The Ranged Attack Power buff is a change, not a bugfix

Yea I knew it was melee only, I give hunters kings or wisdom when I run by them on my pally.

Some ask for might not knowing it’s melee only.

Yes. And that was wrong/bad/dumb for it to be that way. It should be just attack power, and it should work on hunters.

Then again, I also think Hunters should have had energy as a resource like rogues. So what do I know.

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for warriors and rogues, yes. but for hunters it wasnt working correctly at all.

onyxia and fengus buffs says literally “increases attack power by X”. every point in attack power adds 1 point in melee attack power and 1 point in range attack power for hunters.

the buff didnt added any point in range attack power despite saying the opposite. now its working properly.

if it was a right move from blizzard or not is another discussion

That’s pretty huge actually… There is no single piece of gear and likely not even 2 pieces in combination that would give that kind of increase. That’s like a t2–>t3 full set increase.

Too late for that.

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Classic is no where near vanilla right now anyway.

Mine as well make it a better game, cause this is not vanilla wow. It’s classic wow, and though they are similar. Classic has a few things that make huge impact, mega servers, xrealm bgs, early stages of layering, and more.

The no changes is stupid at this point. It’s just to keep balance away from classes that need it. The changes have been made at release. It’s not a remake of vanilla, it’s just classic.


imagine hating something that benefited you KEKW.

Your trying to argue that a bug prevented hunters from doing better at the end of the expansion. While all hunters cried that there dps didnt scale going into Naxx. In reality it was supposed to. However, the team at the time let it go to fix it in TBC.

You can call it a change but the change was intended FOR Naxx during classic. It was just broken.

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It doesn’t matter who the change benefits or might harm. Putting the buff into a TBC state while we are still in a 1.12.1 state is adverse to the entire purpose that was given when we signed the petition for this thing in the first place.

It’s about the integrity and vision; when you lose that - you get cataclysm.

If you’d like I can change my profile to my rogue or hunter from vanilla if that would make you feel better. You can go through my achievements and everything.

You can’t change history. What happened - happened.


Blizz does not care

Its not my balance so i dont really care if hunters do better or worse.

Integrity… there is very little integrity in this game. Players have abused the knowledge we have about this game for integrity of the game to be fought over. And blizzard Hides behind the “no changes crowd.” After they released the game in a state that had no resemblance to its original release.

Integrity went out the window when they offered mega servers, let alone all the other crap they did at release.

See when you have 80k players on one server as opposed to 4K. It’s a lot harder for a player to manage those players who are taking advantage of the game in ways that are breaking to its integrity.

Afk in a bg while on a server where only 2k other players are on your side, your name gets out there pretty quick as an afk’er and you get vote kicked out of bgs. If you do anything in resemblance to this, you get listed, players police their own servers when it’s a smaller state.

When you have 80k players, it just gets to the point you can’t keep up with the cheaters, so either you join in, or don’t play. Blizzard made their policing job impossible, by not allowing smaller servers so they could do it on their own.

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It’s NOT a museum piece. It never was.

If the leaks are to be believed; you are wrong. Even if this is going to be a living game, classic+, we are still in the span of vanilla. There is no reason for this change at this point in time.

If they are adding this QoL change to hunters can pallies get their taunt too please? Oh and also give all +healing gear damage and healing too.

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I don’t need leaks to tell me whether or not classic has been a museum piece. It ALREADY has had a mountain of changes including layering, 1.12 itemization, modern client, and lots of changes along the way.


OP- I double dare you to drink an elixir of dream vision. Then get back to us about how you don’t want bug fixes.

Go on. Try it.

It’s not “another” discussion, it literally is the discussion.

If the goal is for things to be exactly the way they were, that should include warts and all.

I remember back in vanilla when people were buying thousands of gold for 50$ and 90% of runs were GDKP.