Its dying because raiding is to full of useless boring trash with no challenge. Bosses it takes to long to get back to if you wipe. Mechanics that are needlessly complicated just to spite World First raiders. Loot systems also designed to spite WF raiders that they get around anyways only hurting everyone elses fun. And a lock of importance in most of the fights. 90% of the stuff we murder in raids are fillers that we didn’t know existed until it was suddenly a raid boss. Did I forget anything? I bet I did.
If you’re doing normal, heroic raiding then that’s whatever. The real raiding is done by the mythic raiders. And their gear is always better than what m+ gives. Always. Trinkets, normal gear drops always have the best stats.
Honestly, I HATE the idea of M+ dungeons, they’re incredibly tedious. And therefore I unfortunately stay mostly undergeared. I’m also thoroughly SICK of the legendary items every xpac, it’s starting to wear on my nerves. I don’t understand why they are going in this direction, instead of the direction that made their busiest xpac. Cata. It was perfect through and through.
i think a lot of things other than loot ruins raiding for me in general. the trash, the prep, the run backs from wiping (i know soulstone but you should just spawn at the boss you’re progging)
fights are also so scripted, not really a complaint, it’s just the same thing every single pull. waiting for people to learn what to do.