The Raid is great, dont overkill the tuning

I haven’t had as much fun as I did in wow yesterday for a long time. The raid is challenging and engaging, but I definitely know its going to get tuned despite it all. Normal is difficult relative to past normal raids, however I wouldn’t mind it staying as it is, but knowing blizzard it will probably get tuned down a bit. Heroic kicks your butt. I love it

When you do go adjust the numbers blizzard dont castrate the bosses please. Tarvold and Torgahst were hotfix nerfed too strongly. I hope that won’t be the same for nathria


yeah. “overtuned” gets thrown around way too easily in this forum. essentially if it’s possible to fail at anything somebody here will claim it’s overtuned.


I like the fact the first 3 bosses, while probably the easiest of the bunch, don’t feel like participation trophies… even on Normal.

“You got a raid group together? Congrats! Here’s 3 pinatas for you to hit before the raid begins.”

We got 2 of them down, but we felt we earned it. Looking forward to clearing the wing, and then some, Thursday.


I understand that it might be frustrating for someone that can’t invest time or resources to overcome difficult obstacles but thats a natural consequence of challenging and engaging material. And its very rewarding when you and your team prevails.


I think what we need to understand is that we’re not walking into this raid with a full epic set of gear, trinkets, weapons ect. ect.

We’re going into this raid solely relying on M0 and PvP gear to be able to push us over and the reality is that the first raid is more than likely going to be a challenge because of that. As the weeks go on and players become more geared, the raids will be overpowered by pugs.


Tried heroic and Normal. Normal feels too close to heroic in difficulty and def needs some minor tuning adjustments.


I mean the whole goal of normal is that if you show up and don’t suck you’ll down the content. From that perspective it felt a bit harder than I expected it to be, but it’s the first raid tier and I honestly was not tracking how much dead weight we had (or didn’t). Also tuning for raid size could just be off.

The biggest complaint felt like that hunter DoT from 2nd boss. It hits like a truck. Kaelthas felt a bit redonk too, apparently guild got him after hours when some of us dropped and only 3 of those annoying adds spawned opposed to 6.


I’d have to disagree here, normal feels good, tuning it down would render it basically worthless like it has been the last few xpacs, I prefer the progression going normal-heroic-mythic, instead of the “anything lower than heroic is scrub tier” mentality thats been floating around recently.


I agree don’t tune down bosses, the difficulty is making this week fun.

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Asking for normal to be tightly tuned doesn’t make any sense.

Do the higher difficulties if you want more challenge. Frustrating lower skill players just chases subscriptions off, which we want so raids keep getting made.


1st time in a while that I’ve actually enjoy the 1st raid. Love it atm. Atleast I have to use some resemblance of a brain cell now as a tank.

Since the addition of Mythic Raids, Normal is essentially meant to be just that. Look pinatas for pugs.

There is no need for 3 progression difficulties.


Apparently the shade’s frontal on Sun King was hitting for heroic damage.

That’s a tuning problem.


It all comes down to gearing levels. This appears to be the current gearing system working as intended.

That’s LFR you are describing I think.

I think Normal is meant to be a normal raid - sure, it’s been watered down in Legion and BFA, but this feels like a return to the lower difficulties of Cata and earlier. You gotta follow the mechanics, you gotta pay attention, you gotta learn fights and not suck. You’ll be able to brute force it WHEN you overgear it, but not likely before.

Heroic is meant to be a step up from Normal - something 90% of invested players get to, maybe 50% complete, throughout the course of a raid’s tier.

Mythic is meant to be something 50% of invested, dedicating players get to, dip their toes into, eventually get 1, 2 or 3 down before slamming into a wall that only the most dedicated get past.

Can’t help but notice that I don’t see any healers in here saying how fun it is. I, for one, am not looking forward to raiding on Thursday, especially hearing about the absolute hell that Huntsman is for healers. Glad the Hunters are having fun facerolling their rotations though.


If your raid leader is putting it on the healers, you need a new raid leader.

Our raid leader was focusing on us. Mages, Hunters, Rogues - you need to Ice Block, Turtle, Cloak the arrow. They don’t have the mana for you.

You can’t compare current raid difficulty to Cata and earlier without considering the fact that there are now 2 additional difficulties.

LFR is for people who don’t like group content and want to solo play with no instructions.

Normal is for people who pug.

Heroic is for normal guild progression.

Mythic is for hardcore guild progression.

There is no real reason to break that formula. You will just alienate part of the player base.

Lastly, let’s not pretend that the first raid tiers in Classic, TBC, or Wrath were remotely difficult. Cata? I wouldn’t know.


The normal raid felt like a raid again

Compared to uldir where I made a learning raid and 1 shot every boss until zul and people had to leave so we called it

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I mean, I disagree… and I think Blizzard does too.

… all I can say is good luck pugging Normal for awhile, unless they nerf it into the ground. You’re really gonna need it.