The Ranger General Is Back!


good lord what is happening in here

All she did was think lol. We don’t even know what she thought.

Blizzard should continue with this redemption arc. Sylvanas was originally a good character, her motivations made sense and while she was capable of evil she was never “evil” or a generic “ooh I kill” villain.

Hopefully this cinematic is Blizzard realizing they’ve royally botched her characterization for the last two expansions and starting to backpedal.


Shame Saurfang died in BFA. He could have really used an expansion as the pragmatic, if idealistic, warrior that he was from Vanilla through Legion. Instead of the gigantic bloviating crybaby hypocrite that BFA made him.


I love her struggle. We see it with the Forsaken, Blightcaller and her sisters.

I hope they DBZ him back.

Part of me would like it, but another part of me thinks they won’t. His talk with Anduin and his duel were genuinely good, as was Old Soldier. I kind of think it’s better to just let him be the Horde’s second Grom-esque martyr and move on to newer characters. Bringing him back would only be hamfisted, and honestly, he’d have alot to answer for himself considering the role he had as the orchestrator of Teldrassil’s invasion.

I think that Saurfang was well handled in BfA. He’s old, he’s lost his son – he’s not the same orc he was in Vanilla. Progression is real.

I have trouble understanding how Saurfang fans could be upset with his depiction in BFA. It was beautiful – easily the best part of the expansion. I can understand how people can be upset we didn’t see more of him earlier on and that years of characterization was crammed into one expansion (wow has this flaw with almost all characters sadly) – but his characterization and role in BFA were great.


I agree with most of this, though I’m angry that he died. Blizzard just cannot go an expansion pack without killing one (1) Horde racial leader (minimum).

(I hope that this expansion’s Horde death is Baine.)

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He’s decent until the siege of Lordaeron. He dealt with the guilt surrounding Teldrassil and his service to the horde in Old Soldier. For him to give up AGAIN after that and try to commit suicide by alliance is bad writing. Him refusing to leave his cell and then having a cutscene where this beaten down demeanor is repeated is just icing on the crap cake.

After Anduin lets him free, his involvement with the story is kind of nonsensical, Zekhan appears to you somehow knowing where Saurfang is and that he’s about to be killed and then you side with him and let him free. It’s implied he puts Eitrigg up to recruiting the Mag’har(somehow) and then he shows up to help free Baine.

His speech with Anduin is genuinely decent as is his Mak’gora with Sylvanas, the problem is, the entire middle section of the narrative involving him is crap. He shouldn’t have been trying to suicide at Lordaeron, he should have attempted to Mak’gora Sylvanas then and there. There were about a hundred different ways they could have had the same rough story while letting Saurfang keep his dignity as a character, they didn’t do any of them. Because Blizzard’s writers were genuinely lazy during the entirety of BFA.


you’re right, he would have a lot to make up for.

I just hate that he was schooled by Anduin about honor and how he didn’t seek salvation from Horde related characters like Drek, Thrall, Rohkan, heck anyone that wasn’t drinking Sylvanas kool-aid. Baine would have suggested he sought guidance from Anduin or Jaina but that would have been better than nothing.


I just want him to be freed from the Maw (along with everyone else being tortured there) and reunited with his son.

I’m almost 100% positive that they will be free the maw by the end of the exp. One way or the other.

Strange that he hasn’t appeared there, yet. I figured we’d have at least one scene of Sylvanas interacting with him. By that same token, where is Nathanos? He said Tyrande would just send him to Sylvanas, yet he’s nowhere to be found. I wonder if this is a plot thread for later.

to have the same story again and again? Na, pls, i know, bfa was bad, sl its not so much better, but no, not again, not again should a playable race be able to destroy another playable race. It was bad enough in the first time.

think about it, how would that end? The night elf destroy orgrimmar, killed many orcs etc.

after this event, the horde want revenge too, in response they destroyed…no idea, ironforge, and after this event the Alliance want revenge again, it would be end really really bad.

teldrassil is no excuse to make the world worse.

I’d like to think he’s stumbling about looking for his head, and that anyone else that died like that had to do the same for a while.

by Sylvanas, as everyone here on the forum predicted.

Because he’s the golden child of wow. The wonder boy. The little miracle.

I’m sick of it. Can Anduin even do anything wrong? Oh right. “I feel pain in my bones when I do something bad”. That’s a very neat way of saying “I’m the favorite of the writer so the story bends around me”.


one writer…one, Danuser liked sylvanas and nathanos over everything else :wink: Golden like Anduin and Baine over erything else

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Hey man, I’m glad you’re happy. She’s deserves that happy ending. Those apparently many thousands she condemned to the very hell she holds the Arbiter in contempt for, deserve nothing less than to be ground down into fine soulcaine. I wonder what snorting Souldust is like?