The rating system...who built it, youre fired

other healer has to heal them too and is apparently doing better than you, sounds like a you problem

im not the problem 85% of the matches go 3-3
a win get me nothing and one loss loses me nearly 100…how do you not see a problem here?

link your priest and i guarantee ur win loss is not above 50% from going 3-3 over and over again

theres not a world where a 2-4 loses you 100

one sec let me change characters.

so…how do i look my record up?

you have a below 50% win rate at one of the lowest possible mmrs, that’s not a teammate problem, that’s a you problem


but you said it wouldnt be near 50% its almost exaclty 50%…

3% is a very large number in terms of climbing the ladder over time

i guess im failing to understand your point…i did play a shtload of games today for 0 rating…i lost a few in a row and went from 1324 to 1100…i dont understand how that makes sense. at a nearly 50% win rate i shouldnt be losing that much rating if im playing 20 games, breaking even in almost all of them and losing 3…i should not be losing rating

Why? You’re costing yourself uptime and DRing your own fears.


While some matches may be outside your control it isn’t conducive to self improvement to write off the majority of your matches as unwinnable. :dracthyr_heart:

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because you’re playing against other competitive players in a competitive game and losing in a competitive game leads to rating loss

beat better players = higher rating

you are not beating better players and the system is placing you in the bracket with similar players to your skill

going 3-3 is not winning a match

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its not losing either…so the majority of my day was spent not losing…and i am like 200 points lower than when i started today.
lol…something makes no sense here. if i would have stayed even id be more inclined to just agree with it but…there is no reason to play this for anything other than rng entertainment at this point…8 hours…3 losses…over like 50 matches…and im apparently trash. ok. sure.

you have more 2-4s than 4-2s and the system is is placing you lower until you start winning more games

not that hard to understand


ok fine…i agree…cool. enjoy your game.


ten characters

? lol…and?

You went 47-3 today and lost rating? That’s unfortunate.

The MMR system sucks, but it’s not the reason why you’re hardstuck 1100…