is the core gameplay for the spec that should be being discussed.
This doesn’t seem right to me. If we ask 100 top end MMs
Would you rather have a stun that does not require LoS and cannot be interrupted by roots/cc that you can 100% reliably every time set up your own trap - or ability to defend flags and send a pet to a healer trying to drink
Like I can’t see any high end pvpers not absolutely loving this change? Maybe people who run primarily battlegrounds or blitz but even then there’s so many benefits to being able to actually use your pet utility and not seeing errors about your pet being in roots etc.
Maybe I’m alone, but as someone who primarily pvps in arena the changes are a huge qol improvement.
I want all the potential downsides of having a pet in exchange for the upsides. It’s true that pets aren’t as necessary as they once were, which is why this issue is sort of a microcosm for how retail WoW has lost its way over the years.
Content shouldn’t be so trivial that pets could be seamlessly yanked away. Now we’re left with just another bland ranged caster without its iconic ability which demands virtually no mental prowess on the part of the player. Like there isn’t enough homogeneity as it is. This game has become like eating stale crackers over the years and this is another step in that direction.
how do you design content like this when most specs in the game don’t have a pet though? you can’t design content to require pets when more specs don’t have them.
aimed shot is not going away? neither is rapid fire. surely you aren’t saying pets are THE iconic ability for marksmanship…
Are we removing pets from all other specs as well? Some classes can do it more easily than others. This inequality is a tradeoff of the class you pick.
Pets are the iconic ability for the entire class, yes. Unless you think waiting for a progress bar to fill up is iconic.
I think we have to agree to disagree because I don’t think anyone that plays the game associates pets with marksmanship hunters.
Except for all those hunters, in this thread and others, saying that they do.
Except for Blizzard, saying that pets are part of being a hunter and are forcing a pet onto MM that cannot be changed.
They associate animal pets with hunters, of which marksmanship is a subset. I’d go as far as saying pets are associated with hunters in the mainstream even by people who don’t play at all. That’s what being iconic means. Its iconic ability is certainly not waiting for a bar to fill before shooting a beam of light which is something basically every other class does.
I’ve already suggested this in the main feedback thread, but I’m going to bring it up again here.
Blizzard should add a Grimoire of Sacrifice type function to Dismiss Pet that grants Predator’s Thirst, Endurance Training, or Pathfinding as well as the corresponding command spell to the hunter depending on the pet’s current role (Ferocity, Tenacity, or Cunning). As well as a 5-10% damage bonus for doing so.
Boom, utility has been decoupled from the pet, and petless MM hunters now have access to the very same utility that other hunters have without needing to call a pet at all, everyone wins.
And these are the players you design specs for. The people playing them.
Not trying to simply be contrary but I definitely am ‘anyone’ and being blunt, I am simply asking to let me play my way, not someone else’s vision of how it ‘ought to be’. Currently I can, you can, we all can. Shortly that option will be taken away from me and it makes it simply less FUN to play the spec. Remember fun? Not ‘optimal DPS’ but just something you enjoy? This is what I enjoy and leaving it as it currently is harms nobody. Taking MM pets away did not get my ‘vote’ and indeed I wasn’t allowed one. I respect you want to play MM hunters differently from how you do, but why does that mean I can’t? Too much is made of ‘efficiency’ in the name of end game content and pinnacle players. I have no quibble with those who want to do this content. I don’t find it enjoyable and want what I want. Nobody decries the endless other specs whining that someone else needs to be ‘nerfed into the ground’ or ‘buffed’ even though the final tally is Blizzard will do as it pleases regardless. What’s ‘optimal’ simply isn’t a valid talking point to me, what I actually enjoy is. It’s no more complex than that.
Interestingly, there used to be something sort of like that:
Between patch 6.0.2 and patch 7.0.3, Lone Wolf allowed the hunter to apply one of several raid buffs, corresponding with the buffs available to different pet families at the time:
Lone Wolf: Ferocity of the Raptor increased critical strike chance by 5%.
Lone Wolf: Fortitude of the Bear increased stamina by 10%.
Lone Wolf: Grace of the Cat increased mastery by 550.
Lone Wolf: Haste of the Hyena increased haste by 5%.
Lone Wolf: Power of the Primates increased strength, agility, and intellect by 5%.
Lone Wolf: Wisdom of the Serpent increased spell power by 10%.
While that wouldn’t exactly work in the current WoW, it’s neat to look back at what once was and see plausible solutions to the problems of now.
I vote we bring this back into the game and rename it to “Apes Stronk Together”
I cant see then not disliking losing an asset to attack enemies on comand to do all the stuff they do live
If your only thing is that the stun would not require LoS, it can be done as a buff to territorial instincts
I would rather have the tun the way it is and have a pet to do stuff
I said this in another post:
They really need to leave these massive changes to classes and their entire identities to an expansions release to give them an entire pre-alpha, alpha, and beta testing cycles to fine tune them.
Slamming these massive changes into the first major patch of this expansion… Really isn’t going to go well. Especially when you’re introducing something as controversial as removing pets that the class/spec has had the option of using/having and customizing for the past 20 years. You can’t just, at the flip of a switch, remove something that a player has grown attached to and is as much apart of their character as their name/race.
The thing is, I can do this now without having to change my spec. And I don’t particularly care for BM or SV playstyles. I’d like to keep playing MM, which I’ve done for most of the time this game has been out.
Like using a tank to solo group quests or bigger elites, it’s just plain easier to hav ea pocket tank compared to petless classes. I’ve done T8s on MM Hunter, UH DK, Frost Mage, Fury Warrior, Feral Druid, and Ret Paladin. I’m still gearing up those last two, but my MM Hunter is by far the easiest one to do these on.
It’s easy to say the same thing towards people who seemingly hate the idea of MM even having access to pets, even if they were made completely optional.
Probably are, given now MS affect won’t apply to things that run around a pillar and get full heals.
If a pet was an option while keeping the utility on the eagle, everybody wins. Did your pet manage to get summoned, not be in CC, and stay nearby? Yes, you may tell it to smack the enemy clicking the flag. If no then your no worse off than if the pet doesnt exist.